Chapter 11; Check up

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Changbin POV.

As we entered the hospital, a boy with blonde hair, maybe a little bit older than me is walking to us with a kind smile on his face. He stretched his hand out to me "Hello, I'm Woojin, I was the doctor for Lee Felix's recovery." I shook his hand as I told him that I'm the minder for Felix. Woojin looked down to meet Felixs eyes. "Hey, how are you doing ?" His voice was calm, as if he don't want to scare the younger. The boy in front of me just shrugged "Good." He answered shortly and played again with his strings of his hoodie. Woojin sighed "Okey, you can go to the waiting room, a nurse will call you out then." He ruffled Felixs hair and turned around to go in to the opposite direction.

We didn't wait for long, after 15 minutes a nurse called us out and led us to a room. "It would be really nice if you can sit the patient on the surgery couch." I nodded and she left.

I pushed the wheelchair near the surgery couch and lifted Felix up. His hands were shaking, even when he hid his hands under his hoodie sleeves, I still could see that he was nervous. "Are you scared of something ?" He shook his head but didn't looked in to my eyes as always when he is talking to me. When i wanted to grab his hand to reassure him, Woojin came in, so I pulled my hand back and sat down on a chair.

"Your brother asked me to check your lungs and your wound on your chest, because  he told me that when your assleep that you're  always coughing violently... Do you feel any pain or pressure on your chest or in your lungs ?" Woojin asked and sat on his chair infront of Felix. Felix shook his head. "Okey, can I look at your wound ?" Felix nodded slowly. "I will be back in a minute alright, I forgot my stethoscope." After Felix tried 5times to get his hoodie off he pouted and shylie looked in my direction. "Uhm... could you... uhm help me with  the hoodie ?"

Wait he is asking me to undress him ?! Okey Changbin be professional, you're  his minder and need to help him.

I slowly stood up. "Y-yeah of course." Felix raised his hands up. Well how high he could get with his cast. Carefully I pulled his hoodie up and helped him with his cast. My cheeks felt a little bit warm and I know they are pink right now. "Uh- th-thanks." Well didn't I stared too long at his bare chest or his tiny waist, I would have noticed that he said something. The younger quickly snatched his grey hoodie out of my hand and covered his chest. "Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't meant to-" Again Woojin interrupted us, but now i was really thankful, because I know if he didn't entered the room, I would just ramble anything to overcome this situation.

God, I think Felix, thinks I'm a creep or some weirdo.

"Do you feel bothered with your minder in the room, during your check up ?" Woojin asked Felix. "He already saw everything." My eyes widened at the words. "Should i ask or-"Woojin smirked.  "NOT IN THAT WAY, HE JUST HELPED ME WITH MY HOODIE, THATS IT!" Felix shouted embarrassed. The older chuckled and calmed the now crimson red boy down.

After he got his normal color of his face back, he removed the hoodie from his chest.

"That really doesn't look good." Woojin said and poked around the wound, with his latex gloves. And I had to agree with Woojin, his wound and bruises looking really painful.

Woojin listened with his stethoscope Felixs breathing. "And now breath in as deep as you can." Felix breathes in but quickly hold his chest with a pain filled expression and is coughing violently. Woojin adjusted him in a straight position, so he can get more oxygen in his lungs.

I quickly went to the now shivering boy and rubbed his back in a soothing manner, to calm him down a bit. "So now the truth Felix." When the younger calmed down he told us "...When I'm sleeping I sometimes have the feeling like I can't breath or get enough oxygen in my lungs." Woojin hummed in response. "I think it's firstly because your lungs were squeezed at the accident and secondly I think it got infected by the broken glass that stucked in there." "We will do a quick X-ray to make sure there aren't other serious injuries alright ?" Felix nodded. Woojin helped Felix with his hoodie and sat him in to the wheelchair.  "Felix you really have to eat more, your bones are already weak because of your state back then and now your not eating. Your brother told me everything Felix, you really shoud stop, it isn't healthy for your body." The younger protested on the way "I just wasn't hungry."


After Felix finished his X-ray, Woojin told us that his wound on his chest just got infected and no other serious injuries were noticeable. "I will give you vitamins for your Bones and an ointment for your wound, also painkillers." Felix hummed. "Alright, than we would be finished for today." We thanked Woojin and left the hospital.

Again I lifted Felix on to his seat and put his wheelchair in to the trunk. Well I think I should get used to this.

When i sat down on the driver seat, Felix began to chuckle. And it was truly beautiful. "I thought you were flirtarious and confident, but you were blushing and really nervous, when I asked you to help me with my hoodie. "Uhg you noticed?" I laughed. "How can I not notice a red tomato right in front of me ?" I started the engine "Oh shut up Pretty Boy."

************************************* Ugh school is so stressing right now. Also I apologize for not updating I'm really sorry but I didn't had time to write a chapter.

And thank you everyone for your support ♡

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