.-*•~[Chapter 21]~•*-.

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After showing the principal the recording, Lila got expelled as many other people also reported the same thing. Adrien was so happy and even called it off with Lila, even though they were just faking the relationship according to Adrien anyway, but what made us both happy was that Lila was moving back to where she came from, so she won't be anywhere in Paris to disturb us. Adrien decided to take me to our favorite spot but still had to be as Chat Noir since people were already spreading rumors about Chat Noir's "secret love life" with me. I felt a sense of euphoria as I'm with him; my head on his shoulder with his arm around me to hold me closer to him. I smiled to myself as a memory from the past played in my mind. Chat Noir noticed and chuckled.

"Are you thinking about something?" He asked in a soft voice as he stared at me lovingly.

"Just thinking about a few things from the past," I smiled at him. "but do you remember when we all accidentally revealed our identities to each other?"

He laughed. "How can I forget? We all just happened to transform in the same area and noticed each other transform!"

I chuckled. "But don't forget doing that lead us into way more trouble then we needed!"

Chat looked off to the side as his ears suddenly dropped down. "Is that why Souris didn't want to reveal hers?" He murmured.

I felt my heart get pierced by guilt. I had completely forgotten that I kissed him as Souris. I let out a sigh and caressed his cheek with a small smile as he turned to look back at me. He brought his hand up to hold mines as he tried to smile, but couldn't as he wasn't that good of a liar.

"How about we go back to my place before the public starts taking weird photos of us?" I giggled.

"Alright." He nodded as he both stood up.

He picked me up bridal-style and laid a small kiss on my forehead before taking off. When we arrived, he gently set me down on the balcony and we both walked inside before he de-transformed and laid on my bed in exhaustion as Plagg flew downstairs to get some cheese from the kitchen. I sat down next to him and he wrapped his arms around my waist before pulling me down as we both burst out laughing. He pecked my forehead with a tender kiss and snuggled against me in his arms. I giggled and he laid a gentle kiss upon my lips as I wrapped my arms around him.

"I love you~" He sang with the sweetest smile.

I giggled and snuggled against him. "I love you too."


A short sweet update for you all since I won't be able to update as much because of school. I hope you enjoyed it until the next update and Chapter 25 will be the last chapter of the sequel! :)

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