Chapter 30; Crush ?

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Felix POV.
The dinner with Woojin and my brother Chan, was really lovely but I always thought about Binni, when I caught Chan or Woojin glancing at each other. I felt lonely because even Jisung left and went to Minho. Chan glanced from time to time to me and my plate, he looked really happy though when he saw my fork full with noodles, I don't want to disappoint him or Binni, so I just ate as much as I could. Suddenly my phone vibrated and notified me that I got a message. I quickly grabbed after my phone on the table and unlocked it. A bright smile made it's way on my face, when the name "Binni" and a small message below, was displayed on my phone.

Hey, how'd your talk went with your brother ?

Fine, he told me how sorry he was and that he didn't meant a thing he said.

That's great, what are you doing right now, Angel ? ;)

I blushed when I read the pet name he called me. Angel huh ? I think I... like it when he calls me like that. Oh god what should I call him-

"Oh Lix, are you blushing ?" Chan asked amused and sipped on his coke. Woojin laughed quietly with a reassuring smile at the end. My cheeks got even more red. Okey just play it of. "No, it's just really hot.. ugh hot in here." So the disbelieve in Chans eyes was enough to tell that he doesn't believe it. "Your phone buzzed, you unlock it, smile so bright like never before and blushed when you saw the text... hmm really hot in here." My brother mocked me before I got another notification.
And I literally choked on my water, when I read that.

"Are you okey Lix ?" Woojin asked
"Yeah, fine... just forgot that I can't breath and drink at the same time." I glanced again at the phone still with the message on display.

Binni ♡
Or should I call you...I don't know maybe 'My Baby boy ?' ;)

...Just call me Lix or Lixie

That's too lame everyone calls you like that don't they ?


But your mine so I should call you something special ♡

"There you go again, what happened in that one week that you're so happy and smiley now. NOT that I'm complaining but I'm curious." Chan said with a mischievous smirk and looked at me eagerly. "Is there someone who catches your eyes and maybe your heart too?" I groaned "God, you sound like a father Chris." I put my phone again on the table, but before I even saw the out stretching hand from Chan, he was holding my phone in his hand. "CHRIS!" I tried to grab after my phone but Chan held it higher and well, I'm still in the wheelchair and can't do much. So I tried to beg with puppy eyes but to no use. "You used your puppy eyes too often on me, now I can resist the-"

Oh no!

My phone buzzed and displayed the name Binni ♡

"Binni with a heart send you a message." Chan told me with a mocking tone. A loud gasp left his lips.  "Wait..isn't Binni the name from your minder, are you together as in for real together like kissing and all these lovey dovey things ?!" I just ignored the question and just started a conversation with Woojin. The older laughed at my reaction and elbowed my brother "Stop it Chan, he doesn't want to talk about it right now, just give him his phone back."

"I could actually ask you too about your relationship with Woojin, I mean all these glances from you both and the position you, fell asleep wasn't just a brotherly way. You had intertwined hands and your head was lying on Woojin lap so... Are you together?" Chans cheeks turned into a really dark red, when I pointed everything out, he looked embarrassed and exposed but the same goes to Woojin as well. They looked like kids that have a crush on each other but their too shy to ask. Somehow cute.

Chan gave me,  with a defeated expression, my phone back. His and Woojins' cheeks were still red but the most hilarious thing is that the both didn't even looked at each other or talked together. 

I saw how Chan tried to grab Woojins' hand, but the phone from Woojin buzzed so he retreated his hand again. "I have to go back to work now, it was really lovely with you two." Chans expression faltered to a sad one. "We will see each other in 3 days, Felix has an appointment." My brother stood up "Let me bring you to the door." 

No one POV.

When Chan opened the door for Woojin they stood there and said their awkward goodbyes to each other, but before Woojin was out of the door and made his first step, the blonde quickly grabbed after Woojins' hand, so the other would turn around. Chan isn't a person to be shy infront of other people but Woojin just made this strong Chan going all jelly and sweaty, right infront of him. He stumbled over his words and his head just screamed grab him and kiss him right here. But he couldn't do it.  "You..You can come more often to us, you know or we could just go somewhere... together?" Woojin smiled at him and Chan could swear that his heart just stopped beating. "Of course, I would really like to do something...with you together." The older answered and Chan was hoping that maybe Woojin would place a little kiss on his cheek but sadly no, the phone just buzzed again. "I really have to go now, have fun with your brother. Oh and don't forget the appointment." Chan stood at the door and watched Woojins step till he was sitting in his car and drove away.

When Chan closed the door, Felix was sitting in his wheelchair and looked with rosen up eye brows at Chan. "Oh what was that ?!" Chan tried to hide his smile but he failed "I..I think I have a crush ?" Felix laughed "Yeah I think I noticed it even earliere than you."

Well..first I'm really fcking SORRY!
I tried to update so many times but everytime I wrote a chapter I wasn't satisfied with it and that happened so often and it really got me frustrated 😥
Second : Yeah I know this chapter is more fluffy and it doesn't really have to do anything with the plot, but I couldn't make you wait for so long just to get a chapter were it would go downhill, so it's a happy chapter😋 and everyone needs a little bit Woochan in their live.

And THANK YA'LL SO MUCH FOR FCKING +23K Reads. Your guys are the best and thank you all so much for the patience with me and all the comments and votings 😗

Oh and SIDE EFFECTS is a WHOLE BOP 😤💥💣 JUST LIKE NOT TAKEN ROAD AND TMT. The Dance is just so aesthetic and satisfying 😍

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