.-*•~[Chapter 16]~•*-.

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It was time for patrol after a long day of school. Chat was already there, so I sat next to him and smiled.

"Hey, Chat!" I chuckled once I saw his face. "You seem happy today."

"Oh, y-yeah!" He smiled with a stutter. "Queen Wolf was able to finally talk to me and we might get back together soon!"

"But aren't you still dating this Lila person?"

"Yeah, but I'm not really in love with her like I am with Queen Wolf..."

"Then why don't you just break up with Lila so you can be with Queen Wolf again?"

"I-I want to but–" He cletched his fists. "She'll kill her if I don't date her!"

I sighed and gave him a smile. "How about I have a talk with Lila? She doesn't know who I am since I am new to Paris."

"I mean, you can try but I'm not sure if she'll listen–" Chat got interrupted by the voice of Ladybug.

She landed behind us and gave me a confused look.

"Do I know you?" She said in a confused tone.

I tilted my head a bit. "Pardon?"

"Me and Chat Noir were supposed to be alone to talk about something."

"But I don't–" Chat spoke but I stopped him.

"You didn't tell me you and Ladybug had to talk. I would've left if you've told me." I said and winked at him.

This wasn't Ladybug. Her voice and facial expressions were different and why would she not know who I am when she was the one who gave me Mullo. Chat's eyes widened a bit before he got the idea and winked back at me.

"Oh, right! I must've forgot." He chuckled while rubbing his nape.

I stood up with a smile. "I'll see you guys later then! Just don't be late when patrol starts."

I jumped into an alleyway a few yards away from them to seem like I'm walking away before running back silently to eavesdropped on their conversation.

"So, what do you think of me, Chat?" LB's voice said in a quite happy and flirty tone.

"You're just a friend, Ladybug." Chat chuckled. "You should already know I'm dating someone by now."

"Y-You are??" Her voice said in shock.

I rolled my eyes and de-transformed as I climbed on the side ladder back onto the roof.

"Minou!" I grinned happily with my arms spread out.

Chat and LB turned around in shock and Chat's eyes sparkled as he ran up to me and embraced me tightly, lifting me up in the air as he spun me around in his arms with a big smile. I laughed as he set me down and pecked my forehead gently. I could feel LB glare at me, but kept a smile on her face.

"I missed you, Minou~" I sang as I wrapped my arms around him. "Souris brought me here saying you wanted to see me!"

"Of course I did!" He chuckled and turned to LB. "Ladybug, this is my girlfriend. Of course you would already know that since I told you last week."

"Y-Yeah. I remember." She laughed nervously.

Without hesitation, I ran up to her with a smile. Opening my arms wide, I wrapped my arms around her, causing the illusion to disappear. I sighed and turned back to Chat with a smile.

"Mari texted me earlier saying patrol was canceled for today." I laughed. "I guess we went through all this trouble for nothing."

He face-palmed himself and picked me up in his arms.

"I'll drop you off since you don't have your miraculous anymore." He sighed with a smile.

I flicked his forehead. "Did you forget I'm part angel and demon? I can fly."

He pecked my forehead again. "Not tonight, ma chérie."

I felt my face heat up as I huffed, but eventually gave in as he ran to my place. Landing on my balcony, he gently placed me down on my feet and de-transformed once we got inside my room with the curtains covering my windows. He fell backwards onto my bed, letting out a long sigh of relief. Plagg flew up to me and hugged my cheek, rubbing his head against my cheek gently as a few tears streamed down his cheeks.

"(Y/NNNN)!" Plagg cried, making me laugh. "I MISSED YOUUU!"

"I missed you too, Plagg." I smiled as he flew towards my kitchen in search for some food afterwards.

Adrien stood up and wrapped his arms around my waist and placed his forehead on mines gently, staring into my eyes lovingly. I chuckled and pushed him away gently, waving my finger at him.

"Not now, Adrien." I laughed. "Unlike you, I'm not easily swayed by my hormones."

He pouted, but embraced me anyways. He smiled and laid his head on top of mines.

"I'm so happy to have you in my arms again..." He spoke softly.

I felt my heart flutter as I smiled, embracing him back as I laid my head on his chest, hearing his heart beat loudly in my ear. "Me too, Adrien. Me too."

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