Chapter Fifteen | 97%

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Connor followed me out of the bathroom, and I kept my head down to stop people from seeing the blush spread across my face.

As we passed the male restroom, I accidentally bumped into someone, and immediately apologized.

“It's fine, Samantha, I-- wait, did Connor come out of the bathroom with you?” Captain Fowler rested his hands on his hips as he spoke.

“U-Um, yes.. I--”

“I was just checking in on Samantha. She was upset.” Connor interrupted me, and probably saved us both.

Did he just lie for me?

“Connor, that is so wrong. It's an invasion of privacy-- I hope you guys weren't doing anything bad in there. Don't go in there again, got it? Androids don't even have the need to piss.”

Connor nodded, and walked back to his desk. I smiled nervously, and followed close behind; avoiding Fowler’s gaze.

Connor stood by my desk, and analyzed me; I sat down, then looked up at him.

“Yes, Connor?”

“That thing that you did to me. That was a kiss, am I correct?” He tilted his head the side, and sat on my desk.

I looked around to make sure no one heard what he said, then sighed in relief.

“Yes, Connor.”

“Why do humans kiss one another? I thought only couples did that?” He questioned. I smiled, and gazed into his beautiful brown eyes.

“Some people do it as a way of greeting, and some people do it to show how.. passionate they feel about the other.” I explained, playing with the hair-tie on my wrist.

Connor looked at me, then at Hank.

“Connor, what are you--" He walked up to Hank, and tapped his shoulder.

Oh god. Oh no.

But maybe yes.

“What do you want, Connor?” Hank grunted in frustration. Connor leaned down to Hank’s level, and stared into his eyes.

“Greetings, Lieutenant; I have a great passion for you as a partner.”

I put my hand over my mouth to stop myself from bursting out in laughter.

“Connor, the fuck are you--" Connor interrupted Hank, and landed a chaste kiss against his lips.

What the fuck???” Hank wiped his mouth, and spit in the floor several times. “Why did you fuckin do that? That's sick!”

“Lieutenant, Samantha told me people do it as a way of greeting someone, and as a way of… showing passion? I don't quite understand passion, but it must be nice.” Connor responded; his LED whirring yellow.

Hank looked at me for a brief moment, then back at his computer. “Fuckin’ androids.

I giggled and turned back to my paperwork; replaying our kiss in my mind, over and over again.

Connor’s POV

Connor has never been so.. dominant.. until now.

He was now holding her in place on the sink, and it almost made him feel… what's the word.. excited? Alive?

But it didn't.

All Connor wanted was to know how she actually felt about him. Maybe then he could understand how he felt; maybe if someone else said it out loud.

But how could a human develop that type of feeling for a machine? He was certain they couldn't-- at least until now.

Now he wasn't so sure.

When Samantha kissed him, he felt like he could have easily exploded right then and there. The feeling was phenomenal! He didn’t know he could feel anything as amazing as that, and he was very perplexed by it all.

She made him feel. It was as if he had experienced what it was like to live for one small moment-- then it all flew away from his grasp. He never wanted it to end.

He tried the same thing on Hank, but it definitely did not feel the same. Hank also spat on his shoe in the process, so the aftermath didn’t turn out well, either.

Connor was now observing Samantha and Gavin as they chatted at Gavin’s desk. He was really uncomfortable-- a wave of uneasiness flooded over Connor, and he didn’t like it.

He shouldn’t be experiencing this sentiment, but he couldn’t help it; watching her smile and laugh with another man made Connor’s stomach churn. He very much preferred Sam laughing at smiling at him. Not Gavin.

But Connor could never explain this to her-- how would she react? Samantha wouldn’t contact Cyberlife, that’s a fact; but would she understand?

Connor scanned her as she followed Gavin out of the room, and soon to his car.

Level of stress: 68%-- why was she so stressed?

Probability of a successful date: 60%-- Connor didn’t like how high it was. Okay, maybe it wasn’t that high, but anything above 10% involving Sam was too high-- especially if he didn’t approve of it.

Probability of a successful night after admitting feelings to Samantha: 97%-- Ninety-seven percent?? Connor was relieved-- but he couldn’t help ponder the extra three percent that didn’t come up. What was she doubtful about? Was it something he could change so it’d add up to one-hundred??

Level of hunger: 72%-- well at least she’s going out to eat now.

Connor fell back in his seat, and stared at his computer screen.

Why is everything so hard to understand??

A/N: I hope you enjoyed!! I have ideas for the next chapter (and different ones way later in the story 😂) but after next chap. I don't really have any creative/cute ideas. A request from you could always help ♡ it would be greatly appreciated :)

Much love ♡♡♡

Also, just because:

I'm extremely un-sorry for this ^
(The Office is my QUEEN)

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