.-*•~[Chapter 17]~•*-.

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Adrien and I started dating in secret and would meet up often. Of course we had to make it not that obvious to everyone that we were dating since people still believe Adrien was still dating Lila and that I'm still dealing with heartbreak, so we'd keep it to ourselves. Adrien would visit me as Chat Noir to avoid Lila and other people who may start suspecting something. Adrien still doesn't know I'm Souris, which I'm relieved since it means he won't be so protective of me during missions and patrols.

I was out as Souris, running around to feel the breeze brush against my skin as I smiled happily, running without a care in a the world. I had to stop a few times since a few people wanted to take pictures with me after my first appearance as Souris. As Queen Wolf, I'd always get followed by a paparazzi since I was so popular, especially with the guys who I didn't know or wasn't fond of.

"H-Hey! Wait!" I hear a boy's voice from below.

I stopped in my tracks and looked over the ledge of the roof I was on and smiled at him.

"Did you want to get a picture of me too?" I said with a laugh. "Normally people wouldn't follow me unless it's for a picture or an autograph."

"I-I just want a picture is all! I hope it doesn't trouble you since you seem to be having fun on your break..." He rubbed his nape as he smiled with his face growing red. "M-My name's Kai by the way, but you probably won't remember since you meet so many people and villian and new superheroes..."

I smiled at him sweetly as I jumped down next to him.

"Well, if you want a picture than I don't mind!" I chuckled. "Just as long as you don't ask me for anything weird then it's fine."

"O-Ok! J-Just let me get my phone." He said as he shuffled through his bag.

I chuckled. "There's no need to rush and get nervous around me, Kai! I'm not in a hurry so I don't mind waiting."

As he searched for his phone, I examined him. He had fluffy, white hair and a pair of sky-blue eyes. He was wearing a white hoodie with a small black cat logo stitched into placed and some black jeans that had the knee part ripped as well as some white and black shoes to match his clothes. I chuckled a bit as he grinned, pulling out his phone from his messy bag.

"Ok, I have my phone now." He smiled nervously. "I-I hope I didn't make you wait so long..."

"You made me wait though." A familiar voice spoke from above before landing down next to me.

Kai's eyes widened and I could see his eyes sparkle seeing who it was.

"Ch-Chat Noir-!" He stuttered as I smiled at Chat.

"Hey, Kitty." I chuckled. "Are you here for a picture too?"

He smirked confidently and flicked a bit of his hair away from his face.

"I'm always ready for a photoshoot, Mouse Trap." He laughed after saying that.

"Pffft- is that really your nickname for me?" I snickered.

"I think it's perfect for you." He smiled at me playfully. "You're attracting everyone from left to right like a trap for cockroaches."

I huffed and turned my back on him with my arms crossed. I could hear Kai panick as Chat laughed and laid his hand on my shoulder.

"You know I'm just kidding, Souris." He chuckled, making me sigh as I brush his hand off.

I turned to Kai with a smile. "Let's take our picture now. I'm sure you may be late to somewhere if we keep talking like this."

Kai nodded and we took a quick group photo together. He grinned happily and thanked us for the photo and left with a big smile on his face, making me smile as well as I checked the time. Then, I turned to Chat, who was playing around with his tail.

"So how are you today, Kitty?" I chuckled as his head perked up from my question.

"I was just on my way to see someone." He smiled. "But I'm fine."

"I asked how you were not how you looked, Kitty." I almost gagged at my own joke saying that, but his reaction was all worth it.

"Are you flirting with me?" He tilted his head a bit. "You do know I have a girlfriend, right?"

"I know you do." I laughed. "After all, I'm the one who brought her to you last night."

"Wait, but I never said that (Y/n) was my girlfriend..."

"Really now? How do you explain the fact that I see you visiting her so often? As well as seeing you being so touchy with her." I smirked.

His face exploded in a bright red as he stumbled on his words, making me laugh a bit. I pecked his cheek with a smile.

"Don't worry about it. I won't tell anyone what I've seen." I chuckled and winked at him. "I should get going now. I don't want to be late for lunch."

We both said our goodbyes and I de-transformed in an alleyway a few yards away from him before going inside a cafe to buy myself a drink. Chat spotted me when he was heading to my house and walked along side me until we got to my place in one piece. His face was still a bit red from before, but I acted like I didn't noticed and placed my drink down onto the table after opening my door. Father went out with his friends and left me to take care of the house until he got back.

"So how was the photoshoot today?" I asked him with a smile.

He de-transformed and embraced me tightly as he buried his face in my shoulder. I could see how tense he was, so I rubbed his back to calm him down a bit.

"It's fine. I can see you're having a hard time right now, so there's no need to tell me the details." I said softly as he embraced me tighter while shaking his head.

"I-It's nothing about the photoshoot that's bothering me, it's just about what happened when I was coming over..."

"What happened before you found me?"

"Souris found out about us and she... kissed my cheek..." He said as his ears grew red.

I held back a laugh as I pet his hair softly. "She won't tell anyone. I know her well enough by now to know that fact."

"But what if she does?" He looked at me with teary eyes.

"But what if she does?" He looked at me with teary eyes

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I smiled and pecked his lips softly. "She won't because she's here with us now."

"What do you mean...?" He gave me a confused look.

I wasn't sure if it was the appropriate for me to reveal my identity, but I just let out a laugh.

"I'm just kidding, Adrien." I smiled at him. "Let's just enjoy our time together before you have to go."

He was unsure about what I said, but smiled at me anyways and kissed me passionately.

"I'm sorry I can't tell you. This may be for the best since telling you will be the most horrible decision of my life..."

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