10. Painful world

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Tord's POV:

I pulled away from the hug and looked away. I realized how much I wanted to know who I truly was. I sighed. "M-maybe we should find Edd and Matt." I said. Tom just nodded and we walked around the arcade, trying to find them.

After a while, we did. Edd smiled when he saw us and waved. We waved back and came towards them. Matt looked at us. "Hey, guys! There you are!" He said. "Yeah, hi. Should we go home now?" I asked them.

"Yeah, let's go. It's getting late anyway and I'm getting hungry." Edd said. I rolled my eyes and we left the arcade. I kept looking down, but I could still feel like Tom has been looking at me.

I didn't really mind, but it wasn't comfortable neither. My arm, face and head hurt, more than usual. I almost felt like passing out. "Hey Tord, you look pale, are you okay?" Edd asked me.

"I'm fine, Edd. Just feeling a bit dizzy." I answered, still looking down. "Hey, we're almost home, buddy. We should then change the bandages, they're a bit too bloody." He said. I just nodded in responce.

We all went silence for a moment. "Tord?" Tom said. "Hmm?" I looked up at him with a blank expression. He looked...worried? No, that was impossible. He would never care. Why would he? "If you want to then when we get home, I'll try to help you remember some stuff from your past!" He said.

"I would be happy for that." I said and forced myself to smile. He smiled as well and looked away. I stopped smiling and looked away as well.

'He doesn't care anyway. And I am not suprised. Who would care about a pathetic Commie like me?... Commie...' I started to space out from the world when I heard Edd. Was he saying something? Oh yeah...wait...

"Tord! Watch out!" He yelled. I snapped out of it and stepped on a banana peel with my injured leg. I fell down and hit my head pretty hard. I heard Edd gasp. I wasn't suprised though, but people should really learn to clean after themselves. (Seriously, someone can get hurt. 1 cleaned trash = lil smol bean Tord saved)

I just layed on the ground and stared into nothing. My head was spinning, but I didn't care. I was too lazy to stand up or move so I didn't.

Edd kneeled down beside me. I looked at him. "Are you okay, Tord? I'm sorry, I should have warned you sooner!" He said. "It's not your fault, Edd. I just spaced out. And I'm sure it's nothing serious." I said, trying to stand up.

My knee hurt, I couldn't even step on it. Edd and Matt helped me up while Tom was just looking at us. I finally stood up and tried to walk normally, but I almost fell down again, Edd catched me.

"Hey, let us help you." He said while smiling at me. He wrapped my arm around his neck and I relaxed a little. We continued walking slowly and I tried not to fall. Even though Edd was helping me, it was still hard.

We finally reached the building where our apartments were. We walked inside and we went into Edd's apartment.

'Finally.' I thought. I felt like I was gonna pass out or something. My head was still spinning.  "Tord... You don't look too good." Edd said. My stomach flipped. I felt like throwing up. "I'm...urg...fine, Edd." I said, holding my stomach.

He patted my back. "Hey, let's just change the bandages, okay?" He said and smiled at me. I nodded and we walked to the bathroom. Well, only me, Edd and Matt. Tom went into his own apartment.

Matt then took a first aid kit and opened it. I sat on the toilet carfully, feeling sharp pain in my knee. My head really hurt, I guessed it was from the fall.

"Matt, can you please hand me some scissors and bandages?" Edd asked Matt. He nodded and handed him the things. I felt horrible. Something was falling down my face. I touched it and...blood.

'Was that fall really that bad..?' I thought. Edd grabbed some tissues and wiped the blood off. I sighed.

He then started to take off my bandages. I winced in pain, but stayed silent. It didn't hurt like the first time, it was still pretty painful though.

Matt placed his hand on my back and with his other hand he petted my hair, smiling at me. "Hey, it's gonna be over soon." He said. I smiled as well. "Thanks, Matt." I said. Edd took off the bandages and took some new ones.

He started wrapping them around my arm. "Ouch..." I said quietly. Edd sighed. "I'm sorry, Tord, but I'm trying my best to not hurt you." He said. I nodded. I understood, nobody could do it without the pain.

Then, Tom came into the room. He stopped when he saw us. "Ah, hey Tom..." Edd said. I closed my eyes, not wanting to see him. I didn't know, why, but it pained me every time when I saw him. So why should I even look?

"...Hey guys." He answered. Matt tried to comfort me by saying nice words. I really appreciated that. He looked like he was scared of me at first, but he was actually a nice friend.

"Oh, Tom? Could you please get some painkillers for Tord? I think he's going through lots of pain now..." Edd said. I opened my eyes. Tom just nodded and left the room. I sighed. 'Why did he looked so worried? It's not like he cares or anything...right?'

After a while, he came back with the painkillers and a glass of water. I looked at him, my eyes closing. I felt really tired and still dizzy. He handed me the pills and I swallowed them. I drank the water and immediately looked away.

"T-t-thanks..." I said and closed my eyes again. He didn't answer, but didn't leave the room. I was shaking. Matt rubbed my back and continued saying those nice things. I smiled.

The pain wasn't going away. It got worse. It burned, hurt and I just wanted to scream. Tears were falling down my face.

"O-ouch..." I said. "I am so sorry, Tord, I know it hurts." Edd said, looking worried. Tom then left the room once again, but I was too focused on trying not to scream and cry.

After a while, he came back holding a...stuffed bear? It was the bear I found. He handed it to me. I just stared at it. "Take it, it'll help." He said. I took it carefully and hugged him close to my chest, tears falling down my face.

"Thanks, Tom..." I said. "You're welcome...Tord..." He said. He actually called me by my name...wow. I started whimpering quietly to myself, still holding the bear. But he was right, it actually helped.

'This world is full of pain...'

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