On screen

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(Leon leans in closer to Violetta. Violetta looks into Leon's eyes and then closes her eyes as Leon is about to kiss her)

*phone rings*

Violetta: oh is that your phone?

Leon: yeah.. erm.. sorry

(Leon picks up the phone)

Leon: Hello?

(Violetta waits for Leon)

Leon: Okay... I'm coming... Bye

(Violetta looks shocked as she realizes Leon is going to leave from their date)

Violetta: you're leaving?

Leon: yeah, i've got to go help Alex with something.

Violetta: aw

Leon: i'm sorry... I had a really good time

Violetta: it's okay, i will see you tommorow at school

Leon: ok bye

(Leon kisses Violetta on the cheek then leaves.)


Director: Cut! Good, thanks everyone! That's a wrap for today.

(Martina smiles at Jorge)

Martina: good job

Jorge: you too

(Martina goes over to get a water bottle. She sees Lodovica)

Lodo: good job tini!

Martina: Thanks lodo

Lodo: oh how i love when you do these scenes with Leon and Violetta.

Martina: what do you mean?

Lodo: you guys just have so much chemistry on set

(Lodo winks at Tini)

Martina: You mean... Me and Jorge?

Lodo: of course!

Martina: what? No way!

Lodo: yes way!

Martina: That's crazy! Plus I think it's just chemistry between our characters! Jorge is just a friend. A really close friend.

Lodo: Have you heard of Leonetta?

Martina: no...

Lodo: oh ok

(Martina was about to ask but she forgot what she was going to say as she glanced at Jorge hugging his girlfriend Stephie)

Lodo: what are you looking at?

(Lodo sees them)

Lodo: Ooh

Martina: what?

Lodo: nothing ;)


(Martina calls Peter, her boyfriend)

Martina: Peter where are you? You are supposed to pick me up remember??

Peter: uh yea... Im busy

Martina: why didn't you tell me??

Peter: i...forgot

Martina: what are you doing?

Peter: Nothing babe! You don't have to worry! Just ask someone to drop you please

Martina: Okay...

(Peter hangs up and Martina walks towards Lodo)

Martina: can you drop me home Lodo?

Lodo: sure thing. Let's go!


(They reach Martina's house)

Lodo: hey if you want, you can move in to my house! It's got two bedrooms so you can be my roomate.

Martina: that's really nice of you! I would love to... Let me think about it...

Lodo: okay whenever you want to just stay over..you can just come.

Martina: thanks


"Is it Really Just Acting?": A Jortini FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now