Chapter Fourty-eight | Floofball.

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Connor’s POV-

Connor pulled into the parking lot, and smiled as he looked over to his beautiful girlfriend. He stepped out of the car, then circled his way to her door; unbuckling her seatbelt and grabbing her hand so she could stand up.Connor made sure that she had her coat on when she got out, but he was fine in his white button-up and grey khakis.

“Just hold onto my hand, my love.” He spoke out gently.

“Can’t I take it off now?” Sam whined. He smiled to himself, and looked to the bright building.

“No, Sam. It’ll ruin the surprise!” Connor noticed no one else (besides the employees) were there, and he was thankful for that.

Connor dragged Samantha inside the door, and he was greeted by smiling faces once he did-- well, the man didn’t seem very happy, but Connor didn’t care about that.

“Are you… Connor?” The receptionist asked as she looked down at her list. “And is that Samantha Parker?” Connor nodded to the woman with a smile, and she cheesed back. “Alrighty then, we’ll be out in a minute!”

Connor thanked her, and watched as she left the room. He gently unwrapped the blindfold from around her face, and watched as she adjusted to the light.

“Ugh, Jesus Christ that’s a bright light!” Sam laughed. She started looking around the room as a huge smile formed on her face.

Seeing Samantha so happy made his lips turn up to a smile. He was so proud of her; he had hoped this would be a way to show his love for her. Plan B happens in the bedroom…

Samantha’s POV-

Once my eyes adjusted to the light, I finally realized where we were. I scanned over all of the photos and posters, and seen various cats and dogs doing silly poses.

“Connor..?” I slowly looked over at my boyfriend as I tried to take everything in. “A-Are we getting a dog??” He nodded with a huge grin, and I squealed.

“I’m glad you--” I interrupted him with a kiss as I tackled him; causing Connor to fall on his butt. I finally got up, and held out my hand so he could stand as well. “Thank you, my love.” He spoke with a small smile.

A few seconds later, and young blonde woman came out of a door behind the reception desk, and when she finally made it to the open, we seen she had a little puppy strapped to the leash.

Oh. My. God. Is that--”

“--A St. Bernese Mountain dog? I’ve seen you look it up very many times at work and at home. I figured that was your favorite of all breeds, and--” I interrupted Connor’s interruption with another screech.

“Oh my God I love it so much!!” I turned to the lady, then got on my knees so the dog could sniff me. “C-Can I hold it?” The woman nodded with a smile, and as I went to pick the puppy up it started jumping on my and licking my face; occasionally a small nip here and there.

I finally wrapped my hands around it’s torso, and seen it was a girl once I picked it up.

“Does she have a name yet?” I questioned as I cuddled the pup.

“Her name is floofball-- thanks to the employees who work here-- but she’s not used to it. She was actually born here! She’s going to be a month old in two days, and she was actually the runt! They are always the last to go, and I don’t know why? They’re the cutest to me-- oh, sorry, I’m blabbering aren’t I?” She asked with a shy smile. I stood up with the dog in my arms and shook my head.

“You’re fine!” I turned back to Connor with the dog smooshed up against my face. “Can we keep it???” I ruffled her fur, and kissed her face a few times.

“Yes, my love. I’ve already paid for her, and a few other things to take care of the dog; like food, toys, a bed, and a cage.” He walked up to us and as he was about to touch her, she started freaking out.

“Oh, you aren’t the first android who this has happened to, it’s okay. Since the dogs can’t really smell you as they can a human, it makes them a bit unsettled. She’s been playing around all day and she’s exhausted; I would recommend letting her get her rest in tonight so she’ll be more aware of things tomorrow!” The receptionist said. I looked at the clock and seen it was 7:34 PM, and although it wasn’t that late, it was super dark due to the time change a few weeks back.

I nodded and smiled as I turned back to her.

“--And also, if I were you, I would put her somewhere with tiled floor for tonight-- unless you want her peeing all over the carpet. It’s somewhere new, so she may be a bit jumpy, you know?”

We continued to chat about the pup’s health, her last check-up, and everything that was supposed to keep us up-to-date

Apparently Connor had already bought everything ahead of time, and that made it so much easier on the both of us.

Connor and I loaded everything up in the van, and I held the puppy as he drove home; her warm body falling asleep on my cold one.

“Hey, Con..?”

“Yes, beautiful?”

“I’ll give you my surprise when we get home.” I glanced into the center-mirror, and seen he was looking at me. I winked, and noticed a light blue tint spread across his cheeks. He averted his eyes, and bit his lip as he stared at the slightly-snowy road ahead of him; resting his hand, once again, on my upper thigh-- except this time it was much higher up due to the puppy in my lap.

Or was it for another reason?

A/N: I hope you enjoyed this chapter!! What'd you think of it?

Leave some cute dog names here: also, a Bernese mountain pup if you don't know:

I was thinking something like Luna or Nova, but I would LOVE to see other ideas! The name the majority of you like in the comments will be the name of the pupper!

There will be smutsmutsmut next chapter fyiiiiii!

Very much love ♡♡♡

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