20. The bar

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Tord's POV:

The young woman came with a bottle of smirnoff. "Here you go!" She said and handed it to me. I took it and opened it. I took a swing from it and felt a burning pain in my throat. I liked it... I finally understood why Tom loved smirnoff so much.

I smiled. "Thank you. This is what I needed right now." I said to the young woman.  She smiled at me. "You're welcome, gentleman." She answered. I expected her to go away or something, but she just stood there, looking at me and smiling.

It was kinda weird to me, but I let it go and just drank my smirnoff. It didn't take long and I drank the whole bottle. I groaned when I figured it out.

"Want another one?" The woman asked me. I raised an eyebrow. "I mean, it would be nice of you, but...why are you doing this for me?" I asked her.

She just giggled. "Oh, it's nothing. Don't worry about it, sweetheart." She answered and walked away, getting another bottle. I shivered. 'How did she just call me?' I asked myself. I was creeped out a little, but as long as I had drinks for free, I didn't care.

She came back with another three bottles. I smiled. "Thank you." I said. She giggled. I was still confused. She didn't go away. She just stayed there, watching me drink. Did she put poison in this or something?

I didn't mind. I just drank it. I just drank and drank and drank until I drank all the bottles again. My vision was blurred, my head was spinning a little bit and actually all I saw was a bit weird...but for a strange reason... I liked it...

I giggled. "This looks funnnn." I said. The woman giggled as well. "You look so cute when you smile." She said. It was a bit weird, but I let it go and asked her for another bottle. She walked away for another bottles.

I felt happy. I didn't feel the strange pain and other stuff that bothered me. I didn't feel anything like that! I knew it was those drinks and that made me want more. And more...and more...

Tom's POV:

Me, Edd and Matt were watching tv in the living room. Tord was still out somewhere. After a while I noticed that Edd looked kinda nevous or something. "Edd, is something wrong?" I asked him, worried.

He looked at me. "It's just about Tord... Where did he go? It's been an hour." He said. I placed a hand on his shoulder. "Hey, I'm sure he's fine." I said.

He smiled at me. "But still... I would call him to make sure he's okay..." He said. I rolled my 'eyes'. "Okay, I'll call him if it makes you happy." I said and took out my phone.

I found Edd's number since Tord had his phone. I started calling him. I thought he was okay. I knew he was okay...right? Nobody was picking up. I tried again. Nothing. 'This is weird... Tord always answers... ALWAYS.' I thought to myself.

Edd looked at me. "What is it, Tom?" He asked me. I looked at him. I didn't want to freak him out though. "He's fine, Edd. Don't worry." I said. He smiled. "Okay then, if you say so." He said. I put my phone in my pocket and tried not to think about it.

'I mean, maybe he just turned off his phone and he'll call us back later.' I tried to calm myself down. Yeah. He had to be okay. And he WAS okay. I just knew it. But even through thinking all of this, I couldn't stop myself from being worried about the small Norwegian.

*time skip*

Edd was seriously worried. He was walking all over the kitchen in loops, saying things like how he could be hurt or that he got lost or something while Matt tried to calm him down. I tried calling him multiple times.

He never answered... I was at this point super worried too. It was strange. He was gone for seven hours! This was not really normal. I tried texting him and other stuff, but I never got an answer. I was scared and worried.

After a while of Edd walking around the kitchen, mumbling stuff and Matt comforting him, I finally got an answer from Tord. I gasped and stared at the phone. "He texted, guys!" I said. Edd looked at me.

"What does he say?" He asked. I was a bit confused. It was...weird...

Tord: Heeeeeeya, Tommmmmie... Whazzup?
Tom: Uhh, Tord? Are you okay? Where are you? You've been out for the past seven hours!
Tord: Yeeeeeea, I nooooow.
Tom: Why weren't you answering? And where are you?
Tord: Heeeeeeeey, sllllow down... That is two many questions...

I raised an eyebrow at this. "What the..?" I asked myself. Edd and Matt came closer and looked into the phone. "Uhh, what's wrong with Tord?" Matt asked. "I...have no idea..." I answered.

Tom: Then where are you?
Tord: I dunnnnno. A bar?
Tom: What? What are you doing there?

Tord: I just wanteeed a drrrink. And Tom, that smirnoff is aaaaaaweesomeeee. I understaaand now why you like it sooo much!!!

Okay, now I was a bit creeped out. "Uhh, did he get himself drunk?" I asked. "What? I didn't give him any money so how could he buy anything?" Edd asked. I shook my head. "What is going on..?"

Tom: Tord...how many bottles did you have?
Tord: I dunno..... Maybe eight? Maybe ooonly one? Maybe fifty-sixxx?
Tom: Tord, I'm picking you up. In which bar are you?
Tord: In...a grrrreat bar...
Tom: Tord, this is serious!
Tord: I dun't nooow.

Tom: Look. Just...don't go anywhere, stay where you are and I'll pick you up, okay?
Tord: Urrgghhhh, fiiiiiine.

I sighed and facepalmed. I stood up from the couch. "He's drunk. I'm going to pick him up. I'll be right back." I said.

Edd nodded. "Okay then." He said. I left the apartment and went outside. I decided to go to the nearest bar there was. I tried to hurry up. It didn't take long and I reached it. I opened the door. It was a small bar. I looked around.

I then saw Tord. I sighed in relief to see that he was okay. A young woman who was working here was talking with him. I came closer. And then I saw the woman lean closer to Tord and kiss him...

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