Chapter Six | New Buddy

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Sam's POV

My eyes started to flutter open as the sun leaked through my curtains. I didn't want it to.. I was so warm and comfy, and..

I looked behind me, and noticed Connor looking at me.

"Fuck. Have you been staring at me the whole time?" I let out a tired chuckle as I rubbed my eyes.

"Well, yes. You were relaxed; maybe even slightly happy. It was nice." He was getting ready to sit up, but I stopped him.

"Wait please. Just a few more minutes." I thought I saw a small smile form on his lips, but I was still pretty tired, so who knows?

We laid back down in the position we were when I woke up. His arm wrapped around my waist, our bodies close. I know he's an android, but I can't help it!

He's practically irresistible.

After a few minutes, my mind started to actually comprehend things.


"Connor! You have to go to work! Oh shit, I'm so sorry!" I sat up in a rush-- huge mistake-- and clutched my chest.

"Hey, calm down. I called Lieutenant, and the captain while you were asleep. I do have to leave in an hour, though." He quickly ran to help me as I grasped the bed.

He held out his arm, so I let him escort me out to the kitchen.

"I'll make you some breakfast." He quickly raided my cabinets and fridge, then told me to politely shoo as he was cooking whatever it was he was cooking.


"I finished! Come quick." Honestly, this might have been the fastest I have ever ran. I was really fricken hungry.

"It's not that amazing. What was the phrase? Wake up Wake up, Eggs and Bacon?" I giggled a bit, and shrugged.

"Close enough." I looked down at the food, my stomach growling.

He sat across from me, and almost looked impatient.

I took a bite, and I swear to god it was orgasmicccc.

"Holy crap! These are the best eggs I've eaten; and I've had my fair share of eggs." He smiled, and looked genuinely proud.

It's times like these when I wish he could feel.

When Connor had to leave, I was really upset. We walked to my door way, and he turned around to say something.

"Have a good day, Sam."

I smiled, and stood on my tip-toes so I could kiss his forehead.

He grinned, and walked down the sidewalk.

Not in this world, Sam.

Connor's POV

As Connor walked down the street, his software forced him to enter the mind palace. He didn't really have the need to; he already updated Amanda on the deviant last night as he was fixing Sam up. He didn't know why he had to go again.

He walked over to the pedestal again, and put his hand on it; letting it scan him before looking for Amanda.

It was quite windy. He couldn't understand why. The weather in his mind didn't match up with the whether outside; the whether outside was nice and warm.

He found Amanda in the middle once again, and met up with her.

"Connor. You and Sam seem to be getting close.." She didn't look at him. "Why is that?"

He thought for a moment. Aren't all androids suppose to be close to their owners?

"She got hurt. I wanted to help--"

"You wanted?" She interrupted Connor mid-sentence. "Androids don't want. They must. Did she order you to take care of her?"

He became baffled.

"Well, no, but I have to protect her. She's one of my partners." Amanda still hasn't looked at him, and he started getting worried. What if she stops trusting him??

"Connor. I've said this before. If she becomes a problem, you cannot work with her anymore! We can't risk you becoming deviant."

"She's not a problem! I promise. I've solved all of the cases with Lieutenant and Sam with me, haven't I? What more do you want??"

She turned around, an offended look taking over her usually calm facial expression.

Connor was angry--

Wait. No he wasn't. He was just overheating. He left his mind, then eventually made it to the police station. A good distraction is what he needed.

Sam's POV




Those were the three words that described my evening.

Maybe I could find Markus again?

I thought to myself as I turned off the television.

If not, I could just go get coffee or something.

I went to the same area I found him yesterday. I didn't know where he lived, so I thought it was worth a shot.

After about an hour of awkwardness, and trying not to look suspicious, I spotted his rugged coat. For some reason, he was observing some-- as some would say-- street art.

"Hey, Markus!" I yelled and waved as I smiled. He turned around and did the same.

"Oh, uh, hey Sam! I was just looking at this art.. On this wall.." He called me over as showed me a lion spray painted on the brick wall.

"Can I look with you? I have literally nothing else to do-- you know, it was a miracle I even found you," I laughed "I've actually been looking for like-- an hour."

He chuckled as he turned to me again. "Why? I'm not much fun." I shrugged and just looked to the wall.

"Alright, well, follow me. I have to go find another one."


We ended up in the ruins of a rundown building; the graffiti said: Sparkle, which, now that I think about it; it was probably the name of the building before it was destroyed.

"May I ask you a question, Marko?" I said, as he studied the wall.

"Yeah. Ask away."

"Why are you looking for all these specific pieces of graffiti?" It was weird, because after he studied all of them, he turned away for a few seconds, then went off to search for the next one.

"My own-- well, um, my father was an artist. I just moved out, I thought they would be cool to look at. He use to show me pictures of these."

I smiled as I looked at his face. He seemed proud.

"This may be hard for you, so I would recommend you go home." I gave him a confused look, then seen him point to the roof. "I have to get up there. And that means I have to, I guess, parkour my way to the top."

"I'm good at some parkour! I did it in police training. I can do it."

He looked at me, an unreadable expression.

"Alright. Watch me, and wait until I get to the top."

I nodded in agreement. He ran to some skids, jumped up and grabbed the edge (a part of the building's old broken down second floor) ran along it, then grabbed onto the ladder; making it to the doorway.

My mind was blown.

How the fuck??

I was up for the challenge though.

If I die Hank's gonna be so pissed.

A/N: I hope you enjoyed the chapter!! Requests always welcome!

Much love ♡♡

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