12. Bubbles

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(The picture is mine again...)

Tord's POV:

I blinked a few times to make my vision clear. Everything I saw was blurry. Everything went silent. I opened my eyes.

I was in that strange place full of bubbles again. It was really strange. I didn't know, where was I.

There were more bubbles, but I just watched and thought about what would happen if I popped them. I was confused. There were lots of questions, but no answers.

'What is this place? How did I get here? What are those bubbles? What was that scene I saw earlier?' I thought to myself. I sighed.

"Maybe I should find out something more and explore the bubbles." I said and looked at another bubble. I smiled and popped it.

It was all...black. It wasn't blurry. It was just strange. Then I heard something... "Hey, Tord..." The voice said. It sounded like...Tom...only a bit different...

"Hmm? Oh hello, Tom! How are...wait... Why are you crying?" Another voice said... It was me.

"I-I..." Then I heard crying and sobbing. I wanted to see what was going on...

"Tom..?" 'I' said. "H-he's dead... He's gone forever. My father is gone!" Tom yelled. "Aww, Tommy... Don't cry..." I wanted to see what was happening.

Then the blackness faded and I saw two small boys hugging. It was still a bit blurry though. I could tell that it was Tom and me...as kids..? I guessed.

They pulled away from the hug. "Tommy... I know it's hard, but everything will be alright, I promise." 'I' said.

I smiled at myself. 'We were really close as kids.' I thought. Then Tom said something, but it was weird. It sounded like it was far away. I didn't understand what did he say.

Then everything went black once again. I appeared in that strange place again. Blue all around me and floating bubbles. What was this?

Tom's POV:

I woke up and yawned. I checked the time and it was already 10 am! I rubbed my 'eyes' and got up.

I walked into the living room and saw that Tord was still sleeping. I smiled and went into the kitchen. I decided to make breakfast, because why not.

I started making waffles. Everybody loved waffles! Then I suddenly heard a thud that came from the living room. I immediately ran in there.

Tord was laying on the ground next to the couch and groaned. He rubbed his head and looked around.

"Are you alright, Tord?" I asked him. He looked up at me and nodded. "I'm fine, Tom, just had a strange night." He answered.

I raised an eyebrow. "Umm, okay?" I said and helped him up. He thanked me and we walked into the kitchen.

I helped him sit down at the table and continued making breakfast. Someone knocked in the door. "Come in!" I yelled.

The door opened and Edd and Matt came in. "Good morning, guys!" Edd said. "Morning Edd, morning Matt." Me and Tord said in unison.

We looked at each other and blushed. Tord looked really tired. He had bags under his eyes and he was still half asleep.

Edd and Matt came in and sat at the table as well. I finished making breakfast and took four plates.

I placed a plate in front of everyone and sat next to Tord. "Thank you, Tom." Tord said and smiled at me.

I smiled as well. "You're welcome." I answered. We started eating and I couldn't help, but worry about Tord. He really looked tired.

"Hey Tord, why do you look so tired?" Edd asked him. "Yeah, what's up Tord?" Matt asked. I was glad he said his name correctly.

Tord sighed and stared at his food. "I just had a strange dream last night." He answered.

"What was it about?" I asked him. He stayed silent for a moment. "Bubbles..." He answered.

I raised an eyebrow. "Huh?" I said. "What do you mean?" Edd asked. Tord sighed. "I was just in a strange place, where everything was blue. Bubbles were floating there..." He paused.

"When I popped one, I appeared in a place... Everything was blurry at first and I heard some voices. Then when I popped another one, I was in a void. I could hear voices again." He said.

"I still don't know, what that was, but it freaked me out." He finished. We just stared at him. I was the first one that snapped out of it.

"...What were these voices saying for the first time?" I asked him. He looked at me. "Well...it was weird... I could...recognise some of the voices... It sounded like you, Edd." He said and looked at Edd.

Edd looked at him, suprised. "What?" He asked. Tord nodded. "You said something like 'But I thought we were friends!' or something like that." Tord answered.

Edd's eyes widened. "W-what..? But..." He stuttered. "What's up, Edd?" Tord asked him.

"B-but... I really said that when you took your giant robot..." Edd said. "What happened next?" I asked Tord.

"Well...then my voice was talking... I said something like 'What would I need friends for?'." He answered. Me and Edd looked at each other.

"But...you really said that, Tord..." Edd said. I nodded. Tord's eyes widened. "N-n-no..." He said and covered his mouth. Tears were forming in his eyes.

I wrapped my arms around him. I didn't know, what to say to make him feel better. He hugged me back tightly and sobbed in my chest.

Edd and Matt hugged him as he started to cry. I sighed. "Hey, i-it's alright..." I said. He stopped crying and looked up at me.

His eyes were red and puffy. He still looked really tired and tears were streaming down his cheek faster than a waterfall.

"Tom... I'm so sorry..." He said. I petted his hair and Edd and Matt pulled away from the hug.

" It's fine, To-" He cut me off. "No, it's not 'fine', Tom! I hurt you guys...I hurt you all..." He said and looked down.

"Hey. I forgive you." I said. "Me too." Edd said. Matt nodded in agreement. Tord smiled and closed his eyes. "...Thanks." He said.

After a while, he fell asleep. I sighed and smiled at him. 'Getting his memories back will maybe be easier than I thought.'

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