.-*•~[Chapter 3]~•*-.

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Moving Back


I walked up to Alex's front door and knocked. I heard a faint,"Come in!" from the other side. I opened the door and was greeted by his mom. She insisted on making something for me to eat.

"Ah! N-No thank you, Mrs. Anderson! I just ate before I came here." I gave her a reassuring smile. She smiled back.

"Alright then. If you ever need me, I'll be in the kitchen. Alex hasn't been eating lately so I'm sure you can talk some sense into him." She said and walked towards the kitchen.

I sighed and walked upstairs. I knocked on his door to receive no response. I knocked again.

"GO AWAY!!" He yelled out. He sounded upset.

"Alex? It's me.. (Y/n)!" I shouted and the door opened.

He grabbed my wrist and quickly pulled me in and locked his door. He quickly embraced me tightly, making me jump in surprise. I slowly hugged him back. He pulled away as tears formed in his eyes.

"What's wrong?" I asked in shock and cupped his face.

He didn't answer and just hugged me again. I pulled away.

"Alex.. I'll ask you again..what's wrong?" I said, a bit more sternly than before.

He stared at me and cried. "I never got the chance to say this before you left.." He started. "I've had feelings for you for so long... but when news came around about you having a boyfriend.. it broke me.. so much..."

I backed up in shock. "You.. loved me..? But Alex--!!"

"I KNOW WHAT YOU'RE ABOUT TO SAY AND--!! *sigh*.. I'm just being selfish..." He hugged himself as tears still went down his face. "I don't know how to love someone.. nor do I know how I truly feel.."

I quickly embraced him, making him jump in the process. "I'm so sorry, Alex.. but.." I pulled away. "I only love you as a brother.. nothing more.. I'm... sorry.." I said and walked to the door and unlocked it. I placed my hand on the frame once I opened the door. "I hope you find someone better than I can be.. I'm not the girl you're looking for nor in anybody's case.." I walked out and said my goodbye to Mrs. Anderson and went back home.

I quickly ran home and went upstairs to my room. I threw my bag on my table and laid on my bed. The speaker started playing suddenly. I sighed and started singing.

[[Play VIDEO as you READ]]

"Think I drank too much again. Looks like fun, but it's pretend." I sang and sat up. "Why do I try to fit in. When I just wanna go home." I stood up and started slowly dancing. "And I know this isn't like me. I just want people to like me. Got my glass up in the air. And I act like I don't care. And I take some, but I shouldn't. And say things that I wouldn't. And I'm just part of the crowd. But I feel better now so.." I sang and ran towards the balcony.

"Keep on playing that song that I don't like. I just wanna feel normal for the night. Keep on kissing that guy that's not my type. I just wanna feel normal for the night." I sang and sat down on a chair as I watched the sun start setting. "I should go, it's getting late. But I'ma keep dancing 'til I feel okay. So keep playing that song that I don't like. I just wanna feel normal for the night." I sang and stood back up and walked back inside my room. "Taking pictures in the dark. Smoke it up 'till I can't talk. Fooled myself, almost forgot. That I just wanna go home." My voice echoed as I sang.

"And I know this isn't like me. I just want people to like me. Got my glass up in the air. And I act like I don't care. And I take some, but I shouldn't. And say things that I wouldn't. And I'm just part of the crowd. But I feel better now so.. keep on playing that song that I don't like. I just wanna feel normal for the night. Keep on kissing that guy that's not my type. I just wanna feel normal for the night. I should go, it's getting late. But I'ma keep dancing 'til I feel okay. So keep playing that song that I don't like. I just wanna feel normal for the night." I sang at the top of my voice as tears started rolling down my face.

"I just wanna feel normal for the night. I just wanna feel normal." I calmed my voice down and laid on my bed. "So keep on playing that song that I don't like. I just wanna feel normal for the night. Keep on kissing that guy that's not my type. I just wanna feel normal for the night. I should go, it's getting late. But I'ma keep dancing 'til I feel okay. So keep playing that song that I don't like. I just wanna feel normal for the night..." I stopped as tears still rolled down my face.

"(Y/n)?" Two voices said in union.

"What do you guys want?" I said a bit harshly.

"Are you ready to go back?" My father asked.

I wiped my tears and sat up. I stared at the both of them for a brief moment and nodded. "I'm ready, Dad. I want to face him and get rid of this pain in my aching heart." I said and I clenched my fist near my heart. "I don't want to act like this is a dream anymore... This is something I want to face and make sure I don't feel it anymore.."

Element flew to me quickly and hugged my cheek. "Thank you, (Y/n).. but please.." she said and flew in front of me. "Don't hurt yourself too much.. ok?"

I nodded with a small reassuring smile. "I won't, Element.. I promise.." I turned to my father, who has a smile on his face. He came over and embraced me. I hugged him back.

"I'm glad you decided, my dear." He said and pulled away and cupped my face. "Now we can start over and forget what happened in the past.."

I smiled. "Yeah.."

'But will I be able to start over and forget everything..?'

Hello everyone! :D
Sorry if this was short :/
I promise the next one will be a bit longer than this one :)
I just wanted to say thank you..
For basically everything.
I never thought about going this far before..
Nor the fact that you all even like it :/
So thank you :)
Au Revoir ~<3

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