Chapter 19 Friendship

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Jisung POV.
After I closed the door of Changbins bedroom, I pulled my phone out of my pocket and dialed Chans number. I cleared my throat so my voice wouldn't give away that I just cried.


Hey, Chan-

-Is something with Felix ?

No. I just-

-You know that I'm still at work right I will pick him up at 2PM

Yeah, that's the thing. I took Felix with me, he will sleep at my house.-

A long deep sigh could be heard on the other end

-Is Felix still mad at me ?

No, why should he ?-

-We had a huge fight back at home a-and I said some- some things that I didn't planned to say. God I-I'm so stressed and it got too much, after dads call and the Job, I... Can you please give him the phone, I want to speak to him.

Sorry,he is asleep right now-

-He is still mad at me right, he isn't asleep but just doesn't want to talk to me right?

Noo, he is asleep and he is okey. I just thought that you need a proper sleep again, you always need to get up when Felix needs something in the middle of the night, so I thought that If I take him with me that you could sleep normally.

-Thank you, for your offer but I'm fine, don't worry about me.

You just told me how stressed you are Chan and now your telling me that your fine-

-Okey maybe I don't sleep properly but-

I quickly cut him off with a sigh

He will be with me this night and that's the end, oh and Felix is already asleep, I don't want to wake him up-

-Okey okey, he can stay this night, but be always near him understand?

Yes! And what do you think about If I will let Felix stay at my house for a week.

-I knew it that he is still mad. Now he doesn't even want to go back home ?!

No, it's my idea. You could rest a bit at home and focus on your own things not on Felix for- once but only on yourself.

-This will be too much for you.

No I insist Chan. You both need some time right now okey.-

-...Ugh fine..but If it will be too much call me instantly and text me If he isn't eating or feels down. And text me everyday about his well being.

-Oh and please tell him that I'm sorry for everything. He doesn't picked up my calls.

Of course, I hope you will have a good sleep again. And Chan don't worry he is in good- hands.

-Yes, thank you I owe you something.
I need to go, my break ended.

As Chan ended the phone call I turned around to face the King sized bed of Changbin, but surprisingly Changbin was sitting on the bed and looked me curiously in the eyes."Shouldn't you be sleeping downstairs, in the living room with Felix?" I asked. "I woke up and heard you speaking to someone, so I went upstairs." I put my phone back into my pocket while he started to speak again. "How is he, I mean Chan, is he okey ?" I sat down on his swivel chair to face and answer him. "Well he is a bit stressed right now, because of his jobs and lack of sleep." Changbin hummed and I could see that he wants to know more about Chans well being. "You miss him, am I right?" He looked down and nodded. "Yeah...I-I just want to apologize so badly to him for my stupid actions and...just want him back as my best friend, to make music with you two, or watch a movie again while Chan falls asleep in the middle of the movie and snores too loudly, so we have to wake him up, like always." He started to laugh half halfheartedly and I couldn't hold back a small laugh as well at the memory. "Or when we had our first small rap stage in high school, we had dropped our microphones in the rehearsal, than he calmed us down so we wouldn't be nervous. And after the stage he would hug us like a proud father. You even vomited after the performance because you were so nervous back than." I laughed, Changbin just throw a pillow at me. We told us more memories about our friendship with Chan and laughed for a while.

When we spoke about a more deeper memory, when Chans and Felix father left him how often they were there to comfort Chan,the even sneaked into his room at night when he needed them. The room went silent no one spoke until Changbin broke the silence "I really want to apologize to Chan and to Felix... God now is everything so fucked up." He groaned and let himself fall back on the mattress.

"Yeah kind of...actually I wanted to ask you If Felix can stay with you tommorow, I don't think that he wants to go to the company then." Changbin nodded. "Good I wanted to visit Chan tommorow to make sure that he is okey, not like his brother." The older looked down and pressed his lips together to make a straight line, he feels guilty, I know that.

"You really should go to sleep now Bin. Oh and If I hear something from Felix that you didn't pay attention to him, I will beat you." I stood up and Changbin did the same.

No one POV.
In the living room is Felix still soundly asleep. Changbin slowly went down the stairs, to not disturb the younger. When he sat down on the couch beside Felixs sleeping figure. He felt sorry towards the younger, he ruined his life and Felix doesn't even  deserved it, he didn't do anything, nothing. "I'm sorry Felix, so sorry trust me I will apologize to you but promise me you won't hate me after I do... I am so sorry." He whispered in a broken voice and looked right into Felixs face, If he would get an answer right away, but the younger was asleep.

Changbin laid down himself on his previous place and covered himself with the blanket to go back to sleep again. He really hopes that everything will turn to normal, without lies and mental break downs.


This is a chapter more about Changbins and Chans friendship but the next chapter will be more about Felix and Changbin ♡

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