Chapter 35;

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No one POV.

"So this is Felix Lee" She pointed at me. "And this is Yoon, your new minder." A wicked smile was spread on his face. "Hello Felix."

Ji Hyeon smiled at the both boys "So I will check up on you guys in an hour so you have time to warm up a bit to each other, have fun guys." The door fell into the lock with a loud thud. Felix couldn't say anything his throat felt dry. Dark eyes looked Felix up and down filled with greed and amusement. "Don't be scared beautiful. You look like a scared kitten that is about to be kidnapped." He stood up from his chair and walked with calm steps towards Felix.

A cold shiver run down Felixs spine when Yoon put his large hand on his shoulder and squeezed a bit. "Don't be so tense you already know me and your in good hands trust me I mean Changbin would never let someone take care of you who wants to hurt you right ?" I nodded hesitantly. Again a big grin was present on Yoons face. "And I'm a good friend of Changbin so would friends do any harm to their beloved ones ?" I shook my head.

Gosh what is wrong with me why am I so tense around him it's Binnis friend, I should be friends with him and not be scared of him. Binnis friends are my friends.

"I-I didn't know that you work in this company now with Binni, actually he never told me anything about y-you." A deep chuckle left Yoons lips and stroked the shoulder of the younger again. "It's funny how you don't know anything about me but I know mostly everything about you." Felix felt sick when the words left Yoons chapped lips and piercing eyes met his.

"Changbin told me so many things about you, of course only good things don't worry." the cold eyes from Yoon scared Felix and the fact that Yoon knows something about the freckled boy but Felix only knows the name of Yoon made him nervous. What did Changbin tell him ?

"So I'm your knew minder now huh, I hope we will know more about each other and will have fun together." While he said this words his hand was slowly moving up to Felixs delicate neck and stroked the sensitive skin there with two fingers his touches made the younger feel uncomfortable, his touches felt rough compared to Changbins, he always treated Felix as if he could brake just because of one little touch, not like Yoon.

Yoon smiled when he felt the goosebumps under his fingers who still were on Felixs neck, he chuckled and put his fingers down "Sorry, if I made you feel uncomfortable beautiful, it's just that I'm a really touchy person, I hope you don't mind." Felix wanted to say that his touches felt horrible but he pressed his lips together and shook his head "N-no, I just d-didn't expect that, but it's o-okay." His voice was barely above a whisper which made Yoon feel dominant, like he can control the younger so he would submit to him. The training won't even last that long till he will do everything the boss wants from him. Yoon thought. 

"Do you want to get out of the wheelchair, that must be uncomfortable to sit in there all the time." Felix actually want to stay in the wheelchair he somehow feels secure and safe in it and he has something from Changbin with him. The small whispered "No" brought an displeased sound from the older and a tongue click. "Alright beautiful then tell me something about you." Felix eyed him with big doe eyes. "U-uhm what do you want to know from me?" Yoon positioned the wheelchair so Felix will look straight at the couch, on which Yoon sat down with a big smile and put a cigarette between his chapped lips. "Anything doll I bet your interesting but why don't we start easy." He lit up his cigarette and Felix could swear that there are signs in the hallway that forbid smoking in here. 

"Where do you go to school ?" 

"I go to the Bayshore school-"

"Ah so it's not far from here right, wasn't that the one with green and lilac windows ?" Felix nodded.

"Do you live far from here ?" 

"Not really, It's only 20min away."

"Your brother or your friends drive you right? Changbin told me that."

A hesitant nod "Yes."

"Do you live with your brother alone ?"

"Yes, he takes care of me."

"Do you want to ask me questions as well doll ?" He puffed out the smoke and propped himself up so his elbow was on his knee. "It doesn't make fun to only answer right."

"Do you know why Changbin is at the police station right now ? I mean you are friends right didn't he told you anything." Felix saw the change in Yoons' eyes, his jaw clenched, the cigarette squeezed against the small table next to the couch. Did I do something wrong ?

"Woah I thought we go easy beautiful asking questions like what Hobbys I have or something." His voice was a bit raised but sounded as if he forced himself to control his anger.

"S-sorry." Felix looked at his lap and played nervously with the hole in his jeans, he was scared that another action could trigger Yoon again. The latter smiled at the innocence of the younger, so pure, polite and easy to get. Cold fingers found their way under Felixs chin and lifted it up.

"Don't be sorry doll and don't look down, I want to see your eyes." His voice sounded much more calm but somehow threatening. Felix always loved praises and nicknames but it was too much from Yoon, all the touches, praises, pet names and flirty quotes felt cold and even frightened the boy. 

The door opened and Ji Hyeon came in with a smile. Felix never felt so relieved to see Ji Hyeon. But has it been already an hour ?  "Oh as I can see you already warmed up to each other." Yoon smiled at her and ruffled the freckled boys' hair. "Yeah, he is a really nice patient. Changbin was really lucky with his patient, but now I have the honor." His eyes never left Felixs. "But I have to get Felix now because his brother is here he wants to pick him up, he has an appointment." The younger felt so relieved to get away from Yoon so he can have a little bit more space to himself, without weird touches or soul piercing stares. "Oh already." "Yes his brother is already waiting at the entrance." 

Ji Hyeon pushed Felixs wheelchair out of the room, just before she walked around the corner so the room they were in earlier wouldn't be seen anymore, Felix glanced back. Right in the door frame was Yoon standing staring back at him with his ice-cold stare but with a wicked smile. He mouthed a "See you soon doll " These 3 words made him feel uneasy, insecure and nervous.


Stay healthy guys !!!

 Lots of love <3

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