Chapter Thirty-four | A Suburban House.

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Sam’s POV

Throughout the rest of the day, Connor kept glancing at me from his desk with a small smirk; and each time my heart thumped faster, and my face became more red than the last.

Well what did you expect?

Not this--

Isn't this good?

Yes, but it's too good! He's too perfect, and I just can't believe he's even the slightest bit, into me!

Why are you complaining??--

My thoughts were interrupted by Hank sulking in front of my desk grudgingly.

“Alright, we have a case to get to-- homicide-- do you think the two of you can hold back your sex-fest for a few more hours??” He asked.

I blushed as I looked at my monitor.

“Yeah… S-Sorry Hank.” I apologized in an embarrassed manner. He shrugged, and bent down to my level; looking around to make sure Connor wasn't in hearing distance.

“Did… Did somethin happen to Connor at that Jericho place? He seems a whole lot different; plus, I didn't ever think he had the balls to dry hump you-- I mean;” He paused for a second as he let out a laugh, “I knew you guys were pretty much fawnin over each other, but that, that was surprising.”

I bit my lip, and thought of what to say.

Should I tell Hank Connor has become a deviant?

Don't you think Connor will want to tell him, himself?? You can't, it's-- it's disrespectful on Connor’s part..

Yeah, I guess you're-- er, I'm right.

I shrugged as I stuttered out an answer.

“I.. I don't know. A lot of things happened, Hank, so who knows?” I chuckled nervously, and stood up; grabbing my jacket off the rack, and putting it on over my shoulders.

“Oh, and uh, I dropped your clothes off at your house, and put them on the kitchen table this morning.” I finished off. He nodded and let out a small ‘thanks’ as he walked back to his desk; putting on the essential clothing he needed.

I noticed Connor walking out of the kitchen, and toward me, so I put my phone in the back pocket of my pants, and turned back around with a smile so I was facing him.

He pulled a cup of coffee out from behind his back with a cheesy smile.

“It's like-- two o'clock!” I giggled as I gently took it from him.

“Well, I don't want you getting tired during the investigation..” He replied.

How could I get tired with the day I’ve had so far?

A few ways.

Connor’s POV

Connor didn’t get Sam coffee for the intention of making sure she was awake; she was very energetic, he didn’t have to worry about that. He got the coffee for the intention of just trying to start another conversation with her.

When he was --so-to-speak-- a machine, he didn’t have problems of getting all that nervous; and he was fine with staying completely silent; but now, Connor’s breath hitched whenever him and Sam made eye contact, his systems warmed up at an intense rate whenever she touched him-- and of course the outbreak in the storage closet only made it worse.

He knew she had to of felt the same way, yet he still couldn’t help but feel shy, and slightly insecure whenever they spoke. He wanted to do nothing but impress her-- and now it was like all of the human emotions he analyzed before, just flew out of the window. Connor didn’t understand anything he was feeling; but he liked it.

Connor also wanted to tell Hank about his deviancy-- but he didn’t know how Hank would handle it.

Yes, Hank explained how proud he was of Connor for not killing the deviant leader; but would he be okay with Connor as a deviant?

Connor felt as if he had disappointed Hank in a way-- as if he had lied about his identity or something; like he failed Hank. And that made him a tad bit upset, if he was being honest.

Now, thirty-one minutes later, they were standing in front of a deceased woman in a suburban house.

“Maybe someone tried to take advantage of the android-pocalypse.” Samantha suggested. Hank nodded in agreement, and sent her a small smile.

As Hank looked from room to room for any other signs of a struggle, Samantha and Connor examined the body.

She went to touch the woman’s clothes with her right hand, when Connor stopped her.

“Wait-- you’re fingerprints may interfere with the murderer’s prints, if they touched her there.” He informed her.

She pulled back slightly, and looked down at Connor’s hands. He was confused by this notion, and thought that maybe she was hiding something from him-- maybe it was the thing her and Hank argued about a while back.

Connor handed Sam a pen he had in one of his pockets, and she smiled thankfully.

He watched as she lifted the woman’s dress shirt up, and examined her waist.

“Bruises. Maybe a possible sign of rape?” Connor looked at Sam in admiration as she studied the body.

Samantha lifted the shirt until it was just under the lady’s breasts, and furrowed her eyebrows once she looked at the navel.

“There’s something in her belly button.” Sam informed him.

“Belly button? You mean, her navel?” Connor asked with a cheesy smile.
“Shut up, I didn’t know another word!” She replied, “Anyway, there is a white substance in there; a possible chance of it being sperm--”

As Samantha spoke, Connor stuck his finger in the small dent, and brought the liquid up to his mouth.

Sam gasped mid sentence as she tried to pull his arm away from his face, but she was too late.

“Connor, no!! It might be--”

“Sperm?” Connor finished off. She nodded, and watched as he grabbed a tissue from the box on the coffee table a few feet away, and wiped the substance off of his tongue.

Hank walked in, and groaned once he seen what Connor was doing.

“Jesus, what did he lick this time??”

“Uh, s-sperm..” Samantha replied, trying to hold back the gush of laughter that was forming inside of her.

“Lieutenant, do you mind throwing this away for me?” Connor questioned as he held up the thin rag.

“Fuck no! I ain’t touching that thing.”

Connor got up and walked to the kitchen; throwing the tissue away-- he then walked back into the room; listening in as Samantha explained the small portion of the crime she knew. Hank looked at her in the way a proud dad would look at his daughter-- and Connor smiled at the sight.

Sam deserves so much more than she has...

A/N: How did you like this chapter?

Please tell me if you think it's going too fast-- I have a tendency to speed up the process in my stories on accident.

Very much love ♡♡♡

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