23. Blue, red, green, purple...

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Tord's POV:

I pulled away from the hug and we continued walking. I kept looking around until I saw a park. It was full of flowers. I stopped walking and smiled. "Hey! There's a lot of flowers!" I said. He looked towards the park.

Yeah, you're right! Should we go there?" He asked. "Yes! I'm really excited!" I answered. He chuckled. I grabbed his hand without realizing it and ran towards the park. Once I reached the park, I stopped running and let go of Tom's hand.

I sat on the grass and started choosing the colours of the flowers. Tom sat next to me and started choosing the flowers as well. I decided to make a simple one for the first try. I just picked up some red ones.

After I've had enough of them, I started making the actual flower crown, trying to remember how to do it. It wasn't hard and it felt so familiar. I smiled. "I got it!" I said. Meanwhile Tom chose some blue flowers.

I then told him that that's enough and I showed him how to do it. He then tried it himself. "Like this?" He asked me and showed it to me. I nodded. "Yup! Good job!" I answered. I continued making my own flower crown.

I liked it, but after a while I felt like it was too quiet. So I quietly started singing. I started singing the song I sang when the guys found me in that allyway.

Så lenge jeg lever
Skal du også leve
Inni mitt hjerte
Inni mitt sinn
Så lenge jeg minnes
Skal du også finnes
Hos meg med alt det som gjorde
At jeg kalte deg

Tom's POV:

I listened to Tord singing. His voice was...beautiful... I loved it... And Norwegian sounded pretty nice too. I smiled and continued making my flower crown. Tord was right. It was fun! I liked it a lot.

After Tord finished the song, I started clapping my hands. He froze for a moment and looked at me. "That was awesome, Tord! Norwegian sounds pretty nice as well." I said. He blushed. "T-thank you..." He said and smiled at me.

I then focused on the flower crown again and after a few minutes, I was done. I placed it on my head and it fit perfectly! "Hey Tord!" I said. He looked at me. "Hmm?" He looked at my flower crown and smiled. "Good job, Tom!" He said.

"Thanks! You were right, it really is fun!" I said. He nodded and placed a red flower crown on his head. I blushed when I saw him. 'How is that even possible? He looks even cuter!' I thought to myself.

"N-nice." I said and looked away, my face red. He giggled. "How about we make some for Edd and Matt?" He asked. "I think that's a good idea!" I answered.

He nodded. "I'll make one for Matt and you make one for Edd. Okay?" He asked. "Okay!" I said and started picking up some green flowers. I picked some yellow right here and then. I sometimes glanced over at Tord to see he was picking some purple and pink ones.

I actually started spacing out in my own thoughts. 'Why am I always blushing when I just look at him? Why did it hurt so much when I saw the young woman kiss him? Do I...like him? Does he-huh?' I snapped out of it.

"Tom!" Tord called my name. I looked up at him. "Wha-" He suddenly threw some petals of the flowers in the sky and then they were falling down slowly. I was focused on the colourful petals falling when suddenly Tord tackled me down with a hug.

I blushed and looked at him with wide 'eyes'. He started laughing, making me blush even more. I loved his laugh...

He looked up at me, his cheeks pink. "I'm having fun here with you." He said and smiled. He hugged me tighter when I finally snapped out of this trance. I hugged him back, smiling.

After a while, we pulled away. "Heh, sorry about that. I got a little too excited." He said. I chuckled. "It's okay. I'm enjoying it here with you too." I said. He then showed me the flower crown he made for Matt.

I gave him a thumbs up and showed him the one I made for Edd. "Nice!" He said. I kept on blushing. I never wanted this to end. Then I just started picking up some random flowers and started making more flowers crowns.

I then heard Tord mumbling something to himself. "Blue, red, green, purple..." He kept saying that over and over again. I was curious about what he was doing. I looked over at him and saw that he was making a flower crown.

It was filled with blue, red, green and purple flowers. It looked amazing. I smiled at him and continued making my own. I was currently making it with light blue and white flowers. I liked the combination.

After I was done, I decided to take a short break. I layed down and watched as the clouds were passing by. I could see that some of the clouds looked like some certain things. One of them even looked like a running horse.

Tord then stopped saying the four colours he was using for the flower crown. I expected that he already finished it. I smiled and sat up. He looked at me and showed me the flower crown. It looked really pretty.

"It looks awesome!" I said. He chuckled. "Thanks! This feels so...so familiar." He said and stared at the flower crown he made for a while.

I placed a hand on his shoulder and he looked at me. I smiled at him. "You probably made flower crowns in your past, but to be honest, I never actually knew that." I said.

"Oh..." He said and looked down. I sighed and layed back down. I watched the clouds again. Tord after a while joined me and we talked about how the clouds looked like. I had fun and I was pretty sure Tord did too.

"Hey Tom?" He asked me. I looked at him. "Yes?" I asked him. "...Could you please tell me what happened last night?"

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