Chapter Fourteen | The Very First

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I walked into the department, and showed the receptionist at the desk my I.D.

“You are free to go in.” The android smiled as her LED flickered yellow caused by the information she just took in. I thanked her, and stepped through the small gate; walking to my desk so I could get to work.

I still had a few bruises from the night before, but I was way too tired to put on any make-up.

I guess I’ll just suffer for the day.

I logged into my computer and started checking my paper-work, when Gavin walked up to my desk.

I used to have the desk attached to Hank’s, but I gave that one to Connor (hoping the two of them could make friends) so I now sat at a desk alone; an empty one connected to mine. I kind of enjoyed the secludedness.

“So are we gonna go out after work, or on our lunch break?”

I noticed Hank and Connor walk to their desks behind Gavin, and my stomach churned as I made eye contact with Connor.

“U-Um, I uh, I guess in our lunch break..? I’m uh, busy after work..” I replied, shifting my gaze back to Gavin.

“Sam, I need to know if you actually like that rust-bucket! Whenever we speak, you always look at him like he’s a human, and I’m getting sick of it. I--”

“Gavin, I am not your girlfriend!” I looked toward Connor as I spoke; knowing all too-well it’d make Gavin mad. “I can look at him any way I want, okay? Besides, you’re right: he isn’t human. He’s more than that. He--”

I shut my mouth almost immediately as I looked into Connor’s eyes.


“U-Um, I mean, you know? He might as well be human-- like.. Nevermind..” I stared back at my computer screen, and hoped no one noticed my burning red cheeks.

“I’m gonna pretend I didn’t hear that,” Gavin started, “meet me at my desk later, okay?”

I nodded, and avoided eye contact.

I think I almost just admitted my feelings for him.. Shit.. I thought to myself. That was close.


The erratic voice ran in my head again, causing me to jump; dropping my pencil as I did-so.

I sped to the women’s restroom and ignored Hank as he tried to get my attention.

I think I'm going insane..

I closed the door, and looked at myself in the mirror. I had hardly gotten any sleep that past night, so I had extreme circles under my eyes.

“I'm going insane..” I mumbled. My vision started getting blurry, as I allowed a few tears to slip down.

No I wasn't just crying because I was going crazy, I was crying over a lot of things.

In the last few days I've just been bombarded by past memories, and it's been hard..

I seen the door open, so I quickly wiped away all the tears that were slipping and pretended to fix my shirt; hoping to convince anyone who came in, that I was fine.

“Samantha, are you alright?” Connor’s voice trailed behind me, and I quickly turned around; a look of shock spread across my face.

“C-Connor! This is the women’s bathroom! You can’t even--" He walked up to me, and put each hand on the side of my face; wiping the extra tears off my cheeks.

“Why are you crying? You can tell me.” He stared into my eyes, and seemed genuinely concerned.

“U-Um, it.. It doesn't matter, Connor..."

“Yes it does. Something has been bothering you, I can tell you haven't been sleeping--" He paused for a moment then took another step forward, blocking me in the corner; each of his arms on the sides of me. “--I'm not letting you go until you tell me.”

I blushed and looked down at his tie, trying my best to avoid any more eye contact.

“I just.. I can't stop thinking.. That's all, Connor.” I looked back up into his bright brown eyes, and felt butterflies swarm my stomach.

He's too damn beautiful..

“Samantha, you can trust me.” He gently wrapped his arms around me, and rested his chin on my head.

Is he doing this to me on purpose? Does he even know what he does to me??

I snuggled into him, and held onto his jacket.

“It's harder than it looks, Connor.. Hell, I don't even know where to start!” I fell back against the wall, and looked back to the mirrors again; scanning Connor over-- all of his features.. His hair, his jaw, his shoulders..

How can someone be so perfect? Even if they are an android.

Connor’s LED was whirring between yellow and blue, and it almost seemed as if he understood.

“Let’s start with what you said earlier. About how I was more than human-- what does that mean? How do you feel… about me?” He asked.

I sighed and sat on the sink; Connor moving his body along-- resting a hand on each side of me, and trapping me once more.

“Connor, you wouldn't understand. Honestly I think I don't even understand how I feel..”

Connor lifted my chin up with his index and middle finger.

I don't think I've ever wanted to kiss anyone more than I do right now.

I laid my left hand on his cheek, and my right behind his head.

“What are you doing? Is this how you explain your feelings? Like a hug, or--"

“You talk too much!” I pulled his face toward mine, and shoved my lips onto his; taking in the feeling of his soft lips against mine.

He was stiff at first, but he seemed to melt in the second I started. The feeling was astonishing!

Our lips stayed in sync as he laid his hands upon my waist, and lightly rubbed my skin with his thumb.

I pulled away for oxygen, and rested my forehead against his.

I noticed that Connor’s LED was now shifting between yellow and red, and I slightly smirked as I looked into his eyes.

“W-What does that mean? I-I don't.. understand? Is-Is it like a hug? I think I might have enjoyed it..?” He rambled on, and scanned my face as he did so.

I smiled, and kissed his forehead.

“You don't know how long I've been waiting to do that.”

A/N: Yeehaw! Aren't you so excited? I'm excited :D

Thank you so much for reading, I hope you enjoyed!

Requests are always welcome ♡

Much love ♡♡

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