Chapter 17 Nightmares and Dreams

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Loki didn't sleep well that night. He kept having horrible nightmares, even though they were just memories of his time with the Chitauri. He didn't even really remember much of what had happened to him under their control, but his nightmares reminded him of some of the smaller details. When he woke up he barely remembered the nightmares, but from the looks of his hands he could see they'd been rough.

He gently untangled his body from Halldora's hold and walked quietly to the bathroom. He kept an eye on his open hands, making sure he didn't move them too much. It wasn't long before he'd washed most of the blood off of them, and he could see the thin cuts that lined up perfectly with his fingernails when he closed his fists. He shook his head, still unable to remember much of before he reached Midgard through the tesseract. Honestly, he had trouble remembering clearly the events that happened a little while after reaching Midgard as well. He poked his head out of the bathroom and listened carefully. Halldora was still asleep, and he smiled. He decided to surprise her with some breakfast. But first, he needed music.

It was a strange thing, but after learning a few Midgardian songs and watching how Halldora could make chores fun simply by dancing, he'd gotten used to having music playing constantly, if only as background noise. He quietly found his green, music square and skipped ahead until he found a song that he liked. He didn't make it too loud to wake Halldora up, but it was loud enough he could hear it while he did the dishes first.

He was being as quiet as he possibly could, but unfortunately the chorus was too good. He had to start singing along.

"Welcome to the jungle, we take it day by day," Loki started. He listened closely to the singer, trying to harmonise so that he wouldn't wake up Halldora. The singer had a much higher, rougher voice than he did, but he didn't mind. He'd never really sung along to a song before, he was surprised how nice his voice sounded. Honestly, he'd expected it to be as bad as Thor's strange, gravelly-shouty tones.

Meanwhile, in the bedroom, Halldora was dreaming. She was in Vanaheim, in the Hall of Freyr. The walls were shiny silver and opalescent, and there were great blue drapes everywhere. It wasn't as large as the palace of Asgard, but it was still magnificent. She could smell the sea air wafting in from outside, and her silvery gown rustled slightly as she moved. She was laughing, standing in the middle of a group of Vanir, at some sort of party or feast. Everyone seemed to be in their own conversations, but she liked listening to them talk and quipping back when one of them seemed rude.

Then she turned around in her dream, and she was suddenly in Asgard. She remembered everything so clearly. The smell of roasting pig nearby for the upcoming feast, the rumble of the large crowd of Asgardians around her, the sour taste of unchecked egos every hanging in the air. She then saw Mjolnir twirl in the air in front her, and saw the heir to the throne. Thor was striding past, his red cape billowing behind him as he soaked up the applause. She scoffed, watching him show off and cheer himself on as he walked towards Odin, ready to be crowned King. She didn't care about his coronation though, that wasn't why she was there. It certainly wasn't the reason she'd gone to the real coronation. She looked down the aisle, catching the eye of Frigga as the Queen walked past with her younger son striding next to her. Halldora sighed, she could see the upset look on Loki's face and she wanted to speak to him, to tell him that she was there to meet him and only him, rather than to revel in his brothers dimwittedness.

She suddenly woke up, because she recognised a voice singing

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She suddenly woke up, because she recognised a voice singing. She smiled, the image of a ginger man screaming into a microphone coming into her head as the song travelled to her ears. She sat up in bed, and from there she could look through the doorway and into the kitchen of the apartment. Then her ears picked up another voice, and she smiled. "In the jungle, welcome to the jungle," Loki sang, his voice sweet and deep, soft because he was trying to hide the fact he was singing. His hips, however, made up for it.

He kept swaying, working hard on something she couldn't see

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He kept swaying, working hard on something she couldn't see. She laid back down, hoping that he didn't realise she'd been watching him. She closed her eyes, listening to him walk back into the bedroom. "Lady Halldora?" He asked gently, following with a few clinking sounds.

She did her best 'just waking up' pose, sitting back up to look at him. He was holding a tray, with two tea cups and her favourite breakfast. Waffles with whipped cream and jam. "What are you apologising for?" She asked, smiling cheekily because she knew he'd get nervous.

"Nothing! I just-," he started, caught off guard while Halldora giggled at him

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"Nothing! I just-," he started, caught off guard while Halldora giggled at him.

"Just kidding Silvertongue," she said, and he laid the tray on her lap. "This is lovely," she said, taking the tea into her hands while Loki grabbed the other cup.

"You're welcome," he said, before sighing a little. "Lady Halldora, I need to get out of this apartment," he said, looking down at his tea while hiding his palms from her, "do you think I could run some errands or something? By myself?" He asked.

"Well, I don't know about errands, but I'm sure you could manage doing the groceries?" She asked.

Loki perked up, sitting straighter on the bed. "Excellent! Now, what do I need to get?" He asked.

"Hang on Silvertongue, I'll have to make you a list so we don't forget anything," she said, getting a pen and paper from the bedside table. Loki nodded, watching her as she wrote each item down.

"What does 'nibbles' mean?" He asked, after reading the word three times to try and decipher its meaning.

"Nibbles is sweet or salty foods which are not a meal, and are eaten for fun. You can get whatever you want. Check under either 'confectionary', 'biscuits' or 'snacks'." She explained.

"Anything I want?" He asked, getting excited that she trusted him to pick something good.

"Of course," She said, tucking into her waffles, "anything that looks good."

Loki nodded slowly, before drinking some of his tea. Halldora and he talked for a while, while she ate breakfast, and then they both got dressed. It wasn't nearly as long for him to button his shirt this time, and he was out the door as soon as Halldora handed him a shopping list and her debit card.

When she knew she was completely alone Halldora went to her private cupboard and took out the bag she'd stashed in there the day before. She sat down on the couch and began taking out the items, smiling to herself as she thought of her plan. Loki would have no clue, and she couldn't wait to surprise him. In the bag she'd bought a large amount of foam, an electric bread knife, some extra strong glue, and a can of gold spray paint. She giggled to herself, sketching out a plan of what she was going to make, making sure to include as many details as she could possibly remember. She went to work, gluing the sheets of think foam together, before drawing on them in sharpie to get the shape right. She worked at it for a few hours, but she put it all away when she could tell Loki would be home soon. He was going to be so excited.

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