Chapter Forty-three | You're Mine.

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Connor's POV

As the two entered the precinct, Samantha questioned him about his outfit.

“You do know that don't have to wear that suit anymore, right Con? We could go shopping later if you want.” She offered shyly; squeezing Connor’s hand before letting him sit at his desk.

Connor thought for a moment as he imagined himself wearing regular clothes; being treated like anyone else, and getting to spend quality time with Sam like a human would.

“I suppose that would be a good idea. It makes more--” Connor was interrupted by Captain Fowler's booming voice requesting for Sam, and Gavin.

“I'm sorry, Con, I'll be right back!” Sam smiled as she made her way toward Fowler.

Once she was gone, Connor’s mind started racing with all of the possibilities of the future-- then, to his relationship with Sam.

What would she like best? How could he show his admiration for her??

He looked over to his friend, and slightly tilted his head as he gazed at him.

“Hank, what pleases a woman?” Connor questioned quietly. Hank laughed, and threw his head back.

Sex.” He looked up from his computer, and noticed Connor's LED turning a bright yellow. “I mean-- God, I'm still trying to figure that out myself!” The man chuckled nervously, and looked back to his monitor.

Soon after, Sam trudged out of the captain's office, and to Connor's desk.

“I got to go, Con. Gavin and I were assigned to a case involving attempted murder-- Chris is gone today so he couldn't go. We'll be back in a couple hours… Or I might just head back to my house afterwards, if that's alright with you?” She sighed, and hopped onto his desk as she rolled her eyes.

“Yes, that's fine. Can you call me if you do go home, though? I would just like to make sure.” Connor questioned as he spread her legs, and stood between them; placing a tender kiss upon her nose.

“Of course, Con… I'll see you later, okay?” Sam bit her lip as she looked down to her lap; Connor's LED turning yellow as she did so.

“Alright, my love.” He backed up, and watched as she met up with Gavin; sending Connor one last smile as she left the building.

He thought back to what Hank said, and pondered on it for a moment. Sex? Is that what couples do??

“Hank, how do humans have s--”

“--Connor, I swear to God if you finish that sentence, I will personally quit as Lieutenant. Look it up or something, I don't want to be a part of it.” Hank groaned in annoyance as he continued to stare at the computer.

“Okay, I suppose looking it up wouldn't hurt…”


When Connor walked into Sam's house, he was surprised to see her wearing nothing but undergarments, and a tank top.

"Hey, Con! Come chill with me." She said cheerfully. He could tell something was wrong, but he didn't know if he should say anything.

Connor smiled and sat next to her on the couch.

"Did you enjoy your alone time..?" He asked innocently.

"Mhm. Hank called me about an hour ago."

"Why?" He questioned. Connor was nervous. Had Hank told her about the sex question he asked him??

"Well, he told me you got in trouble. What was that about?" He knew she was hiding something. He felt even worse as he looked into her eyes. Was she angry at him?

Just a MACHINE | Connor X OC / Reader Detroit: Become HumanWhere stories live. Discover now