.-*•~[Chapter 20]~•*-.

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"Adrien~!" The disgusting voice of Lila spoke and wrapped her arms around Adrien's. "Oh! Hey, (Y/n)!"

I faked a smile at her and turned away to only show disgust on my face as I walked away from the two. The school had allowed all students to take a break from studies and relax with their peers. I decided to walk over to where Luka was and hung out with him for a while.

"Is it really okay to hide your relationship with Adrien from everyone?" He asked, uncertain of the trouble I may be leading myself into.

"Everyone still believes some stupid rumors Lila Mae up, so I can't do much other than keep it a secret until they all lose trust in her..." I sighed. "I guess it can be a bad thing to hide, but we can't just get back together and reveal it to the public after I just came back."

Luka smiled a bit and embraced me gently in his arms. It felt strange, but it felt comforting, so I just accepted his embrace, but I didn't return it back as I didn't want people to think the wrong way about us.

Time skip~~~

Lila had wanted to talk to me after a while and I stupidly agreed to it. We were both heading to the girl's restrooms and when we were both inside, she forcefully pushed me against the wall and gripped onto the collar of my shirt tightly as she glared and smirked at me.

"Stay away from Adrien," she said harshly. "or else I'll have to make sure you never see daylight again."

She released her grasp and walked out of the restrooms like nothing had happened. I sighed and took out my phone to stop the recording: the recording I was going to expose her with. I walked out of the restrooms and Adrien suddenly came up to embrace me and buried his head in my shoulder as he squeezed me in his arms tightly.

"A-Adrien?" I stuttered from the shock flooding within me.

"I'm so sorry..." He said in a soft, hoarse voice. "I overheard what she said to you..."

I chuckled and pulled away from his embrace and caress his cheek with a smile on my face. "Let's go to the principal's office together."

"Huh? Why?" His eyes widened in shock a bit.

"I just need a break from everything is all..." I said and gave him a quick wink. "I just need someone to talk to before I leave school for a while."

"Ah, sure." He gave me his sweet, closed-eyed smile as he walked with me to the principal's office. "(Y/n), just know that whatever kind of situation we get into, please don't forget I'll always love you, okay? I never broke the promise of us getting married one day..."

He showed me the ring on his right hand and I showed him my left with a smile.

"And I've never forgotten too, Adrien..."

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