.-*•~[Chapter 18]~•*-.

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"Hey, Souris!" The voice of Chat called behind me.

I swayed my legs gently as he sat next to me.

"So uhm, about what happened between us–" He spoke, but I cut him off.

"I-I was just emotional that day about something... S-Sorry if you thought something was weird..." I stuttered as I played with my fingers.

That was a big fat lie, but it was true that I had no idea what I was doing. I sighed and laid down on the floor with my eyes closed.

"Let's just forget about what happened so it doesn't bother our missions too much..." I said and sat back up with my eyes opened. "How about we get something to eat? I didn't get the chance to eat breakfast this morning and I was thinking of going to Boulangerie Patisserie for a snack."

His eyes sparkled as he nodded at me before we both headed over to the bakery. He rushed over to the door, stepping a side a bit with the door wide open, and did a small bow.

"Lady's first." He smirked at me, making me roll my eyes.

I booped his nose with a smile before walking inside with him following behind me. Tom and Sabine immediately greeted us and asked what we wanted.

"I'll just take a slice of your rainbow crepe cake and some macarons to go, please." I stated my order with a smile.

"I'll just have some croissants to go as well." Chat said as he stared at the rest of the desserts in the bakery with his eyes sparkling bright.

Tom and Sabine came back with our orders and said it was ok the house, but I just shook my head and placed down €16.44 (~$20). They denied getting money from me, but I smiled and gave it to them anyways.

"You guys deserve it for all your hard work in you bakery!" I chuckled. "And it's the least I can do to help you guys out a bit since Chat Noir seems like he buys a lot of croissants from you guys from time to time."

We laughed as Chat groaned and payed for our order and left the bakery.

"How about we sit somewhere near the Eiffel Tower so we can enjoy the view as we eat?" Chat suggested, which I agreed to.

We headed over and sat on the roof of a building near the tower and ate our desserts happily. That's when Chat suddenly cursed under his breath.

"Man, I forgot to buy some desserts for (Y/n)–!" He sighed angrily as he hit himself on his forehead.

"Why don't you just make her something?" I said as I bit into my macarons. "I'm sure she'll like that better than you buying something for her."

"Are you sure?" He bit his lower lip a bit.

"Of course I'm sure! Everyone appreciates someone who cooks for them!" I smiled at him.

He thought about it for a while before grinning to himself.

"Yeah! Maybe I should make something for her!" He quickly stood up, his box of croissants in one arm and the other with his stick. "Thanks for helping me!"

Before I could say anything, he was already on his way to his place. I sighed and then smiled a bit before taking my own desserts and going to my own home. When I got in my room and de-transformed, I suddenly got a call from Adrien, making me laugh as I answered.

"Do you need something?" I chuckled.

"Do you like sweet or bitter things?" He asked, then paused for a bit before speaking again. "Well, I guess not a lot of people like bitter things so that may not be the best option..."

"I prefer sweet things." I chuckled. "Why are you asking?"

"Uhm– nothing special!" He exclaimed. "Uhm– thank you for responding and uhm– bye! I love you!"

Before I could say anything back, he hung up on me. I laughed and gave Mullo a piece of cheese before laying down on my bed, giggling to myself a bit thinking about what Adrien's going to make for me.

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