Chapter Eighteen | 2028

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Sam’s POV


“Honey, promise me you won't do anything stupid this time..” Mom whispered; tears flowing like a waterfall. Her eyes glistened as the moon shone  against them, and I almost didn't want to leave.

“It's okay, mom. I bought a bus ticket, this time..” I responded with a positive smile; though, it was more for her sake, than mine.

She put her finger up as a way to silence me, and sat still.

A door outside of my room slammed shut, and all you could hear were the stumbles of a man who was too drunk.

“Jennifer, where are you??? You said we could--" He hiccuped, and paused for a second. “we could have sex!... Jennifer!! The fuck is my dinner at?”

He stumbled away, and started making a ruckus in the kitchen.

“I hate that you have to run away.. You're seventeen, it's legal to move out. I've tried to convince him to let you leave!” she started to quietly sob as she looked at my bedroom door.

She shoved my backpack against my chest, and handed me a phone that wasn't mine.

“This one doesn't have a tracking device in it. Plant--"

“JENNIFER! THIS SPAGHETTI TASTES LIKE SHIT! DID YOU MAKE IT? AND WHAT THE FUCK KIND OF CAKE IS THIS?? God damn fuckin pig, can't even make a good dessert..” There was more banging around, and I heard the ceramic plates break on the floor.

“Urgh! I hate him!” She grunted, opening the window behind me. “I'll try to make sure your father thinks your still here. Plant your phone with the tracking device in it, on a car or something, so if he checks where you are, he'll follow the wrong thing.”

I nodded and put both of the phones in separate pockets.

“I love you, mom..” I hugged her and squeezed. She held me in place as she responded. She opened my hand with hers, and placed something in it. Her ring; the one she never takes off.

“Your grandma gave me this before she passed. Please keep this with you always.. I love you so much, honey… Now leave before he starts getting suspicious.”

I stood still for one more second, then climbed out of the window. I was immediately hit with pouring rain, so I covered my phone with my jacket.

I watched as my mom closed and locked the window, then headed for my bedroom door. Before I stepped away, I noticed a lot of movement coming from the lit-up window.

“Why the fuck are you in here?? Where's Samantha??? Did she fuckin run off again?” I heard his muffled voice, and quickly ducked under the window.

I covered my mouth to stop the sobs from coming out too harshly-- and thank god it was raining.

Once I was sure it was safe to get up, I sat on my knees and observed what was happening in my bedroom. I've never actually watched when they've argued, but I have definitely heard it.

The screams, the loud bangs-- and I could sometimes even hear when he hit her..

It was heartbreaking.

“You helped her didn’t you? Why did you let her run away!? Because you don’t trust me? Huh? Is that it, Jennifer?? Because you think I’ll hurt her??” His voice was muffled through the glass, but it was still harsh. He shoved her against the bed, and punched her.

She shoved him away, then slapped him across the face.

“I’m sick of this, Turner! I’m sick of you coming home drunk, then always expecting me to fuck you! I’m sick of you yelling at me and Sam late at night! I’m sick of you hitting me, kicking me, shoving me, pu--” He struck her, then started yelling at her once more.

I closed my eyes, and continued to hold my hands against my mouth. I took notes of the sounds I heard, hoping it would stop soon.

YOU.” Smack.

MADE.” Punch.. Thump

ME.” Kick.

DO.” Kick.

I finally opened my eyes, and noticed her body lying upon the floor; blood pooled all around her.

THIS!” He smashed a lamp against her head, then it was silent.

I sobbed as I stared at her lifeless body on the ground.

He walked out of my bedroom, and fell onto the couch in the living room.

“Mom..” I whimpered. I sat against the wall, and took out the non-tracked phone.

“911, what’s your emergency?”

“My dad--” I stopped; in need of taking in rapid breaths. “H-He just killed my mom!” I stuttered out my address, then waited on a bench a few houses down from mine.

I stared at a crack in the sidewalk as my mind replayed her horrible death over and over again.

Where are they?? Where's Hank?? Even Kamski for that matter!

The minute they arrived, I ran down to my house again; knowing all-too-well Hank would be there.

“Hank!!” I ran into his arms, and started bawling.

“I got here as soon as I could.. I don’t know what I’d do if you died too.” We sat on the sidewalk as other officers piled in the house, and the sirens increased.

“Please don’t leave..” I mumbled into his jacket.

“I won’t darlin. I’ll make sure nothin happens to you, got it? He’s goin away for a long damn time. Fuckin bastard.”

I leaned against him, and looked down at the ring on my middle finger.

Happy birthday, mom..


I tried to keep everything together as his disgusting voice crept through the phone.

“I want to see you! I--”

“You’re out of prison??? How the fuck did that happen?? I thought you were in for twenty years!!”

“Got a clean record, kid. I was only sentenced ten years. See you soon!” His horrendous cackle echoed through the phone as he hung up.

“Fuck..” I mumbled. “Fuck, fuck, FUCK!” I threw my phone, and buried my face in my hands.

What do I do, now??

A/N: Wow, honestly I'm kind of sorry because I've grown attached to Sam. What do you think happens next? Comment your theories!!

Requests are ALWAYS welcome!!

Very much love ♡♡♡

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