.-*•~[Chapter 15]~•*-.

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"So, Souris," Chat began speaking as we walked around town. "Is there a possible chance that I know your civilian form?"

"Pfft– I highly doubt it." I laughed, even though I knew the truth. "So how've you been since you broke up with Queen Wolf?"

"Terrible." His ears dropped sadly. "Life just isn't worth it anymore with her not being by my side."

I didn't know how to feel at the moment but I managed to smile at him.

"I'm sure you two will be together again if you just told her how you felt and what you're intentions for breaking up were." I did a small spin ahead of him, still smiling a bit.

"But she told me to leave her alone the last time we talked..." Chat sighed. "How am I supposed to talk to her if she told me to leave her be...?"

"I can try asking her."

"B-But–" He stuttered as his eyes widened in shock. "I-It's my responsibility!"

"It's fine, Chat." I laughed. "Let's report back to everyone else."

His face was a bit red, but he nodded as we left the area and back to our meeting place. Chat was silent the whole time while I talked to Ladybug about the patrol.

"Chat seems on edge..." I whispered to her after talking about patrol. "He looks so unhappy about everything that's been happening..."

"I thought you were over him already." She sighed. "I guess I wouldn't really understand since I'm still dating Nathaniel..."

I smiled a bit. "Maybe, but I'm not sure if he's telling the truth..." I sighed before clenching my fist. "I'm going to talk to him at his house."

"Why not at school?" She asked, tilting her head slightly.

I glared at her and she finally got the idea as a bead of sweat dripped down her forehead.

"Oh, right. HER." She said with an angry, annoyed tone.

I laughed before we all had to say goodbye and leave. Before I left, I saw something drop out of Chat's pocket as he dashed away. I picked it up gently off the ground. It was a bracelet with his name on it. I ran towards his house and used my tail to latch onto something so I could hang from outside his window. Seeing him enter his room, I knocked on his window, causing him to jump in surprised at he saw me waving at him with a gentle smile. He opened the window and invited me inside while asking who I was and why I was here.

"My name's Souris and I'm a new superhero in Paris!" I said in a cheerful voice. "I found this on the ground during patrol and saw your name it, so I came to return it."

I gave the bracelet back to him as he thanked me profusely for returning it. I laughed and was about to leave until he stopped me.

"W-Wait! Do you know (Y/n) (L/n)?" He exclaimed.

I was confused of why he would ask that, but I nodded at him. He handed me the bracelet back.

"P-Please give this to her if you see her!" He begged as he cupped my hands together as I was still holding onto the bracelet.

"Sure, I don't mind." I smiled.

I felt so happy for some reason, but I just brushed it off as something I always felt. I left after that and got home safely. Transforming back to normal, I looked at the bracelet in my hand. It was made out of beads that spelled out his name with a heart at the end and used a magenta string with a lock charm.

 It was made out of beads that spelled out his name with a heart at the end and used a magenta string with a lock charm

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