Chapter 26; Closer

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After Changbin parked the car and turned off the engine, he smiled at the now sleeping boy next to him. The freckled boy fell asleep after he told Changbin how thankful he was for the zoo trip and that he really had fun together with Changbin. The latter unbuckled himself and did the same to Felix, he got out of the car and quietly opened the door to get Felix out, carried him to the living room, laid him down on the sofa and untied his shoes, so he can sleep comfortably.

Changbin sighed when he closed the door of his apartment and put his car keys on the table. He unlocked his phone and looked once again at the message he got.

Unknown Number
Now that you know that my brother was involved in the accident, don't you wanna apologize to me and to him ?! I heard that your surprisingly aren't in jail right now.

Are you really going to ignore me Seo Changbin !? You exactly know who I am.

Changbin always typed some words like. 'I know, I should apologize' or 'I'm really sorry that something like that happened, ' but he quickly deleted the messages before he could press the send button. He was afraid... but of what, he already ruined the relationship with Chan, his best friend. So why was he scared? He couldn't do anymore damage could he ?

Changbin typed again but this time he promised himself to send it.

-Chan, I'm so sorry I know I should have apologized more earlier, I'm so stupid and I know that a 'Sorry' won't do anything. I think it would be better to do that in person. And yes I'm surprisingly not in jail but I know I'd deserve to be there actually.

He pressed the send button with shaking hands. And his heart was beating so fast when the sign online popped up beside Chans name and soon turned into the word 'typing...'  .

-Saturday next week, Dragon Three at 7PM.

Was Chans only reply. But he was relieved that Chan isn't ignoring him, it is a progress.

Before Changbin tossed his smartphone away, he messaged Jisung, that him and Felix are back from the zoo trip.

"Binni ?" Changbin looked to his left side, were Felix was still lying but was now awake. "Uh.. can you uhm me to the bathroom ?" The younger got shy and a little bit red at the question but Changbin found it really cute. "Of course." He carried the younger to the bathroom and placed him on the toilet seat before he closed the door and waited infront of it, before the younger called after him again.

"I want to cook some ramen are you okey with that ?" The younger nodded in his arms "As long as their not spicy I'm okey." Changbin chuckled. "Alright. Do you want to watch some TV ?" "Ugh.. can you maybe set me down on the kitchen counter ?" Felix asked and Changbin wasn't really getting it why the younger wants to sit on a kitchen counter and the freckles boy saw the questioning look on Changbins face. "So I can watch you cooking, I- I don't want to be left alone." Changbin laughed and replied with a 'Okey, if it's so interesting for you to watch, how I cook ramen."

Felix looked so small with his legs hanging down the kitchen counter and watching Changbin while he is cooking.

"Do you miss him ?" Changbin was confused at the phrase from Felix. "Who ?" "Chan your best friend you somehow looked so sad when you mentioned him at the zoo." The younger tilted his head to one side and was waiting for an answer from the raven haired boy. "Well... Yeah I mean we a- were best friends." Oh how it hurt him to correct himself with the word 'were' instead of 'are'. "We did everything together, but now we don't even text each other anymore and it's all my fault."

"What happened actually that you lost contact with him ?" Changbin gulped, he couldn't tell the younger. "Ah, you know I don't really like to talk about this topic Felix." Through his answer he avoided any eye-contact with the younger,he couldn't face him. "I'm sorry Binni..I sh-"

"You know, you can take a bath at my apartment as well right, I mean you're here for 4 days already and didn't took a bath." Changbin changed the topic as quick as possible as he stirred the noodles in the pot. But immediately looked up to meet Felixs eyes when he heared him chocking. "..You pervert.." He whispered under his breath and Changbin couldn't hold  back a chuckle. "I'm not a pervert. I only offered you to help if you want to bath and you should really take a bath." Felix threw some towels that were lying next to him, at Changbin. "Do you want to say that I smell bad ?!" The younger tried to look intimidating but you could say it looked much more like a baby kitten being angry while sitting on a kitchen counter.

"No of course not.. I'm sorry Lix. Now let us eat I'm starving." The raven haired boy picked Felix up and sat him down on a chair that is on the opposite side of of Changbins.

Felix was relieved when he saw that Changbin didn't put much ramen on his plate. He was thankful that the older understood that he couldn't eat very much.

They chatted for a bit while eating before they decided to watch a movie.

They made themselves comfortable, Changbin helped Felix to get dressed into his ice-bear-pajama and Changbin dressed himself into black sweat pants and a grey muscle shirt. In the living room Felix cuddled up to Changbin, who put an arm around the younger and covered the both of them with a blanket. But before they could watch the movie Felix started to talk.

"I know that I already said this but I'm really thankful for the day at the zoo. I did really had so much fun with you. I was so happy I nearly forgot that I was sitting in a wheelchair and the fight with me and.. my brother." Felixs voice was so sincere and filled with happiness. Changbin would do everything to make the younger happy, to see his little smile or just to listen to his sweet laugh.

"Yeah, I felt the same. I did really enjoyed the trip so much." Felix turned his face to Changbin and stared him right into his beautiful brown eyes. "I love every second I spent with you Lix." The blonde haired boys heart was beating at a fast pace when they met each others eyes, it was like somone stopped the time, the surrounding around them wasn't there anymore, it was only the both them and film was already forgotten.

Felix felt so warm when Changbin smiled softly at him. "You resemble an angel" His heart stopped beating for a second but only to increase the pace. Felix wasn't sure if Changbin could hear his heartbeat, but for him it was the only thing that he could hear right now. A soft hand was placed on the right freckled cheek and slowly stroked with his thumb oh so tenderly and with so much care over some freckles. "You're so beautiful." Changbin whispered but never stopped his action or broke the lovely eye contact with Felix. He slowly leaned near to the youngers face and Felix could already feel the hot breath on his skin from the raven haired boy and it made the younger shiver. The warm feeling was so new to him it almost scared the younger how his body reacted to the actions from Changbin. A second hand was placed on the other freckled cheek and the older stroked again so slightly with his thumb over the beautiful stars on the youngers cheek. Felix loved the careful actions, the sweet words that Changbin whispered from time to time to him and the warm feeling in his chest felt so good, he doesn't want this moment to end, he doesn't want to leave Changbins tender touches. "I'm sorry but I think I'm in love with you." Felix felt a shiver running down his spine when he felt the warm breath from Changbin fanning over his own lips, he couldn't even process what the raven haired boy just said. He slowly closed his eyes when Changbin closed the gap between them. His lips met Felix one's  so carefully, the kiss was innocently, lovely and careful. Changbin didn't wanted to rush him or anything, no he wanted to show Felix how much he cares for the younger and put all his feelings into the kiss. Even when the kiss was quick, it was the best feeling Felix ever felt, it made him somehow addicted. So he moved his lips to the same rhythm like Changbin does and Felix could swear that he felt Changbin smiling right into the kiss so Felix couldn't hold back his own smile.

Wooow, Changlix first kiss ♡ finally :)
I hope you like the chapter. I really have to say that I'm so sorry for not updating so often but tomorrow will be my last exam before I have vacations and I pinky promise you that I will update more often in the vacations ^-^  Also I'm so happy that you are reading my story so so happy and thankful for that and of course for all the nice comments. Love ya guys

Rambling from me:
I want to cry, my StrayKids albums are at custom. And they didn't know how long it will take, they told me to expect 2 weeks when it goes fast 😣

And HoLY MoLy does Straykids wants us stays dead or why do they show us so much abs in victory song?! 😵

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