Chapter Nine |

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Connor's POV

Connor had learned a lot about Sam in that short time.

He now knew her favorite color, drink, animal; and some personal stuff as well.

He knew about her abusive ex. She told Connor, that her ex was extremely violent. It was a miracle she made it out alive. His face heated up, and he slightly clenched his fists as she talked about it.

Connor had asked about her parents, but she quickly changed the subject.

Now, they were both sat on the couch in her living room; watching a romance film.

"Are you sure you don't want to watch something else?" Sam asked him.

He shook his head. "It's alright. I'll watch whatever you feel would be best for you and your health right now."

Quite frankly, he really wanted to learn what love felt like-- any human emotion, as a matter of fact.

Deviancy is bad.

He reminded himself. He didn't want to become a deviant; he would fail his mission-- he might even be deactivated.

But he just wanted to understand. He wanted to feel the word that makes two people inseparable, but also confused. He wants the frustration-- but he needs to stay a machine.

Machines are not human. They do not feel; and they shouldn't even want to feel. They should obey, and do.

As Connor's mind flew further, he felt a certain pressure against his shoulder.

Looking down: He seen Sam's head resting in the crook of his neck.

He shifted, unsure of this new position.

"C-Can you please stay still?" She asked, a nervous laugh near the end. He did as told, and she leaned against him.

Stay still??
She's so close.
Stay. Still.

He really wanted to give her a... What would you call this? A sitting hug? Probably.

He struggled in staying still.

Wrap arms around torso??
Stay still.
Must. Stay. Still.

He felt his insides falling apart; like he was unwinding. He thought he was going to over heat-- or even explode.

At least until she spoke up

"You can relax, dork" And so he did. Everything inside stuck back together like magnets, and he almost felt relieved.

Relax. He thought.

He laid back against the arm of the couch, and pulled her close to his chest.


Sam's POV

I wondered what went through Connor's head as I laid against him.

Probably just stuff about doing what I say.

I wish it was more though...

Honestly, I wasn't even paying attention to the movie; I was too stuck in my thoughts.

My mind just kept replaying these past couple of weeks, and I was scared. I wanted the thoughts to go away.

My phone started ringing out of nowhere, and I jumped.

"Uh, hold on, Connor. I have to take this." He nodded as I walked into the kitchen, pressing the green call button.

"Hello?" It was an unknown number, so I waited for them to speak before I said anything more.

"Is this Sam? This is Josh." The voice responded. Oh, great.

"Is everything alright?" I asked. I just got home a few hours ago; I didn't want to get into anything right then.

"Sorry to disturb you, but are you busy tomorrow?" He asked.

"Uh yeah, I go back to work again." I responded.

"Where do you work?" Josh questioned wearily.

"At the police station." It was silent besides the murmurs in the background.

"Okay.." Josh said quietly. I was going to ask why he wanted to know, but he hung up before I got the chance to.

"Who was that?" Connor questioned. "Was it your friend?"

I walked back to the living room, and sat on the couch next to him.

"Yeah." It was Josh, but Connor didn't know I met more than one person yesterday.

"What did he want?"

Why was he so curious?? He can't actually be jealous, can he?? Like, legitimately jealous.

"I don't know. He just called for the sake of calling, I guess."

He looked unsure, but didn't say anything as I leaned against him again; letting my eyes slowly shut. As we laid down once more, he wrapped his arm around me protectively, and let his fingers trace things around the bare part of my stomach; careful of touching any wounds.

I smiled as he did so; and soon, fell asleep.


I woke up in a panic, as I noticed Connor was gone. I looked at the coffee table, and seen a notebook; a small letter written on it.

I apologize about leaving without waking you; you looked very comfortable, and I did not want to ruin that. Lieutenant called me in early-- he said it was extremely urgent. In the meantime, I made you eggs and bacon for when you're ready. I told Captain Fowler you would be late, and he didn't mind it.

Something was crossed out over and over, then under that the note read:

Have a good day, Samantha. Sincerely; Connor.

I smiled as I set it down; a small part of me wondering what he had crossed out.

I finished getting ready, and ate my breakfast; heading outside.

"Stupid ass Michigan weather!" I whined as I jogged to my car.

My clothes were already soaked, and my hair sopping wet.

Too late to grab an umbrella now.

I'll just have to suffer.


I ran through the pouring. rain, and into the station; using only my arms to cover my head.

"How was your morning, Sam?" Hank asked; a strong sense of sarcasm flowing through his lips.

"Fuck you too, Hank." I hung my jacket up, and took my shoes off; setting them under the coat rack.

As I sat in my seat, my pants squished below me.

"Samantha; you're wet." Connor stated as he walked toward us.

"No dip, Sherlock."

"My name is not Sherlock--"

"It's a figure of speech." I couldn't help but smile as he spoke. He's like a dog-- in human form!

"I have some extra clothes if you need them; they are meant to fit androids my size, and since you're smaller than me, they will be loose." He offered. Hank almost spit his coffee out.

"Damn, didn't know I was gettin another fucker like this one as a partner." He joked, signalling toward Connor.


"Don't listen to Hank, Connor. He's a very bad influence." Connor titled his head to the side. "Also, if you don't mind... I would really appreciate some clothes-- only if it's no trouble.." He slightly smiled, and walked to the locker room; coming back with a pair of android clothes.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome, Sam."

Just a MACHINE | Connor X OC / Reader Detroit: Become HumanWhere stories live. Discover now