11. Try to remember

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Tom's POV:

I kept looking at Tord, I couldn't help it. He really looked like he was going through lots of pain. But he deserved it! ...Right? Edd then finally finished bandaging his arm and started unwrapping his face.

Tord looked really pale, almost like he was going to pass out. He was shaking, still hugging my Tomee Bear. "Hey Tord, you're...really blind in your right eye?" Edd asked him. I raised an eyebrow. It did look a little dull...

Tord just nodded and closed his left eye. "Nope, I can't see anything out of my right eye." He said. I felt a wave of guilt wash me. Edd sighed. "I'm sorry for that, Tord..." He said. Tord looked down. "I am the one that's sorry here..." Tord answered.

Silence filled the room. "Let's just...wrap it up, okay?" Edd asked with a smile. Tord nodded and looked up again. After Edd finally finished, he helped Tord up and sat on the couch. "Thank you, Edd. I appreciate the help..." Tord said.

"No problem!" Edd answered. Matt sat on the couch as well and I did the same. "Oh and Matt, thank you for trying to calm me down." He said. Matt grinned. "It was no big deal, Todd." He said.

Tord rolled his eyes, but didn't comment it. "So Tord, is there anything we can do to help you remember?" I asked him. He looked at me.

"I don't know... Try to tell me something from my past. Or maybe something we all did together! Like, we were friends, right?" He asked. "Yeah..." I said. I tried thinking about something when he handed me Tomee Bear.

"And by the way, thanks for borrowing your bear to me." He said and smiled at me. I took Tomee back. "You're welcome. Well, how about...when we all joined the army, because we wanted to get some money so we could go on holiday?" I asked him.

He thought about it for a while, but then shook his head. "No..." He said. "Then what about when we wanted to see a new movie and there was the evil director? He made clones of us and then we killed them?" Edd tried to help as well.

Tord shook his head again. "No, sorry. I can't remember..." He said. "Or when I was trapped in that train station full of zombies and you guys helped me?" Matt said. Tord sighed. "Still nothing..." He said.

"...Not even when you gave me Tomee Bear?" I asked him. He looked at me and raised an eyebrow. "Tomee...Bear..?" He asked. I showed him Tomee. "This stuffed bear you found." I explained.

He stared at it. "...That sounds familiar... Tell me more." He said. I smiled. "Well, when we were little kids, you bought me Tomee Bear, because you wanted to cheer me up when my father died, because SOMEONE..." I paused and glared at Matt.

He gulped and smiled nervously. "...gave a gun to a bear. And my father got shot..." I said and looked back at Tord. I could hear Matt sigh in relief. Tord just stared with wide eyes. "Uhh...that...sound familiar..." He said. My face lit up.

"That's great! That's a good start." Edd said. I nodded. "And...what happened to my parents?" He asked us. My smile faded. "Uhh..."

Tord's POV:

"I...don't really know... I just know you had two fathers. But I don't know, who or where they are." Tom answered my question. I raised an eyebrow. 'Two fathers? Was I adopted? If yes, then what happened to my real parents?' I thought to myself.

"Oh..." I said. The room fell silent once again. I just thought about my parents. Where were they? Were they still alive?

"Then... What were my favourite things to do?" I asked them. "I remember you loved Hentai." Edd said. I was confused. "Hentai? What is that?" I asked him.

"U-umm, nothing..." Tom said. Why didn't he just tell me? What was Hentai? I sighed. "Whatever. What else did I like than this 'Hentai'?" I asked them.

"You loved guns an shooting games." Tom said. 'Why would I like guns?' I thought to myself. "And then you liked to invent stuff! Like those sofas in boxes!" Matt said. I froze. My stomach flipped. "And like that...giant robot..?" I asked him.

Tom looked at me. "Uhh, I-I guess..." He said. "Let's not talk about that..." Edd said. I sighed and nodded. Even though I couldn't really remember that, I still felt...regret and pain when I thought about that.

I yawned. My head hurt and I still felt a little dizzy. "Hey Tord, maybe we should continue this tomorrow. You look tired." Edd said. I looked at him and sighed again. "Okay..." I said.

I carefully stood up. I almost fell, but Tom catched me. I blushed a little. We said our goodbyes to Edd and Matt. He then helped me to walk into his apartment.

He opened the door for me. I was suprised. 'Why would he help me?' I asked myself, but I couldn't answer it. I then layed on the couch and closed my eyes. "Night, Commie." Tom said and left the room.

'That nickname again...' I thought. "Night, Tom." I answered. Maybe I should make a nickname for him too. Just to let him taste his own medicine. I grinned. 'Jehovah's Witness.' I thought. I opened my eyes.

What did I just think about? What was that? It sounded so familiar. Urg, there were so many things that were so familiar! But this one...was more than the other ones...

Well, it sounded like a nickname... Commie... Jehovah's Witness... Hmm. I rolled my eyes and closed them again. I yawned and finally fell asleep. I tried thinking about that this was going to be a peaceful night...

But it wasn't...

I woke up in a very strange place. I couldn't see how big the place was. It was all blue around me. I then noticed a small bubble. I smiled and tried to pop it, but I missed.

I tried again, but the bubble just started flying away. I didn't know, why, but I wanted to pop it. I just needed to pop it. (You know that feeling when you just need to pop a bubble.)

I followed it and then saw another one. And another one! There were so many! And they were big. I was about to pop one of them when I looked in there. I stopped smiling and I stared into the bubble.

It was...all weird. I could see something in there, but it was all blurry... But then I just brushed it off and popped it. And then suddenly everything went black. I woke up and saw that everything was blurry, just like in the bubble.

Then I heard something... "But I thought we were... I thought we were friends!" The voice yelled. It sounded familiar. But who was it? "Hah, no! What would I need friends for when I've got this!? I'm unstopable! Hahahahah!" Another voice yelled.

That voice was me... But...what were they saying? What did this all mean. Who was the other voice? And then... "I. AM NOT. YOUR. FRIEND!!!" Another familiar voice yelled. It sounded really angry. Then I heard a strange noice. "Uh oh..." My voice said.

I then heard a loud explosion... 'What did this mean? What was going on? Did this really happened?........What was this..?'

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