3. Who are you...?

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Edd's POV:

I was still talking with Matt when we heard a door slam. We looked at each other confusingly and got up from the couch. We left my apartment and knocked on Tom's apartment door. After a few seconds, he opened the door carefully and looked at us.

He looked...terrified and he was shaking. "T-Tom? What happened?" I asked him. "I-I-I..." He stuttered. I placed my hand on his shoulder. "Can we come in?" I asked him. He just nodded and let us in.

We sat on the couch and looked at him. "So Tom, what happened to you? You look like you've seen a ghost!" I said. "W-well, you...you could say that..." He said. I raised an eyebrow. "Huh? What do you mean?" Matt asked him.

Tom looked down. "I...I saw... T-T..." He gulped. "T..?" I said. "It...it was... T-T-T..." "Who was it, To-" I was cut off by him screaming. "It was TORD!" I froze and my eyes widened. Even Matt looked suprised.

I just stared at him. Silence filled the room for at least 30 seconds. "B-but... Tord's dead! Y-you told me he's dead!" I said, tears forming in my eyes.

"I... I thought he was, Edd... Or...maybe it wasn't him... Yeah, right... Maybe it wasn't him! Heheheh..." He tried to calm us and himself down, but it looked like it wasn't working.

We stayed silent for another few moments before I stood up. Matt and Tom looked at me. "I'm going to find him, guys. Where did you see him, Tom?" I asked him. He stood up as well.

"E-Edd, no! Don't!" He said. "Tom... He's still my friend!" I said. "No, he's NOT, Edd! We've been talking about this!" He yelled, his face turning from terrified to mad. "TOM! I. Am. Gonna. Look. After. Him. Whether. You. Like. It. Or. Not." I said, trying to sound angry.

I came closer to Tom and he backed up a little. "Tom. Where did you see him?" I asked him. "I-I..." He sighed in defeat. "In one of the allyways. I'm gonna show you." He said and growned. I smiled.

"Okay. Let's go." I said. Matt stood up from the couch as well and we followed Tom into the allyway where he saw Tord. We finally reached it. "Okay, I saw him here." He said. I nodded. I took a deep breath.

"Okay, let's do this." I said and carefully peeked around the corner. I expected to see Tord in a red hoodie sitting in the allyway, but when I looked there... "Tom, there's no one there." I said. Tom raised an eyebrow.

"What? But... I'm sure I saw him here... He was covered in his red hoodie, singing some kind of norwegian song. And he had my harpoon...I don't know, why though." He answered and peeked in as well. Matt did the same.

"I really can't see anybody, Tom." I said. I noticed that the end of the allyway was really dark... I thought that Tom was just seeing things, because Tord was not here.

"Then...where could he be?" He asked me. I was about to answer when I heard someone singing...

Så lenge jeg lever
Skal du også leve
Inni mitt hjerte
Inni mitt sinn
Så lenge jeg minnes
Skal du også finnes
Hos meg med alt det som gjorde
At jeg kalte deg

I could see Tom's 'eyes' widen. "T-that's Tord! I heard him singing the same song!" He said. It was coming from the allyway, but at the end of it... "Umm, T-Tord?" I called. The singing stopped and everything went silent.

"Tord, come out, please!" I said. Nothing happened until I saw movement. Tord came out of the dark of the allyway. He looked...terrible...tired and scared. "U-umm..." Was all he said.

He was looking at us with wide eyes. "T-Tord, it's...it's okay... We're not going to hurt yo-" He cut me off by pulling out a harpoon and pointing it at us with a horrified look. "W-who are you? Get...get away from m-me!" He yelled at us, shaking.

"T-Tord..." I said in a quiet tone. I came a little closer. "H-hey, Tord. Let's just...put the harpoon aw-" I was cut off...again. Seriously, what was with everyone cutting me off today?

"Get. Away. From. Me..." He said, still pointing the harpoon at me. I backed away. "Edd, stay away from him. He's dangerous." Tom said and glared at Tord. Tord looked even more scared. "Again, w-who are you?"

Tord's POV:

I kept looking at the three people that were standing in front of me. I kept pointing at them with my harpoon. I was shaking from fear and cold.

There was a brunette boy in a green hoodie. He looked kinda worried. He tried to calm me down and get closer to me. But I didn't even know him! So I just told him to stay away.

Then there was a boy in a blue hoodie and...black...'eyes'? Were they even eyes? He kept glaring at me and looked like he was going to kill me any second now.

Then there was the third one. It was a ginger in a purple hoodie and a green overcoat. He looked really confused and stayed silent the whole time they were here.

They all seemed...familiar... I didn't know, why. "T-Tord..." The green one said in a calm voice. "W-who is Tord?" I asked him, sweating a little. He stayed silent. "Look, Commie. Stop playing this game, you know really well who we are." The one in blue said.

I raised an eyebrow. "W-what Who is Commie..?" I asked him. He glared at me again. He then ran up to me and cought me by my neck. I dropped the harpoon. He squeezed my neck making me cough.

I looked up at him in his terrifying 'eyes', shaking violently and coughing. "T-Tom! Stop, you'll hurt him!" I heard the green one say. Tears were now streaming down my face and blood was coming out of my mouth, face and arm.

I tried to gasp for air, but whenever I tried, he tightened his grip on my neck. I was scared... I didn't know, what to do.

I tried to reach for the harpoon, but he took it and threw it away. My vision was starting to go blurry. Hot tears were still falling down my face. "Tom! STOP!" The green one shouted. Everything then went silent when I felt that the blue one let go of me.

I was now laying on the ground, coughing and breathing heavily. I was crying as well. The green one ran up to me. I was ready to back away, because I thought he wanted to fight with me. But he pulled me into a hug instead.

My eyes widened. I didn't hug back though. I was way too scared that if I did one bad move, he would hurt me or worse...kill me.

My arm and my face burned. I noticed that they were...still bleeding. Only a little though. I groaned in pain.

The boy hugging me pulled away and picked me up carefully. I was suprised, but didn't fight. I felt too tired and weak. I just let him do what he wanted. I closed my eyes and slowly fell asleep, still feeling the awful pain.

'Who were these people? And...where were they...taking me..?'

Who are you? (TomTord)Where stories live. Discover now