Chapter 3; Promise

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Felix POV.

I really wished that the incident with my legs was just a really bad nightmare, but when I opened my eyes only to see the hospital room, I realized that it was the reality. I can't move my legs, I'm in need of help.

The door to my room opened. "Oh you already woke up." I didn't responded as Woojin walked to my side. "How you're feeling?" Silence. I didn't felt the urge to give him an answer. He sighed "Okey Felix you don't need to answer, but could you please cooperate with me, I will help you to sit straight up, so I can change your bandage around your head, are you fine with it ?" I nodded slightly.

As he changed my bandage I spoke up. "Where's my brother?" Woojin was a little bit shocked that I was speaking to him, his eyes softened as he looked in to my eyes. "Chan is working right now, but he will come when he's free." I frowned. I knew that he's probably working, but I felt a little bit disappointed that he wasn't by my side in this moment. "You miss your brother hmm?" Again silence. "Done. Okey I think I should leave you alone now." He stood up from my bed, but I grabbed his wrist. He was slightly confused by my move,but sat still. "C-can I ever walk a-again or d-dance again?" I asked stuttering. He patted my head "The part under your knees were pretty damaged by the car. Sorry. Felix, but you are not the only one who's in a wheelchair, there are so many kids that have to deal with the same thing." He answered calmly and my grip around his wrist loosened.

I can never dance or walk ever again! NEVER. Dancing was the only thing that held me alive, after my father left us.

Woojin patted my hair in a calming manner. "I brought you something to eat." He pointed on the table beside my bed. I didn't even noticed that he had placed a tray there. "Thank you, but I'm not hungry." I stated monotone. "But you didn't even ate yesterday anything." Woojin eyed me concerned. "Are you really okey, Felix?" I nodded.

Suddenly a knock on the door, had all of my attention. The door handle was pushed down. Chan was standing in the door frame and smiled at us. "Hey, how you're feeling bud?" He asked and sat on the spot were Woojin was sitting before. "I'm fine."

"He didn't eat anything, maybe you can bring him to." Woojin said and left the room with a smile towards my brother. "Why didn't you eat anything?" I shrugged. "I'm not hungry, Chan." Chan had a strict look on his face "You're doing it again, you can't starve yourself when your feeling down, Felix... you know what happened after dad left us... do you think it was great to see you, with only bones and pale as a corpse. I was so worried about you, Felix"

Chan POV.
It was horrible to see Felix in such a state and I couldn't do anything back than. I really don't want him to do it again. "You need to eat, just as much as you want, okey." I put the tray on my lap and held the spoon with the soup in front his mouth. I had to fed him because of his broken arm. Felix sighed and pouted "I feel like a baby" I rolled my eyes and he opened his mouth to the spoon. I was relieved that he wasn't abandoning his food.

When he finished less than the half of the bowl, he was full. I put the tray back on the table. "The weather outside is really nice, don't you wanna do a little walk?" He shooked his head and glared at the black wheelchair in the corner. "Soon or later you have to use your wheelchair Lix." "No." His tone was cold. I stood up and brought the wheelchair near his bed. His eyes watched every move of mine. I slowly put my arm under his legs and the other around his back. "Chan, what are you doing. Let me go." He hitted my arm with his healthy hand. "Stop Chan!" I lifted him up and sat him in the wheelchair. "See it isn't that bad, right?" He refuses to look in to my eyes. "Lix?" I heard sniffling. "Hey, sunshine what's wrong?" I asked softly. But he wasn't responding, so I crouched in front of him. I held his hands "Lix, talk to me." I said calmly and put his hair out of his face. I saw that Felix had glossy eyes. "Who
w-wants to t-talk to a boy i-in a wheelchair t-to some-one who n-needs help w-with e-every-thing" I wrapped my arms around him "Shh, don't say things like this Felix." He put his head on my shoulder and cried "Y-you will leave m-me just like m-mom and d-dad did, cause i-i will annoy y-you, than you w-will leave me." He sobbed and I reassuringly stroked his hair. "I will never leave you Lix, never." He made a little bit space between us and held his pinky out to me "Promise?" I smiled and linked our pinkies together "Promise."

I promise you that changbin will come really soon ♡

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