.-*•~[Chapter 5]~•*-.

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"Y/n! Wake up! You have school!" I hear the faint shouting from my father.

I opened my eyes and got up to get ready for the day. The only thing I was looking forward to was meeting everyone again. All their happy, smiling faces.

Time skip~~~

Everyone changed a bit since the last time I saw them. Luka was now attending school with us and kept a watchful eye on me, since he somehow knew about Adrien and what happened. My heart still aches thinking about it, but with Luka here, I think I might get over it.

"(Y/n)?" My name was called.

I jumped a bit and turned to Luka. It was lunch time now and Luka was eating lunch with me.

"A-Ah, sorry! I must have been spacing out for a moment..." I laughed a bit.

He chuckled and pat my head.

"It's fine, (Y/n). I was asking if you were gonna eat since your food might start getting cold." He smiled.

"Oh, right!" I exclaimed before eating my food.

He laughed at me as my face started burning up a bit. We talked for a while and met up at the ice rink after school ended. Sadly, to my surprise, Adrien was also there. Luka changed topics a lot to make sure my focus wasn't on Adrien, but I can't help but notice him in the corner of my eyes.

Luka sat me down on one of the benches, not too far from Adrien, and went to go get our skates. Adrien tried to do a bit of small talk, but I ignored him every time. Luka came back with our skates and helped me put them on, since it was my first time skating. I almost fell over a few times, but Luka was there to help me up.

"Keep yourself steady." He spoke calmly, guiding me on the ice rink as he held my hands in his.

I nodded with a small smile. I could tell he's been keeping my attention away from Adrien and that "Lila" person that just showed up.

"Hey, Luka...?" I laughed a bit.

He looked at me and hummed.

"Thank you..." I smiled, my face heating up a bit.

He smiled before turning away, his ears turning a bit red. I laughed and we spend the next few hours skating. After that, we went to get some drinks and walked home.

"(Y-Y/n)! Wait!" A familiar voice shouted from a far.

I jumped a bit and started walking faster, dragging Luka with me.

"(Y/n)?" Luka spoke with concern.

"I don't want to see him right now..." I mumbled.

Luka went silent before picking me up bridal style and started running.

"L-Luka??" I exclaimed and wrapped my arms around his neck to not fall.

He looked down at me and smiled. I feel my face heat up a bit before clinging a bit tighter, resting my head against his chest.

"Thank you, Luka..."

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