2. No...it can't be...

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Tord's POV:

I was walking around the town, still bleeding. My arm and my face hurt a lot, but I didn't want to go to the hospital. I thought it would be fine. People who saw me just screamed or ran away as fast as they could.

I didn't judge them. If I saw a monster like me walking around a small city, I would ran away as well. It was getting dark. I sighed softly. 'But where do I stay? Do I have any phone or something? And if someone asks me who I am, what will I say?' I thought to myself.

I didn't only forget what happened to me, but I forgot everything about myself too. I couldn't remember my name, my age...nothing...

I reached into my hoodie pockets with my left arm since I still couldn't move with my right one. I hoped to find a phone so I could call somebody or maybe even find some information I needed. But I had no phone.

I sighed again and saw an allyway. 'Well, guess I'll stay here tonight.' I thought and went in. I took off my hoodie so now I only had a grey T-shirt on and layed down carefully, pulling the hoodie over me like a blanket.

I placed the harpoon next to me and just stared at it, spacing out. 'Why did I even take this weird harpoon? Was it a good idea to take it with me?' I thought and yawned.

My head still hurt a lot. I felt so lonely and cold. Even though it was spring. I still couldn't move with my arm and my face burned and was still bleeding.

I shivered. Tears started to form in my eyes. I didn't know anything. Anything about me or my life. Maybe there was some kind of family I had and they were waiting for me. But I was not coming back. 'At least not until I'll get my memories back.'

Maybe they were worried about me... Or maybe I was completly alone in this world. Nobody was here for me and I was here just by myself. Tears started to fall from my eyes when I thought about that.

I didn't even know what I liked. What was my favourite thing to do? Did I like to sing? Or did I like to draw? Invent stuff? I didn't know. But then I thought about the singing again. Maybe I could sing something... But what?

I opened my mouth to sing, but nothing came out so I closed it again. 'What kind of song? Do I even know any songs?' I thought. And then suddenly, I started to sing... But it wasn't english...

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It sounded like... I didn't really know... But it sounded familiar... I yawned and closed my eyes. I really wanted to find out who I was. What I liked. Who was my family or friends if I had any. What language and song was that...

My mind was filled with thoughts like these. I was so confused... I opened my eyes again. I wasn't tired. I didn't want to sleep. I wanted answers...

Edd's POV:

The movie ended and I turned off the tv. It was getting late, but I didn't want to sleep. Matt was looking at himself in the mirror like always and Tom stood up. "I'm going to go to my apartment now, Edd. Goodnight." He said.

I nodded and smiled at him. "Goodnight to you too, Tom!" I said, waving at him when he closed the door. I sighed. I looked outside through the window. I came closer and opened it. I kept looking outside.

I then looked down there in some kind of allyway. I saw something red. Like a piece of clothes, but brushed it off. 'Maybe someone just lost some...red shirt. That happens...' I thought to myself and nodded.

I sighed. Red.... I started thinking about Tord. I knew that Tom wanted to just forget about him and move on, but I just...couldn't stop thinking about him. He was one of my best friends, of course I missed him!

Even though he almost killed us, killed Jon, destroyed two houses and tried to rule the world, I missed him. Even after what he did. I then saw Tom outside. I raised an eyebrow. I shouted at him.

"Tom!" I yelled. He stopped walking and looked up at me. "Oh, hey Edd. I'm just going for a little walk, I'll be right back." He said. I nodded. "Okay, but tell us when you get back so we wouldn't worry about you. Oh and, don't get drunk!" I yelled.

Even thought his 'eyes' were all black, I could see that he rolled them. "Yeah, sure. Bye, Edd!" He said and continued walking.

"Bye!" I closed the window and sat on the couch again. Matt looked at me and smiled at me. I returned that smile and we started talking. I almost forgot about Tord...but only almost...only...almost...

Tom's POV:

I walked around the small city and looked around, expecting to see somebody. But nobody was outside... I raised an eyebrow.

'Why is nobody outside? It's a nice weather, it's not cold or way too hot... Even I went out today...' I thought to myself.

I brushed it off and continued walking. I was walking around some allyways. Nothing really happened until...

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Inni mitt hjerte
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Hos meg med alt det som gjorde
At jet kalte deg

I heard someone singing... I noticed that it wasn't english... But it still sounded familiar... Even the voice...and that accent... My 'eyes' widened when I realized it. It was a norwegian song! I recognised this language.

Tord was always speaking something in norwegian to make me annoyed. Only hearing that name made my blood boil. But...he was dead... Tord was dead... So it couldn't be him singing. It was coming from one of the allyways...

I peeked in. I was in shock when I saw...him... He was laying there on the ground. His face and his arm were bleeding. He used his red hoodie as a blanket. He was shivering like he was cold, he was singing quietly in norwegian and tears were falling down his face.

He then stopped singing and sighed. "What happened to me..?" He said, his voice sounding a bit raspy. He shook his head and closed his eyes. I also noticed that his right eye looked more...dull and empty.

I then couldn't take it anymore. I started running away. I reached my apartment, not even bothering to tell Edd that I was back. I was in pure shock. I was angry, sad, suprised... I didn't like it...

'No... It...it couldn't be him. He's dead! I killed him!' I thought to myself, panting a lot. I sat on the couch, shaking.

I hid my face in my arms. 'That wasn't him... It couldn't be him. Yeah, it was just someone really familiar to him. Sure...' I thought and laughed a little. I then heard a knock...

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