13. Mysteries

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Tord's POV:

I was in that strange place once again. More and more bubbles were floating there. I just sighed and popped another one, curious about what was going to happen this time.

It was black. I heard strange sounds. It was like I was in a plane or something. "Iceberg! Dead ahead!" I heard a voice said. It sounded so familiar, but I could tell that it wasn't Edd, Matt or Tom. Were there more people I knew?

"We are in a plane." Another voice said, also sounding really familiar. "...Oh yeah." The first one said. I just didn't know, what the hell was going on. It was silent for a moment and I relaxed a little when... "Cloudberg!"

I then heard an explosion. It was really cold all of a sudden. It was snowing... I could feel the cold breeze hit my face. I shivered.

"PauuuUUUUULLLLL!!!!!" Another voice yelled. It sounded like me again. What was with my voice? Was it really me? "S-sorry, REeddd leadkfuiastgarhuogifamnklmndvkcnsd..." The end of that sentence was...weird and chaotic. It sounded scary...

I was creeped out and I wanted to scream. And so I did. All I heard was some kind of weird ringing... And then I woke up...

"Ahh!" I yelled and sat up with wide eyes. I was laying on a couch in Tom's apartment. I looked around and relaxed. I sighed in relief. I was sweating and panting from the weird...flashback...I had... If it of course really happened.

'But why? What was he going to say? Red...something...' I thought and stood up, careful on my leg. It hurt, but I ignored it. I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a glass. I poured some water in it and drank it.

I yawned and walked into the living room again. I layed on the couch and stared at the ceiling. I decided to go to sleep, but couldn't bring myself to do so for some reason. I rolled my eyes and looked at the time. 6 am.

It was still to early for me. I closed my eyes and waited. I didn't move and I just relaxed. I tried to fall asleep, but I couldn't. Though I still felt tired. I was tired...but could never sleep...

After a while, I gave up. I stood up from the couch and walked out of Tom's apartment as quietly as I could. I wanted to go outside again. Just to have a while to think about what happened in my dream...or flashback...

I walked around, limping on my leg. It didn't hurt that much. I was there alone, nobody was outside. I took a deep breath.

'So, first. Who were these people? My...voice in that dream called one of them Paul. It was the one that yelled 'iceberg' or something. Did I know them? Were we friends? What was he about to say? Why was it so chaotic in the end?' I asked myself a lot of questions...when I heard footsteps...

I stopped walking and looked behind me. I saw nobody. 'I guess it was nothing...' I thought. Then I continued walking. I didn't hear anymore footsteps.

After about an hour I decided to go back. I still didn't hear anything like footsteps, but as I was about to enter the building where my friends' apartment were, I could have sworn I saw somebody hide behind a corner.

I brushed it off and walked inside. I was about to enter Tom's apartment when Edd came out of his apartment along with Tom. "Don't worry, I'm sure Tord is fine." Edd said. He then looked at me.

"Tord! There you are! Tom was looking for you, where have you been?" Edd asked. Tom looked at me as well. "At least you're alright." He said and smiled.

"I just went out for a while. I had another...flasback I think..." I answered Edd's question. "Hmm? Another flashback? What was it about?" Tom asked me.

"I'm...actually not quite sure. I heard two voices that sounded familiar to me, but it wasn't any of you, guys..." I answered. Tom raised an eyebrow. "You...knew more people than us?" He asked. I looked at him. "Really? I can't remember..." I said.

It was silent. "Well, come in. I made us some breakfast, Matt is already there." Edd said. I nodded and walked inside his apartment. Matt was there, sitting at a table and eating some bacon with eggs. He looked up at me and smiled.

"Good morning, Todd!" He said. I raised an eyebrow. "My name is Tord..." I said. He nodded, still smiling. I smiled and sat at the table as well. Tom sat next to me. "So, what was the dream about?" He asked me.

"Well, two people were there. I could tell we were in a plane. They were having a weird conversation and then...I guess the plane crashed. And then, my voice was talking. But it was just saying a name. Name Paul." I paused.

"And then, the one called Paul said that he's sorry and he called me...by some kind of weird name." I said. Tom raised an eyebrow. "What did he call you?" He asked. "Red...something. Then it was just all weird and chaotic. I couldn't really tell what was going on... And then I woke up..." I answered.

Everyone just stared at me. "That's...really strange, Tord." Edd said. "But was it really a flasback? Couldn't it be just some kind of stupid dream?" I asked.

"I don't know...but it would be good to find out..." Tom answered. "So you really have no idea who these people were or what was going on?" I asked the guys. They all shook their head. I sighed and looked down.

"What if they are searching for me right now? What if they are my other friends and they are worried about me? What if-" Tom cut me off. "Now calm down. Let's just chill for now and we'll talk about it later." He said.

I just nodded and Edd placed breakfast in front of me. I looked up at him and smiled. "Thanks, Edd." I said. He returned the smile. "You're welcome, Tord."

I started eating, trying to forget all that just happened. But I couldn't. I just couldn't stop thinking about it and asking more and more questions to myself. But I never knew the answers. I spaced out.

'My whole past is just full of mysteries...'

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