.-*•~[Chapter 19]~•*-.

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As Adrien was making whatever for me, I decided to head over to Master Fu's place. When I arrived, everyone greeted me, even Element, even though she's a bit sick according to Master Fu. I played with them all for a while until I got a call. I excused myself and went outside to take the call. It was from Adrien.

"Where are you? I was visiting your house but you're not there." He asked me.

"Oh, I was just visiting a few friends that I haven't seen in a while. You should've told me you were going to visit beforehand."

"Sorry, sorry." He chuckled. "Just hurry up and come back so I can give you my surprise!"

After saying that, he hung up. I laughed a bit to myself and said my goodbyes to everyone before heading back home. When I got home and opened the door, Chat immediately embraced me and pecked my cheek before telling me to close my eyes and leading me to what I assume to be the dining room. He sat me down and told me to open my eyes. When I did, I saw a beautiful creme brulee and angel cake in front of me.

"Wow~! This looks really good!" I chuckled. "Did you have someone make this or did you buy it?"

"I-I actually made it..." His face turned a bit red as he smiled at my reaction. "It's a gift for everything you've done."

I laughed a bit and took a piece of the creme brulee and took a bite into it, then started coughing from an unexpected taste. I drank the glass cup of water he set up nearby and sighed in relief once it was gone.

"D-Do you not like it?" He asked me as he de-transformed.

"I-It's not that, Adrien." I pushed the creme brulee off to the side. "Did you use salt instead of sugar by the way? It's really salty..."

Adrien's face flushed as he laid his head against my shoulder to hide his face. I giggled and stroked his soft, blonde hair, smiling to myself that he made something special for me and at least gave it a shot.


This chapter's a bit short but I still have school and a few tests coming up so I can't publish chapters that often. By the time I publish this, I'd be in bed and sick with stomach pains.

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