Chapter 9; Lovely Brother

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After Felix and Chagbin arrived at the company, Changbin bid his goodbye to Felix and went in to the opposite direction. Ji Hyeon pushed Felix then to his brother, who is waiting at the exit for him.

As soon as Chan saw his little brother, he flashed him an apologetically smile. He knows that Felix felt uncomfortable with strangers surrounding him.

"Hey Sunshine."


Back at home Chan helped Felix out of his wheelchair and sit him on a chair in the kitchen. "What do you want to eat Lix ?" Chan asked his younger brother and ruffled his blonde hair on the way to the fridge. Felix shrugged and played again with the bandage around his arm. "I'm not hungry." Felix said with a low voice, like he was scared of the reaction from his older brother.

Chan shutted the door of the fridge and looked at Felix. "Are you doing this again ?" Chan asked and went to Felix. "I-I mean m-maybe later, but I-I'm not hungry r-right now Chan." The younger stuttered. Chan sighed "Okey." He reassured the younger with a smile and a squeeze on his shoulder. "

"Do you need something right now, if not I will go and turn the water in the bathtub on, okey ?" Chan asked and turned the TV for Felix on and gave him the remote control. Felix thanked him.


Chan checked the water temperature and helped Felix to undress. The younger wasn't uncomfortable anymore with Chan seeing his naked body. He is really thankful that his brother is taking care of him and isn't complaining but is willingly doing it.

Carefully Chan let the fragile body in his arms, into the hot water and tries his best to not splash any water on the cast. When Felixs skin hit the hot water, he let out a satisfied sigh. Chan directs with one hand Felixs back to the edge of the tub so he will lean on it. Slowly he moves the legs of the younger into a comfortable position. After Chan rolled up his sleeves he started a conversation to relax his little brother.

"So did you met your minder today ?" Chan crouched on the white tiles and started to wash Felixs left arm.

"Hm." Felix hummed as an Agreement. "His name is Binni."

"Oh, is he kind ?"

"Yes." Felix said with a smile.

"What did you do today, were you outside ?"

"Yeah, Binni and I walked to a nearby park and talked a bit."

Chan lifted the younger leg up so he could wash it. He saw the look in Felixs eyes pure hate and disgust. "Stop looking so disgusted Lix, it's your own leg." "But they don't feel like their my legs, I can't feel anything there, not even one little touch." The older washed the foam from the left leg and dedicated himself to the other leg and ignored the protest from his sulking brother.

"You have an appointment tomorrow, woojin texted me, that he wants to do a check up on you." Felix nodded.

After Chan washed and dried the body and hair of the younger, he changed him into his boxer shorts and his pajama, then he carried him into the kitchen and sat him on a chair.

"So what do you think about Spagetthi ?" Felix smiled "Yeah that sounds good."

At the table Chan eyed Felix. The younger ate a little bit, but poked the noodles with his fork. He looked as if he's having an conflict with himself.

"Is everything okey ?" The worry in Chans voice was audible. "Did something happened Felix ?" The latter didn't looked up to meet Chans eyes. "I want to go to the dance lesson and meet Hyunjin and Minho again." Chan knew that if his brother would see the others dancing around him, he will break down, cry and scream his lungs out. He will only hate his live even more after the visit. He loved to dance and he was so passionate about dancing, it was the thing that held him alive when their father left them. Chan stayed silent about the statement from his brother, he doesn't want to start a fight again.

Felix noticed that his brother didn't like the idea, of him visiting the dance lesson.

After Chan cleaned the table and washed the dishes, he picked the younger up and carried him into his room. "Goodnight sunshine." Chan whispered. He kissed the temple of the younger and covered him with his blue blanket. 

Before Chan could left the room a "Channi ?" Made him stop in his tracks.

"Yeah ?" He turned his head to look at his brother who is snuggled up into his soft cushion.

"Thank you." Felix mumbled.

Chan smiled "Everything for you." He switched the light off and left the room with an open door, so he will hear the younger if he needs something.

Btw I really like the thought of Chan taking care of Felix.

I hope you liked this chapter. ♡ Comments are really appreciated :)

Next Chapter a little bit Changlix ;)

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