15. Another piece of the puzzle

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Edd's POV:

I ran into my apartment and quickly grabbed some bandages.  I left the building and ran towards the beach. "I've got the bandages!" I yelled when I saw Matt and Tom. They looked at me and smiled.

I came closer and stopped running. "Well, where's Tord?" I asked them. "Oh, don't worry. He's...." Tom looked all around the beach. "...not here..." He finished. My eyes widened. "What?! Where is he? What if something happened to him?" I yelled, dropping the bandages.

"C-calm down, Edd. I'm sure Tord's here somewhere..." Matt said and smiled nervously. I could see that he didn't believe it himself. "We need to find him!" I said. They nodded. "Where could he go?" I asked them.

"I have no idea, Edd." Tom answered, looking all around. I sighed. "Tord!" I called for him. No answer. "Tord! Come back here, this isn't funny." Tom joined. But nobody came. "Tord! Where are you? We're worried about you!" Matt shouted.

Nothing. I started panicking. I was shaking and my head hurt. Tom placed a hand on my shoulder. "Edd, calm down. I'm sure he's fine, we'll find him." He said. I took a deep breath and nodded, trying to be brave.

We continued shouting his name, hoping he would come back, hoping he would be okay, hoping he was just joking around. We continued searching for him for about two hours, but nothing. I sighed, tears forming in my eyes. "Tord...where are you..?"

Tord's POV:

I woke up, feeling really dizzy. I opened my eyes slowly and saw that I was in some kind of room. But it wasn't Matt's, Edd's or Tom's apatment. I really didn't know where I was. I looked around.

It was just a small empty room with a bed, closet and a small table. I raised an eyebrow. I didn't recognise this place. There were no windows as well. I wanted to stand up and look around a bit more, but someone knocked on the door.

I freaked out and hid under my covers, feeling the pain in my arm again. Somebody entered the room. I heard footsteps coming closer to my bed when the person took the covers off me. I looked at him with wide eyes, shaking.

There was a person with bushy eyebrows. He was wearing some kind of uniform or something. There was a name tag with a name 'Paul' written upside down. 'Wait... Paul?' I thought. "Uhh, Red Leader? Are you okay?" He asked me.

I was confused. "Red...what?" I asked him. He was about to answer when another person walked into the room. "What's going on, Paul? Oh, you're finally awake, Red Leader." The person said. He had the same uniform and a name tag with 'Patryck' written on it.

He called me...Red Leader as well. Who was that person? "Who are you? Where am I? And who the hell is Red Leader?" I asked them, getting angry.

They looked at each other and than back at me. "Uhh, so you really don't remember?" Paul asked me. I raised an eyebrow. "Huh? Remember what?" I asked them. "This is gonna be harder than I thought." Patryck said.

"Look, what the hell is going on? Who are you two and why did you drag me here?" I asked them, standing up. "W-we're sorry, Red Lead-" I cut Paul off. "Who. Is. Red Leader?!" I asked him.

"YOU are the Red Leader!" Patryck answered me. "Me? Why? What does that even mean?" I asked them. I was really angry now. Two guys just kidnapped me, dragged me into some kind of weird base and now they're calling me Red Leader like we've known each other? ...Or, did we?

"And...do I know you two?" I asked them, my voice softer. "Yes, sir. My name is Paul and this is Patryck. And you are the Red Leader." Paul said.

"What does that mean?" I asked them. Patryck sighed and looked at me with a serious look. "You, as our boss, are the Red Leader. You are leading an army named Red Army. We took you back to our army base so you could tell us what we're suppose to do now. Do we build another giant robot? Or should we wait until you recover?" He asked.

My eyes widened and I froze. "R-Red...Army? I am your boss and I'm leading this entire army? Another giant robots?" I asked them a lot of questions. They just nodded.

"So, what should we do now, Red Leader?" Paul asked me. 'Red...Leader... Paul... Wasn't that in my flashback..?' I thought. I was getting really angry now.

"I am not your leader! I have no army and no more giant robots! I think you have the wrong person." I yelled at them. "B-but si-" I cut him off. "No! Leave me alone! I am not leading your army and I am not your boss!!!" I shouted.

They stared at me for a while before they left the room, leaving me alone with my thoughts. I sighed. 'Is it true that I was leading an army? Are they telling the truth? Are my friends searching for me?'

I stood up. 'I need to get out of here...' I thought. I opened the door and all I saw was....hallways... I started walking around, limping on my leg when I saw a few people. When they saw me, they saluted. I just stared at them.

"U-uhh, sir? Are you okay?" One of them asked me. I snapped out of it. "Y-yeah..." I answered and continued walking. There were lots of other people. They were all saluting at me while I just felt...weird.

Then, I met Paul and Patryck again. They looked at me and saluted me as well. "S-sir, you're here." Paul said. I nodded slowly. "That's great, we need you to go to the infirmary to amputate your arm." Patryck said. "What are you talking abo-" Before I could finish, they dragged me to the infirmary.

"H-hey! I am your leader, you can't just-" Someone put another syringe in my skin. I shivered and fell down, passing out. I was scared...really scared...

*time skip*

I woke up in that room again. I stared at the ceiling, not wanting to move. 'What just happened?' I asked myself. I stood up carefully, expecting to feel pain coming from my arm, but...nothing... I looked at it and froze.

It was...a robotic arm! I stared at it with wide eyes and my jaw dropped. Then I remembered...amputation... This is what they meant?

I left the room and searched for Paul and Patryck. I just ignored the soldiers that were there. After a long while searching for the two, I finally found them. "Red Leader! There you a-" I punched Patryck in the face with my new arm, sending him on the ground.

Paul gasped and helped him up. They looked at me. "What have you done to me!?" I yelled. R-Red Leader, please! It needed to be done!" Patryck said. "I don't care! Now let me go, I have nothing to do with this 'army'!" I yelled at them.

"W-we can't let you go, s-sir..." Paul said. "I AM YOUR LEADER AND YOU WILL LISTEN TO ME!!! AND I'M SAYING I AM LEAVING!" I yelled at them, full of rage.

"N-no, sir. We can't allow you to do that..." They said. "Well, I am leavi-" Paul grabbed me by my robotic arm and dragged me into my room. "Hey! Let me go! You have to listen to me!" I argued, but they didn't listen.

They closed the door and locked it. I banged on it. "Let me out of here! I need to go back to my friends! I need to...go...back..." I said. I stopped banging on the door and sat on my bed.

I curled into a ball and cried. I cried and cried until I finally fell asleep. 'I want...to go back...to my friends......please...'

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