Chapter Thirteen | The Eden Club

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Hank parked on the side of the street, then urged us to follow him inside the strip club; The Eden Club in particular.

I’ve never liked this club (not to say I like any other strip club) but I just have bad memories of this place… Well, actually, that’s a lie. I mainly just have a feeling that something happened here in the past (with me included) and it didn’t turn out well. My mom always blew it off though, she always said it was just a dream I had as a teen; this was a time when androids were just being made and sold out, and we both always joked about clubs for robots. But she never really understood what I meant.

I don’t like to think about my mom anymore though..

We entered the club, and were greeted by the owner of the joint. He brought us to the room where it all happened, and we were soon met with Chris and-- ugh, Gavin.

“Oh, hey, Sam. I don’t like how we left off last time. How about we actually go out and get a coffee, tomorrow?” Gavin smirked as he walked toward me.

“I quite enjoyed yelling at you. I feel coffee would be to calm--”

“You want rough?” His smile grew, as he took another step closer.

“You know that’s not what I meant, Gavin. I don’t want to be around you any more than I already have to.” I rolled my eyes and folded my arms as I pretended not to care. If I’m being honest, I didn’t exactly hate the attention-- no, I didn’t like him making sexual remarks, but I did enjoy him trying to swoon me.

“Oh come on. It’s just coffee. I’ll stop bothering you for a week; unless of course it turns out well, then who knows?” I thought for a moment, then looked at Connor.

His LED was yellow, and he looked puzzled; or is it jealousy? Either way, I didn't like the look of it. I liked when he was happy-- or I guess, neutral; not upset. The look on his face made me feel bad about even thinking to go out with Gavin. But Connor could never understand how I feel..

“Um, I don't think..”

Gavin was now looking at me with amused eyes as he interrupted me. “Don't tell me you've fallen for an android!”

Hank took a step closer, seeming almost offended by that remark; as if he thought it would hurt me.

But why would it?

Unless of course he knew about the way I felt for Connor-- but he couldn't! No one knows..

“Gavin, she can love who she wants, and can be who she wants. Don't try to tell her otherwise. Now leave her be, or--"

“Okay, Gavin.” I stopped Hank mid-sentence, and continued. “I guess it's a date.” I only agreed because I wanted to prove that I wasn't falling for an android… But I guess I just really wanted to convince myself instead.

I still couldn't do it though. I couldn't just hide my feelings from myself .. There's just something about him that I can't ignore! Something that draws me to him..

You see: I really like Connor.. I love his curiosity; his-- well, I guess he doesn't really have a personality-- but I still love it. I love his face, his smile-- but more importantly; his eyes.

They're always full of something; but I can never quite put my finger on it. Whatever it is, I love it. It always makes me feel warm, and happy.. Even safe sometimes..

Gavin walked to the door with Chris following behind.

“Still not much to investigate here, just sayin. A man asked for too much fun to handle.” He laughed as he strut himself out the door.

Just a MACHINE | Connor X OC / Reader Detroit: Become HumanWhere stories live. Discover now