Chapter 21; Outburst

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No one POV.
Felix groaned when he woke up. "Good morning, sleeping beauty." Changbin greeted him with a smile. For a few minutes the younger was confused, but the new surrounding remembered him to the not so happy incident. "Morning." He said in his low voice back and Changbin held his hands out for him. He hesitantly grabbed his warm hands, so he can pull the youngers upperbody up, so he will sit straight. "How did you sleep?" Changbin wasn't going to try to confront the younger in the morning to tell him the reason for his attempted suicide, he thinks that it will need a bit of time. Felix shrugged. Well how good someone can sleep after someone was highly reserved and was unconscious. "Good, I think." Changbin hummed. "I made breakfast for us, I hope you like eggs with bacon, it's actually the only thing beside sandwiches that I can make for breakfast" Felix smiled slightly and nodded,he was a bit confused, why was Changbin acting all happy when Felix just yesterday tried to kill himself. Of course he was happy that Changbin didn't bombard him with questions, but it was a bit odd. "Well I talked with the company and said them that you aren't feeling well, so we will stay in my apartment if your okey." Changbin explained to Felix. "And your brother knows that your staying here." Felixs eyes got big "Did you told him.. y-you know?" He asked barely above a whisper. "No, Jisung told me that your brother is not sleeping well nowdays because of his 2 jobs and all the stress, so we offered your brother to take care of you for 1 week actually, so he can rest a bit." Felix breathes a sigh of relief. "Are you afraid that your brother will find out about your attempted suicide ?" Felix looked down and bite his lips "Can we not talk about that right now?" Changbin immediately apologised.

"I'm going to lift you up now, are you okey with that ?" Felix nodded shylie, which Changbin found really cute. The older placed his hand under Felixs knees and the other around his waist, to lift him up bridal style. Felix automatically put his arms around Changbins neck.

When they arrived the kitchen, Changbin sat the younger carefully on a chair and moved it more closer to the table. Felix was in awe when he saw the kitchen, it looked so modern and well designed, just like the connected livingroom.

While Felix was inspecting his surroundings, Changbin prepared the table. "Uhm Binni, you told me that you were classmates with Jisung but you weren't friends, why was he here yesterday ?" Changbin gulped should he tell him the truth ? "He saw us on the way and helped me to warm you up, you are like a brother to him, of course he wanted to make sure that you're okey." Felix hummed.

After they were done, Changbin put the dishes away and sat again across from Felix "What do you think about visiting a zoo with me tommorow? I received tickets to my birthday but didn't had anyone to come with me so would you like to come with me ?" Felixs cheeks got rosy and his eyes sparkled with joy. "Of course, I love animals, I want to see the small meerkats and apes oh and the penguins they are so cute and -" Changbin smiled at Felix who was rambling about cute animals, the younger looked so excited and adorable in Changbins own clothes. His heartbeat sped up, was he falling for the younger? No this can't happen, Chan will kill him then for sure. And how can a love relationship work on lies.

"Binni you didn't listened!" The older looked at Felix, who was pouting and puffing his cheeks. Cute

"I did, you think every animal is cute and deserves hugs." Felix hit Changbins arm lightly "I told you much more than that. What got you so distracted ?" Changbin thought. Your lips, your cute nose, your little stars on your cheeks, or your innocent eyes, maybe it was everything. Felix again puffed his cheeks and put his chin on top of the table while waiting for Changbin to answer him.

But Changbin wasn't planning on telling him, no way. "Do you need something else than your medication, Jisung will drive to your home and get a few things for you." Felix shook his head "No." Changbin stood up and walked away.

"Do you perhaps forgot something or someone ?" Felix yelled after him,Changbin chuckled when he came back with a laptop in his hand. "No, don't think so." He placed the laptop infront of Felix "Choose a new wheelchair, I will buy one for you." Felix tilted his head "But I already hav-" Felix remembers that the wheelchair drowned with him. "Oh. Chan will be so mad at me, he worked so hard for the money." The younger groaned. "That's why, I will pay, this time." Changbin said and opened the browser.

A gasp left Felixs lips "They are all so expensive!" Felix whined when he saw the prices. Changbin told him that the price doesn't matter, that he should choose one that he liked. In the end Changbin needed to cover up all the prices with paper or his hand, because Felix doesn't wanted to choose one, they were too expensive for him. "I won't pick one!" "Why?" "I hate wheelchairs, they aren't comfortable, they look ugly make everything difficult and everyone thinks that you need help and they behave different infront of you, but I don't want to be treated different!" Felix yelled with glassy eyes. Changbin was shocked because of the youngers sudden outburst.

Changbin closed the laptop and faced the younger.
"Felix, I don't think the problem is the wheelchair but you, you can't accept yourself in a wheelchair and of course you get treated differently but it will get better."

The older carefully picked Felix up and went to the couch in the livingroom with him.

"I'm sorry." Felix whispered repeatedly. Changbin patted his back. "Why are you sorry?" "That you have me as your patient, you can't have fun with me, you can't play games like football or something with me, only need to carry me around, you even spent money on me. I'm just a burden to you, to chan, for everyone." Changbin let Felix talk, the younger needed to get freed from all his thoughts. "Mom was right, I'm just a big mistake who no one asked for, even my own brother said that. You should have let me die Binni ."

Changbin hugged the crying boy.
"You had a fight with your brother, am I right." Felix nodded.
"He told you such things, like you just told me right ?" Felix was silent.

"You got upset and depressed, the only person, who means so much to you, yelled at you and literally told you that you're a burden." Felix started to shiver.

"Your brother called Jisung so he would bring you to the company then, right ?." Felixs eyes filled again with tears, he nodded against Changbins chest.

" But in the company the feelings got too much for you, so you runaway to the park and attempted suicide." A heart wrenching sob leaved Felixs lips.


Changbin stroked Felixs back up and down to calm him down.
"Let me tell you something, You are not a mistake and i'm sure youre brother doesn't meant it like that, he was exhausted and stressed, he actually cares for you a lot, he called us today to make sure that you're okey. He said that he is sorry about the things he said to you. And I couldn't wish for another patient, but I'm sure that I couldn't have so much fun like I have with you, with another patient,  you're like you are, no one is perfect everyone has their own imperfections. I would've hate myself if I didn't saved you in time and let an angel go"

I actually updated yesterday but Wattpad had problems to really upload it :/

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