9. I am not Tord...

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Tord's POV:

I reached the houses. They were both destoryed and burned. I didn't like it. They both looked really...familiar... I decided to look in one of them.

This one was more damaged. There was almost nothing! Just a big hole and small pieces of the roof and walls. I walked around. 'Did I do this? Oh my..' I thought. I felt really uncomfortable just being here.

I then saw...a photo. I picked it up, it was broken. My eyes widened. It was a photo of me, Edd, Matt and Tom. We were all smiling. 'So...this really was our house!' I thought to myself. Tears were forming in my eyes as I dropped the photo and looked around.

I started sobbing."Our house...destroyed...and it's probably my fault!" I said to myself. The other house must have been our neighbors' house then. And I destroyed it as well. I wiped my tears away and tried to calm down.

I looked around once more. It was all gone...burned. I stepped on something...plushy. I picked it up. It was a plush bear! It looked old and familiar.  It was like I've seen it before.

I took it with me. That wasn't the only thing I found. Then there was plenty of toys. They were all broken, but there was one that looked kinda okay. It was a small zombie monkey with cymbals. Again, something familar.

And then there was an empty can of cola on a necklase. 'This really reminds me of something.' I thought. I took all of these things, thinking they might will remind me of who I was or something else about my past. I will ask the guys about it.

I sighed and decided I should probably head back. I couldn't find anything familiar or anything that was not broken and burned.

I left this place, this strange place of my old memories. I started walking back to Tom's apartment. After a while, I reached the building. My leg hurt from the walking, but I didn't mind. I walked into the building. In the hallway were Edd, Matt and Tom talking.

When Edd saw me, his face lit up and he ran up to me. He pulled me into a tight hug, making all of the thing I got fall on the ground.

"Oh, here you are, Tord! Where were you?" He asked me. I tried to talk, but his grip was too tight. "E-Edd, carefully with the hugs, okay?" I said and smiled at him. He let go. "Heh, oops. Sorry about that." He said.

I sighed. "It's fine. I was just out for a while." I said, picking up the things. "Hmm? What have you got there, Commie?" Tom asked, pointing at the thing I collected from our old house. "Oh, I just went to our old house and-" I was cut off by Matt screaming.

"Aaaaaah, Little Tom!" He grinned and took the zombie monkey toy. "Is that...my lucky can?" Edd asked and took the empty cola can. I now only had the plush bear. I looked at Tom. He was looking at the plush toy I had.

I offered him the bear and he slowly took it. He then smiled and hugged him tightly. I never thought a guy like him would like this bear, but maybe it was really meant a lot for him. "Where did you get those?" Edd asked after a while. "Well, I was...in our old house...I think? And I found these things." "So, you remember where we lived?" Tom asked. I shook my head.

"No, Tom. I walked on the top of the hill, where I woke up. I saw two destroyed houses from up there and remembered when you...yelled that I destroyed two houses and...almost killed you guys..." I paused and looked down.

"I just...they looked familiar so I decided to go check them out. I found these things in one of them and I think that was our old house..." I finished. "Oh..." Edd answered. We all went silent. "Well, let's not talk about that..." Tom said.

Edd smiled. "So Tord, do you want to go to the arcade? You always loved to play some shooting games!" He said. I looked at him. "I did?" I asked him. His smile faded and he nodded. "Oh, Okay then. Maybe I will remember something." I said.

Edd smiled again. "Okay, should we go now?" He asked. We all nodded. "Alright!" Edd said and we followed him into the arcade.

'I liked shooting games? Okay, that's one of the things I liked. What else?'

Tom's POV:

We followed Edd to the arcade. I was kinda happy. I liked to play the shooting games as well, just like Tord. But he always beat me if I played with him. Oh well, I still enjoyed it and he did too.

We reached it and walked inside. We were in this arcade plenty of times and we knew which game was where or which games we were best at. We decided to split up. Edd and Matt ran off to somewhere.

I was about to go as well, but Tord just stood there, looking around confusingly. "I thought you remember where...oh, yeah... Sorry. Hey, I'll show you around." I said. I remembered the fight we had and I tried to make it up to him.

He just nodded and he followed me. "How about you try some of them? They're fun!" I said while smiling. "...Okay." He said. I decided to just leave him be and try some of them.

*time skip*

"Yes!" I said when I won the game. I was always good at this one and it always made me happy to play it. I looked around and saw Tord. He looked really confused while playing one of the games.

And then I saw what I didn't expect to see. He lost...at a shooting game? I was suprised. He was always much better than me. But it even looked like he didn't really care if he lost. I remembered that he was always really mad when he did.

That kinda made me worried. I walked up to him and placed a hand on his shoulder. He jumped a little and turned around.

"Hey, Tord..." I said. "O-oh, hey Tom." He answered. "Something wrong?" I asked him. He sighed. "Everything is so familiar here! I feel like I was good at this type of games, but I lost every single one... I know it's not a big deal, but it just feels wrong..." He answered.

I was really suprised. I knew that he lost his memories, but that didn't have to mean that he's gonna be bad at something he was good at. He noticed my expression and raised an eyebrow. "What's wrong, Tom?" He asked.

"...But you were always good at these games. You always beat me." I said. He stayed silent. I started to space out when I heard a quiet sob.

I looked at Tord. He was hiding his face in his hoodie sleeve. "T-Tom... This feels so wrong... I feel like I'm not who I'm suppose to be. I don't know anything about myself!" He said.

"Tord..." I said. I mean, yeah. We never really got along, but I knew that somewhere deep inside I actually cared about that idiot. "I don't even know if you can call me like that, Tom..." He said. He then hugged me. I was suprised, but I was not just some heartless monster...

I hugged him back and he sobbed into my hoodie. I didn't really mind. I knew one thing... We needed to help him...and fast...

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