.-*•~[Chapter 14]~•*-.

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"We need to talk about something... something... personal..." He finally looked at me, but his eyes were telling me something different even though he smiled at me sweetly.

I felt my heart dropped a bit as I kept my gaze on him. That's when he suddenly cupped my cheeks and smirked. I was about to say something, but I couldn't let out the words from my mouth.

"Looks like this cat got your tongue~" He chuckled.

I gently bit my lower lip and broke eye contact as my face heated up a bit. I grabbed onto his wrists and gently removed them from my face, not after laying a small kiss on his palm to tease him before setting them down on his thighs. His face turned red, making me laugh.

"Cat got your tongue~?" I teased, still laughing a bit.

"You lovers done yet?" I hear the voice of Queen Bee spoke up.

I turned to her and smiled. "What took so long?" I chuckled.

She groaned and turned away from me as Rena Rouge rolled her eyes, giving me a smile. Carapace was talking to Chat as I started talking to Ladybug.

"What were you guys talking about?" She asked me, a hand on her hip with her knee popped out.

"Not much." I sighed, letting out a chuckle, tucking a strand of my hair behind my ear as my voice lowered down to a whisper. "I can't help but think I haven't moved on yet though..."

"When are we going to patrol?" Rena Rouge exclaimed excitedly, jumping a bit while spinning around with every hop.

Ladybug laughed and placed a hand on my shoulder, coming near my ear.

"We'll talk about this later." She whispered before announcing where everyone will go for patrol and who's going with who.

Sadly, I was stuck with Chat after an awkward conversation with him earlier. Knowing him, he was probably excited to see me running around and wanting to know what I can do.

I sighed quietly. "This is going to be a long day..."

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