.-*•~[Chapter 8]~•*-.

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It's been a few days since I haven't stepped outside my house. It's been hard getting sleep and I'm getting a bit skinnier since I haven't been eating well. Father's been worried sick and I kept getting calls and texts from everyone I knew at school, even from Adrien and Luka. Luka has been visiting me, but I never let him inside my room so we would talk through the door. He would bring small gifts like stuffed animals and flowers since he was worried I haven't been showing up to school.

It took a while for me to finally come back to my senses and fixed myself up. I started eating a bit more than usual since I got too skinny to be natural and got a bit more sleep as well. I caught up with all the missed texts I got from everyone, except for Adrien since I didn't feel like facing him at the moment. Just when I was about to put my phone away, I got a call from Marinette. I answered the call and place my phone near my ear.

"Hey Marinette!" I said cheerfully.

"(Y/n)! Are you okay??" Marinette exclaimed.

"Y-Yeah I'm fine." I chuckled. "I just wasn't feeling well..."

"Ah I see. Do you have time to come by the bakery today...?"

"I'm not really that busy than usual, so yeah! I have some time!"

"R-Really? That's great! You should come by right now!"

"W-Wait–! Right now?!"

"Yeah! Cause I kinda... said we'll be inviting Queen Wolf after a few months of her disappearance..."

"Oh my god, Mari." I chuckled. "Alright. I'll come to the bakery as Queen Wolf then."

"Ah. T-Thank you!" She exclaimed happily before hanging up.

I sighed and transformed into Queen Wolf, leaving through my balcony and headed towards the bakery. It didn't take long until I reached the bakery and landed on the balcony. Marinette opened her trapdoor and smiled.

"Glad you can make it!" She chuckled and we both headed inside her room. "Though... could you possibly pretend that you don't know us that well?"

"Uhm, sure. I can do that." I said before we both headed downstairs.

She went inside the bakery first and told me to wait until she called me. It took a lot longer than I thought it would be and everything was so quiet. I opened the door a bit to take a peak, but there was no one in the bakery. In fact, the whole place was completely empty. I hear no footsteps, breathing, or anything really. I walk out the room I was in and looked around. I kept a wary eye on everything in case if there's a villain. I can bear things swifting above me, so I quietly went upstairs, but saw no one.

"Where is everyone...?"

Something tugged on my tail, so I quickly turned around, but there was no one there, even though I could feel something tugging on my tail. It suddenly pulled me downstairs, making me lose my balance and collapsing on the floor. I sat up and rubbed my head and grown. I stood up and saw a piece of paper on the counter, which wasn't there before. I picked it up and scanned over it.

Everyone got turned into a ghost! We can't do much, but you have to help us! The villain is still somewhere in the bakery, but you can't see him since he can turn himself into a ghost as he pleases. Please go find Chat Noir since I can't do anything! My miraculous is in the top counter since I can't transform in my state right now, but please hurry! ~ LB

I went behind the counter and grabbed her miraculous and ran outside.

"I hate the fact I have to work with him now that I'm back in Paris..."

I went on his balcony and knocked on his window.

"Adrien!!" I shouted. "We need help!"

After a few minutes, he never came to the balcony and after looking inside, he wasn't even in there. I sighed in frustration and went on top of someone's roof, letting my thought run wild in my head.

"I know for a fact Marinette didn't invite Adrien considering the fact he cheated on me with someone else and I know that Adrien doesn't have anything planned on his schedule either..."

I yelled in frustration and ran to Master Fu, even though I know the situation at the moment isn't going well. I landed near the door and transformed back to normal before going inside, lucky, he was there.

"Master Fu! Is there a possible way I could see ghosts?" I asked.

"I do have something, but it has some side effects to it after consumption." He said and showed me a cloudy white bottle. "Each drop only lasts for a few minutes and having too much may involve major hallucinations."

"I'll make sure to use it wisely. Thank you, Master Fu!" I said as he gave me he bottle.

I transformed back after saying goodbye and ran back to the bakery. I consumed a drop and many figures appeared all around me, one of them being Marinette. I sighed in relief, knowing they were still here.

"Marinette? Do you know how the villain looks like?" I asked, walking up her ghost.

She shook her head.

"Do you at least know where Chat is? He's not home."

Again, she shook her head.

I sighed and headed upstairs and there was only one person up here. I walked closer, the details becoming more clearer, but as I looked more at them, the more my heart started to ache.

"C-Chat Noir...?"

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