Chapter Twelve | Russian Roulette

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Connor's POV

Connor finally broke the wall; with one last punch it was gone, and he was now free to tell her what he may have actually felt for her.

"Samantha.. Do you think it's possible for a... a human and an android to develop feelings, for one another..?" He asked cautiously.

"Uh, y-yes. I think it's possible.." Sam replied. Connor scanned her, and noticed her heart rate had raised.

He slightly smirked as he watched her fidget with the hem of her shirt.

Alright, it can't be that hard.. Connor assured himself. Maybe he should call Hank first, though...

Connor excused himself as he stepped outside.

He stood still and registered Hank's number. It rang and rang, but there was no answer; Connor tried twice more, then finally gave up.

As he walked back inside, a report of a missing deviant was sent to him, so he decided to hold back the conversation once more.

"Hank didn't pick up, and there's a crime scene we have to investigate. We should go get him, then head to the case." Connor studied Samantha as she agreed. He quite liked the sight of her face; it was really nice to look at-- but he couldn’t admit it to her. The best thing he may be able to do (for both of their sakes) is distance himself from her.

But it was so hard.

He grabbed his suit from the laundry room and watched as Samantha exited her bedroom, wearing leggings and a big jacket-- a couple sizes too big, if not a man’s coat.

Connor wanted to see her in his jacket instead. He enjoyed watching her mock him; but all good things come to an end at some point.. He still had her though-- even if it was as owner and servant.

Because what else would it be??

Connor followed Sam out to her car, and checked his software as he slid into the passenger’s seat.

He was extremely shocked to see how far his instability had shot up-- he hadn’t checked it for a few days, and it was already almost through the roof!

Distance yourself, Connor. It won’t turn out well for either of you if you don’t. This is my last warning.” Amanda’s voice rang in his ears as they drove. Connor didn’t speak a word until they got to Hank’s house-- and even then he tried to be short with her.

He couldn’t let anything, or anyone, get in the way of his mission.. He also couldn’t let anyone get hurt-- and who's to say Cyberlife won’t hurt Samantha?? He had to keep her safe.

Sam’s POV

The car ride was silent, and I was worried about Connor. I didn’t know if I had upset him or something, but he hardly said anything the entire time.

We walked up to the house, and stood on the small cement stairs.

“Ring the bell.” I said as I pointed to the button by Hank’s door. Connor looked at me, then pushed his finger against the plastic surface.


“Um, again..” I was a bit nervous now; last time this had happened, I broke in and found Hank playing Russian Roulette; a picture of Cole sitting in front of him.

Again, no noise.

We jogged to the side of the house, and looked through all of the windows.

“He’s in the kitchen!” Connor called out. He broke the window with his elbow, and rolled into it; landing on the floor with a hard thud. I held back a laugh as I crawled into the small-ish space.

On the other side of the table laid Hank; a gun in his hand, and booze pooled around him.

I ran over to him as Connor took a squat by his body. I checked Hank’s pulse, and was relieved to see he was alive.

“Lieutenant, wake up!” Connor gently slapped his face twice, causing Hank to slur a small bit. “Lieutenant! It’s me-- Connor! Sam’s here too! Wake up!!” In one swift motion, Connor full-force swung his hand at Hank’s face; and all you could hear was a loud slap, followed by a cursing Hank.

I snorted as Connor pulled Hank up, and attempted to walk with him.

“I’m sorry, Lieutenant, but we have a crime scene to go to. Thank you in advance.”

I held Hank’s other arm so he wouldn’t accidentally-- or purposely-- hit Connor.

“Sumo! Attack!” Hank ordered. Sumo barked, and Hank congratulated him.


About twenty minutes later we were ready to leave, but before we got in the car, I stopped Hank.

“Hank, can you please promise me one thing??” I stared into his eyes, and all I could see was sadness-- but there was still one speck of hope.

“I don’t know if I can, darlin.”

“Just try to stop hurting yourself-- it hurts me too, yenno? Every time I see you passed out on the floor, I just-- I just hurt, Hank! You’re like.. You’re like a father to me, and I-I don’t want to lose you.. You’re one of the best things I have right now..” I let a few tears slip as I spoke; this is the first time I had actually told him how I felt about it, and I was glad I could finally let it out.

He pulled me into a hug, and squeezed.

“I’ll try, Sam. I’ll try.”

A/N: Awe, poor Hanky panky. He didn't deserve anything that had happened to him in the past :(

But here's this to make you feel better!:

But here's this to make you feel better!:

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Lmao, same Hank.

Thank you so much for reading! Requests are ALWAYS welcome! ♡

Much love ♡♡

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