.-*•~[Chapter 23]~•*-.

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"Uhm, Chat? Aren't you being a bit... protective of Souris right now?" Rena Rouge stared at both me and Chat as he had his arms around me and his head on mines.

"But she's cute~" He sang as my face grew warm. "And she's all mine!"

"I know she's cute, but that's not an excuse to be so touchy, my dude." Carapace crossed his arms as he stood next to Rena Rouge.

"G-Guys, calm down." I laughed awkwardly and slip out of Chat's grasp. "And Chat, I don't belong to anyone except myself."

"That doesn't explain the kiss you gave me three weeks ago though~" He smirked, letting out a purr.

"WHAT!?" Everyone exclaimed and stared at me in shock.

I roll my eyes and lightly scratch his chin, making him purr more as he smiled in delight. "It is true that I kissed you, but as I told you, I was feeling the moment because of the atmosphere and my feelings being played with by how adorable you are."

His face turned red as he looked away to hide his face. "How can you say that so calmly...?" He muttered, making me giggle.

"Ugh, just get married already!" Queen Bee scoffed, crossing her arms as she looked away in disgust.

"Ha! I already am." Chat stood proudly after calming down to show his miraculous, making me laugh again.

He laughed along with me and patted my head softly, making my face warm up slightly. Ladybug gestured me over towards her, so I got myself away from Chat and followed her.

"You told him?" She whispered.

"Y-Yeah..." I replied in guilt, looking away. "I can't keep hiding it from him, especially since everything in the city has been peaceful lately..."

"Did you forget what happened to you back then?"

"Me almost dying? How can I forget." I laughed.

"Death isn't funny, Souris!"

"Ladybug," I smiled at her, placing my hands on her shoulders. "I'm not scared of dying anymore. If I die after helping so many people and being able to get Adrien back, then I'll die happy."


"Even if I die," I interrupted her. "I'll still protect everyone and I will never leave your guy's side, even if you find a new miraculous holder to take my place after my death..."

Her eyes teared up and she embraced me, making me smile as I rubbed circles on her back to calm her down. I pushed her away sightly so I can see her face and gave her a bright smile.

"Death is natural and comes eventually." I said softly. "Everything has to come to an end one day..."

"R-Right..." She sighed and embraced me once more before leaving to go home.

Chat came up from behind me and wrapped his arms around me again, nuzzling his head on mines as he lightly purred. I giggled as everyone else left to go home as it was getting late.

"I love you~" He purred out with a grin.

"I love you too." I laughed and pecked his cheek before going home myself.

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