.-*•~[Chapter 25]~•*-.

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Now, we have baby (gender) named (baby's name). Both Adrien and I were so happy when he/she was born. He/She was now a year old and I could never be happier with such an amazing family we've built together. One day, I woke up and Adrien's phone buzzed with a notification. He was still sound asleep, so I grabbed his phone from the bedside table and opened the notification, which was from Lila. The message she had sent was a picture of her in a revealing landray outfit, followed by a text saying, "You're missing out~" with a heart emoji at the end. I rolled my eyes with a smile, picking up my now-awake child and took a picture of us with Adrien in the back, still asleep. I sent it to her and typed out, "Sorry, sweetie, but he's not missing out on anything your hoe-ass would give him", before blocking her and deleting her number. I hear a yawn from behind me and turned around with a smile as our child crawled over towards him with a cute giggle.

"Good morning, honey." I giggled and pecked his cheek.

"Morning, chére..." He said in a raspy voice with a smile. "Why do you have my phone...?"

"Just running some errands for you so it didn't wake you up." I smiled at him and stood up. "Make sure you get ready for breakfast!"

He nodded as I picked up (baby's name). Everything has been amazing and I couldn't ask for more than this.

"Eww!" The two little five year old kids stuck their tongues out in disgust.

"No way am I going to marry her!" The boy said and pointed at the girl. "She's just my friend!"

I smiled at them and looked at my husband, then back at them. "You'll see when you're 14 years old at Collège Françoise Dupont in Paris, France."

"Uhm, ok?" The boy rolled his eyes and grabbed the girl's hand. "Let's get going, (Y/n)!"

"O-Ok, Adrien!" The girl waved at us and picked up pace with the boy.

"Was it really necessary to travel back in time?" Adrien asked me as I giggled.

"Trust me, we've done this in many different timelines before it was our turn." I smiled at him. "Now, let's hurry back to ours before our fathers have a hard time with (baby's name)!"

He chuckled. "Let's go, chére..."

And that's the end of the storyyyyyy! These 2-3 years have been amazing when creating this fanfic, even though it was stressful with school and finals coming up, but I still managed to finish and I'm so glad you guys stayed till the end and kept your patience with me. I hope you enjoyed the story as it comes to it's end.

Au Revoir~<3

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