Chapter Five | You're Damaged.

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Sam's POV

Nobody talked during the car ride-- and normally, that would be comforting. Hank was furious; he hasn't said one word to me since the roof, and I was scared.

He dropped Connor and I off at my house. Connor really wanted to help-- but that's probably just because he could tell how hurt I was; mentally, and physically.

"Where is your restroom? I assume you have the essential tools to fix the damage on your body, in there."

I walked to the bathroom, grabbed the first aid kit, and sat on the sink. He took the box out of my hands, and grabbed the stuff he needed.

"Take off your shirt." Connor ordered.

"I- Uh, what?"

"I'm sorry. I should have clarified. It'll just be easier for me to treat the wound if I don't have the shirt in the way." He said, an encouraging smile spread on his face.

Well, he is just an android. He doesn't have opinions about this stuff..

I slid the shirt off, careful not to irritate my chest.

"Beautifully damaged." Connor stated matter-of-factly.

"What? What do you mean?" I blushed, but tried to ignore it.

Just. A. Machine.

"I'm just saying how beautiful one can be with flaws. I thought it would help to calm you down?" He turned his head like a puppy. I smiled, and told him to do what he had to do.

He got on his knees, so his face was right in front of my stomach, and between my legs. Sure, he didn't know; he was like a kid. But he was still extremely close to my privates, and I started feeling insecure. I bet if the Devil touched me, he would burn to death. I'm probably as red as a damn solo cup.

He poured some Peroxide on a cotton swab, and started dabbing the sore.

I winced a bunch, and he looked up each time to make sure I was okay.

Dogs probably aren't even as loyal as him.

"Your body temperature has increased by two degrees since you've sat on the sink. Are you feeling alright?"

I nodded as I looked away.

"Just a bit warm in here.." I lied, hoping he would believe me. I didn't want him to think about how weird it may be. For a human to like an android. If that's even what's happening here.

I'm probably just lonely.. I haven't had a boyfriend for over four years-- not even one that only lasted a few days. Maybe Markus and I could get together someday? We haven't talked much, but I'm looking forward to the next time we do. He was really nice.

Once Connor finished with the swabs, he stood up.

"Do you have superglue?" He questioned, setting the stuff down.

"Uh, yeah, it's in the desk beside the couch in the living room. Top drawer." He nodded, and walked out.

He's just an android. He doesn't have emotions-- he's suppose to stop other androids who do have emotions. He can't have emotions. It's against his coding, and his job.


"I found it. Is it alright if I glue your skin back together?" He asked innocently.

"You mean where the gash is? Yes, but please be careful." He agreed, and got down on his knees again.

He lined the glue with the cut, then pinched the skin together with his fingers, and held it there.

As he held his fingers in place, he carefully stood up, and slowly wrapped his free arm around me.

"Are you hugging me-- willingly??" I chuckled a bit, and I felt him nod.

"It brings your stress levels down. They are too high right now, and I don't want anything to happen to you." He stood there for quite a few seconds, until he felt it was time to let go.

"Thank you, Connor."

"You're welcome... Sam." He knelt down again, and did his thing.


Connor paused, and I noticed him looking up at my chest. At first I thought he was looking at my boobs, but I then realized he was looking at the ex-gun shot.

He slowly lifted his hand as he lightly traced over it with his fingers. It hasn't scarred or anything, and it's still healing; but I didn't make a noise. I admired him. His curious nature. It was actually kind of adorable..

"Does it hurt?" He asked. I nodded.

"A little bit. That's okay, though."

Connor's POV

Samantha's stress levels were way too high. Ninety-three percent. Connor didn't know what happened to humans if they reached one-hundred, so he did what he thought was best.

A simple hug. It felt nice. He now understood why humans did it so often. It made his insides feel warm-- which was odd, but he really liked it.

When he finished bandaging everything up, he took Sam to her bedroom. It was dark out (specifically 09:46.33 PM) so Connor thought it would be a good time for her to rest.

He laid her down, and covered her up.

"Connor?" The sound of his name from her mouth made him feel-- no. Not feel. It only made him pay more attention; that's all! Nothing more, nothing less.

"Yes, Sam?"

"Um.. Do you mind laying with me-- just for tonight. It'll help me sleep." Connor agreed, and lied next to her.

He didn't know how it could help someone sleep. Couples maybe-- those who are married; or even dating.

But he was an android, and she was a human. A servant, and an owner.

He watched her curiously. She was on her side, facing away; stress levels at seventy-eight percent.

Maybe a bed-hug would work?

He didn't even know if that existed. If it'll help her, he could try.

"Don't freak out." Connor said, as he wrapped his arm around her waist. He pulled her body close, as if he were trying to absorb her heat.

"I scanned you."

"What did you see?"

"I made your stress levels go down by thirteen percent, just by lying here. I still don't understand?"

"I guess you really can't understand it. They're just stupid human feelings. You wouldn't know.."

"You are correct. I am just a machine after all; I can't feel any emotion." It almost hurt Connor to say this.

But oh, you are so much more than that to Sam, aren't you Connor?

A/N: I really hope you're enjoying it so far! I'm so excited to be writing this.

Requests always welcome!

Much love ♡♡

Just a MACHINE | Connor X OC / Reader Detroit: Become HumanWhere stories live. Discover now