Chapter 28 Spring Chicken

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"Halldora? My sweet Lady Wordsmith, please wake up."



"No. Let me sleep in for once." Halldora grumbled.

"Well," Loki sighed, I grin already plastered on his face. "I guess I'll have to eat all this breakfast by myself. Pancakes with bacon and waffles with chocolate strawberries all. For.

"I'm up! I'm up!" Halldora jumped, throwing the blankets off herself and standing up so quickly she almost knocked Loki to the floor.

Loki chuckled, "Be careful Lady Wordsmith, or I'll spill our tea."

Halldora looked down and was surprised Loki was carrying a tray with two mugs resting on it. She sat back down on the bed again and pulled her blankets to her chest. She reached up and made grabby hands at him to take her tea mug. Loki handed the blue mug to her while he sipped from his green one. Then he disappeared a moment and brought in breakfast for the two of them. Halldora was so excited she almost spilt her tea all over the covers.

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"I'm impressed Silvertongue," she smiled, "You actually cooked without setting the house on fire

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"I'm impressed Silvertongue," she smiled, "You actually cooked without setting the house on fire."

"Do you really think so little of me?" He asked, setting the food down on the bed

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"Do you really think so little of me?" He asked, setting the food down on the bed.

Halldora looked him in the eyes, stared deep into them to make sure he was watching her just as closely.

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