27. Another fake memory? Or is it real..?

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Tord's POV:

I was in that place, bubbles were floating everywhere. But...it looked like there was...less bubbles... Like they were seriously dissapearing... I could feel a weird feeling in my stomach. I didn't like it.

At that time, I didn't know if I should pop another one. 'What if I will get more fake memories?' I thought. I didn't want that. I didn't want to pop another one... But what was I suppose to do? I sighed and was about to pop a bubble when I just suddenly stopped myself.

I realized...I couldn't do it. There was just...something that kept me away... Something saying that it was bad... I just stared at the bubbles.

I was on a verge of tears. I hid my face in my hands. I didn't want this. It was so confusing! "You don't look too good!" I suddenly heard a young boy's voice. I looked at one of the bubbles.

I saw something in there. It was...Tom and me! We were kids. Another flashback? Or just a fake memory?

I sighed and took a deep breath. I wanted to just stay there and do nothing just not to risk another wrong memories...but my curiousity won over my fears and I popped the bubble. Everything went black for a second when I heard laughter.

I opened my eyes and saw me and Tom as kids. We were on a small playground. They were just running around, full of enegry and laughing. Tom then ran up to the little me and tackled him to the ground.

They were both panting heavily, smiling. Little Tom got off him and helped him up. This memory made me smile, I almost forgot that it could be fake.

The kid me then pointed at a tree. "Hey Tom! Let's climb up there!" He said, sounding really excited. Tom nodded and they both carefully climbed on the tree. They then sat on a branch. Little Tom looked down. "Wow." He said in amazement.

Little me chuckled. "Hey Tom?" Tommy looked at him. Or he looked at me? I...nevermind. "Yeah?" He asked. Tord took a deep breath. "Were you ever thinking about how cool would it be if we could fly? Just like birds?" He looked at the sky.

Tom nodded. "Actually, yes. I think it would be awesome!" He answered, smiling. Little me carefully stood up. "I would really like to fly..." I said. Tommy raised an eyebrow at him as Tord was looking down.

"Umm, Tord? What are you doing?" He asked him, curious and confused. Tord sighed. "And I will fly!" Tord said. Tom carefully stood up as well. "W-what do you mean..?" He asked him.

Little Tord took a deep breath and closed his eyes. He didn't answer his question. "T-Tord?" Tom called him.

Tord ignored him. "W-what are you doing, Tord? Is something wrong? What did you mean by that?" Tommy asked him. Tord opened his eyes and looked at him with a small smile.

"I. Will. Fly." He answered and suddenly jumped off the branch. I could hear Tom yelp in fear. I heard a thud... Little me was laying on the ground, blood coming out of his head. Tom gasped and quickly climbed back down from the tree. He ran up to Tord and kneeled down beside him.

"T-T-Tord!?" He called his name. Tord didn't react, he opened his eyes though and looked at Tom, breathing heavily. I could see tears form in Tom's 'eyes' as he covered his mouth. "You don't look too good!" He said. Tord groaned in pain quietly.

He tried to stand up, but couldn't. "Oh, I'll go get help!" Tom said and placed his hand on little Tord's cheek. Tord smiled at him weakly. "Don't...don't worry... I will be...okay!" He said and closed his eyes again.

Tom quickly stood up. "S-stay here! I'll go find help, I promise I'll be back as fast as I can!" He said and ran off, leaving the little me on the ground. Tord sobbed. "I'm...sorry...Tommy..." He said and then passed out.

I could feel tears in my eyes as I woke up. I was panting heavily and I felt dizzy. I covered my mouth. I noticed that I was cuddled on the couch with Tom, but I was so shocked that I didn't even have any time to blush or freeze.

I calmed down a little and hid my face. My right arm was burning in pain when I moved with it...and I meant like it seriously hurt too much. Tears were streaming down my face like a waterfall.

I didn't even know, why I was crying. If it was because of the pain or because of the dream... I didn't know. I carefully stood up, trying my best not to wake Tom up and sneaked into the kitchen.

Just as I was about to open the freezer for something that I could put on my arm, I heard Tom call my name from the living room. "T-Tord?"

I sighed. "I-I'm here, T-T-Tom..." I said. I tried not to sound like I was crying, but my voice cracked and I was stuttering. 'Oh no...' I thought. I didn't want to make Tom worried...but it was way too late for that.

He walked into the room and I looked at him, wiping my tears away. "Tord? What happened?" He asked me with a worried look on his face. I just looked down and stayed silent.

Tom's POV:

He didn't answer. I came closer to him and placed my hand on his shoulder. He flinched a little. "Is everything alright?" I asked him again. I saw tears escaping his eyes. That only made me more worried.

"Tord... Look at me." I said. He sighed and looked up at me. I wiped his tears away. "What happened?" I asked him. He then suddenly pulled me into a hug. I blushed. He only hugged me with his left arm. I was suprised, but hugged him back.

"T-Tom...I-I..." He stuttered. I placed my chin on his head. "What is it?" He didn't answer. "I'm listening..." I said. "I-it's just that...that...flashback I had..." He said. That made me interested even more. I let him continue.

"I-I've had that fake memory... And today, I got another one, but I don't know if it really happened. And besides, when I woke up, my arm seriously hurt... That's why I'm here. Do you have anything that could maybe help a little to stop the pain?" He asked me.

I nodded. He sat at a table and placed his arm on it. I opened the freezer and took out an ice pack. I've had it there just in case something like this would happen.

I then grabbed some painkillers and a glass of water. I sat next to Tord and he took the pills. He swallowed them and drank the water. I shot a worried look at him. I placed the ice pack on his arm. He looked at me and smiled. I returned it.

"So Tord... What was...the flashback about?"

Hey, guys! Guess who's finally back? :3  So sorry I wasn't here. I missed you all so much! The trip with my family was kinda fun, buuuut it was hot as hell. And everyday I was thinking about you guys. I'm glad I'm finally back.

Well, I will upload the chapters everyday just like I always did. But actually that trip was like a break and it wasn't so bad. Well, I love you all, guys. Bye bye now!

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