.-*•~[Chapter 22]~•*-.

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[ lyrics will be slightly different from the original :) ]
Baby, take my hand
I want you to be my husband
Cause you're my Chat Noir
And I love you 3000
Baby, take a chance
Cause I want this to be something
Straight out of a Hollywood movie

I see you standing there
In your cat outerwear
And all I can think
Is where is the ring
Cause I know you wanna ask
Scared the moment will pass
I can see it in your eyes
Just take me by surprise

And all my friends they tell me they see
You planning to get on one knee
But I want it to be out of the blue
So make sure I have no clue
When you ask

Baby, take my hand
I want you to be my husband
Cause you're my Chat Noir
And I love you 3000
Baby, take a chance
Cause I want this to be something
Straight out of a Hollywood movie

Now we're having dinner
And baby you're my winner
I see the way you smile
You're thinking about the aisle
You reach in your pocket
Emotion unlocking
And before you could ask
I answer too fast

And all my friends they tell me they see
You planning to get on one knee
So now I can't stop thinking about you
I figured out all the clues
So now I ask

Baby, take my hand
I want you to be my husband
Cause you're my Chat Noir
And I love you 3000
Baby, take a chance
Cause I want this to be something
Straight out of a Hollywood movie

Pa da da da da dam
No spoilers please
Pa da da da da dam
No spoilers please

Baby, take my hand
I want you to be my husband
Cause you're my Chat Noir
And I love you 3000
Baby, take a chance
Cause I want this to be something
Straight out of a Hollywood movie, baby

Pa da da da da dam
No spoilers please
Pa da da da da dam
No spoilers please
Pa da da da da dam
No spoiler please
Pa da da da da dam
And I love you three thousand

I sang softly on the rooftop, swaying my legs back and forth. I was out as Souris to get away from home for a while. Father was busy as usual as he worked as a director for many movies, so I spend most of my time alone at home since he usually comes back late at night and leaves after I go to school for the day. I didn't mind as I knew his work meant everything to him, so I always told him it was fine that he couldn't spend time with me whenever he apologized.

"I didn't know you liked me." Chat's sudden voice startled me and I almost fell back.

"Ah, i-it's not like that!" I exclaimed as my face grew hot.

He came up close to my face, smirking as he stared at my probably red face. Then, he laughed with a cheeky smile.

"I'm just joking, Souris!" He chuckled. "I'm sure you must have a special person in your life to have mentioned me in your song."

I rolled my eyes before smiling at him, my face still warm from embarrassment. I couldn't help but fall for him all over again, even though we've known each other for such a long time now.

"So who's the lucky guy?" He smiled and crossed his legs, laying back a bit as he stared at me, the moonlight reflecting against his eyes.

"You." I giggled.

"Haha, very funny, Souris. You just said you didn't like me like that."

"Who said I didn't mean it~?" I said in a sweet voice and came up close to his face, our noses almost touching.

His face immediately got red as he stuttered that he had a girlfriend. I laughed and backed up a bit from his face before standing up as I held his hand in mines.

"I can trust you with a secret, right?" I asked him, staring into his shiny, emerald eyes.

"I can keep secrets." He smiled and stood up, looking down at me. "What do you need me to keep a secret?"

I tugged his arm gently in the direction of my house. Landing on the balcony of my room, I opened the door using the spare key I hid outside. Chat asked why we were here, but I just smiled at him and walked inside. He panicked, saying we shouldn't be here without "her" permission.

"You mean me?" I giggled. "This is my room after all."

He stared at me, his eyes widened in shock. "(Y-Y/n)...?"

I smiled at him sweetly. "Surprise..."

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