Chapter Thirty-nine | Mission Complete.

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Sam's POV

Hank and I were watching everything that was happening on the news, and I quickly excused myself to use the bathroom.

I stood in front of the mirror, and stared at my face; peered until I could look no longer.

You seem to be having a rough night. Would you like some help?

How can you help??

Easy. All you have to do is say 'yes'.

Connor said to ignore you.

Is Connor here? If it weren't for me, there'd be a slim-to-none chance that you'd be here right now. I feel like you should be able to trust me after everything.

Well you're not wrong... What will you do to help?

I can take over for you. When certain situations become too stressful-- or perhaps if you're running, and you get tired-- I can take control, and your body will have all the energy in the world!!

If I agree, is there a way to turn it off?

Yes. I will switch places with you, so your mind is in here, and mine is out there; then I'll explain everything that's happening. You can always tell me when you want back out. By saying 'yes', you agree to all of these terms and conditions.

I grasped onto the sink, until my knuckles turned white from the force; biting my lip as I thoroughly thought of an answer.

Y-Yes. I agree.

Great, now, do I have permission to try it out right now? You are awfully stressed.

Okay.. So how do you--

All at once darkness consumed me, and blue pixels flew past my face; quickly fading into a nature-like atmosphere.

I walked down the beautiful calming trail, and ended up facing a gorgeous gazebo.

I noticed a man sitting on the steps ahead of me, quickly standing up to greet me.

"Hello Samantha!" His smooth voice greeted.

"I thought you were just a voice... There's so much more to you." His icy blue eyes stared into my eyes as I studied his face. "You look a lot like--"

"Like Connor? I am well aware. It seems to work best for you." He interrupted me, and I looked down at his white top.

"Your jacket... Are you an android? Or just a piece of software in my mind?" I questioned.

"Technically, I am both. I'm an RK900 model in reality, but I haven't been made yet. Elijah Kamski programmed me into your mind, and now is the time to let me be free-- if only for a minute. As a test." I nodded with raised eyebrows as he spoke.

"G-Go for it, I guess. Just don't make any bad decisions, alright??" I ordered sternly. He nodded, and in the blink of an eye, he was gone.

God, this place is beautiful.

RK900's POV (I'm still going to refer to him as a 'she' because it's still Samantha's body, yenno?)

Finally! For twelve years I have been trapped in isolation-- and now, even if just for a moment, I can experience what it's like to be alive; to have a body, even!

Now, it's time to fix Samantha's life. Get rid of the toxic people. How long would she be able to stay happy as long as there are depressed people circling her?

I forced tears out, and put on the most desperate face I could-- then walked out of the restroom; heading straight to the living room. I plopped onto the couch, and turned my face away from Lieutenant Hank Anderson; sniffling as I did so.

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