.-*•~[Chapter 7]~•*-.

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"What a coincidence to see you here..." A familiar voice spoke from behind me.

I didn't bother turning around. Just hearing him made my heart ache a bit, knowing that voice said sweet nothings to me once. I kept quiet as he walked closer to me and sat down, not far from where I was.

"How's it like being back in Paris?" He asked.

I could feel his eyes on me. Those damn emerald eyes are staring right at me.

"Fine." I said bluntly.

I don't want to talk to him, but it seemed like this was one of those chances where I can finally talk to him about my feelings, but my voice and heart say otherwise.

"How about school? And the ice rink we both went to earlier?"

"Also fine." I kept my eyes focus on the Eiffel Tower.

"Is Luka your friend? You two seem pretty close after you came back..."

"He is."

"Do you like him?"


"Do you... like-like him...?"


"..." He was silent after my response.

"Why does that matter?" I asked, still not turning my attention to him.

"I-It's just a thought I had." He sighed. "Do you still have feelings for me...?"

I stood up and was about to leave until he grabbed my wrist.

"Why have you been ignoring me? Did I do something wrong to make you hate me?" He asked.

I can hear the sadness in his voice, my heart aching as my head started spinning a bit.

"Please answer me!" He pleaded.

I moved my wrist away and hugged myself, holding back a few tears.

"Just leave me alone, Adrien..." I murmured. "Stop making this so difficult for me..."

I spoke before running off, his voice shouting at me in the distance to come back.

"I'm sorry but these feelings for you pain me too much. I can't even face you like how I used to anymore."

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