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(Jorge and Tini come into the set and the whole cast stares at them.)

Lodo: Where were you guys!? We were worried sick?!

Cande: Yeah! And tini, you missed your party!

Facu: Some guy went to the hospital!

(Tini had to explain everything to them)

*they split up in smaller boy/girl groups*

Lodo: So Tini...

Tini: please tell me! How's Aaron?

Lodo: He got out of the hospital. He's okay...

Tini: Oh ok... That's great...

Lodo: He's flying back to Paris...

Tini: Yeah... That's probably the best thing to do...

Mechi: So you're over him?

Tini: Yeah... I didn't like him that much anyways

Lodo: I knew that you only liked him to get over Jorge!

(Tini glares at Lodo)

Cande: Speaking of Jorge... What did he looks like when he beat up Peter?!

Alba: Yeah! Must have looked heroic, huh?

Tini: erm...

(They laugh.)


Ruggero: So was it awkward between Tini and Stephie?

Jorge: nah... She passed out for a while... She didn't really notice Tini...

Diego: I can't believe you fought with Peter!

Facu: That must have been tense...

Ruggero: But it makes him look courageous!

Jorge: erm.. No

Samuel: Yeah it does! You technically saved Tini.

Ruggero: Of course he did (he says smirking)

(Jorge blushes and they all laugh)


(After shooting, Tini and Jorge bumped into each other.)

Tini: oh hey...

Jorge: Hi...

Tini: erm... I forgot to thank you... For yesterday...

Jorge: No problem...

(Tini smiles and they awkwardly stand there)

Jorge: Erm... So I should go...

Tini: oh right! You have to take care of Stephie!

Jorge: Yeah... Bye...

(He walks away and Tini sighs.)


(Jorge drives home and sees Stephie talking to someone on the phone.)

Stephie: Uhh I got to go bye... *she hangs up*

Jorge: Hey... Who were you talking to?

Stephie: No one... Just my friend..

Jorge: oh ok..

Stephie: Anyways I'm gonna go to the store

Jorge: No you're sick! You should rest... I will go to the store-

Stephie: Jorge, I'm fine *she slowly gets up*... Trust me... Don't worry..

Jorge: At least Let me drive you...

Stephie: No Jorge... I will go buy it myself...

Jorge: What are you buying?

Stephie: Erm.. Nothing.... Just some stuff....

(She walks out the door groaning and gets in her car. Jorge scratches his head.)

Jorge (thinking to himself): Why does Stephie want to go buy something herself? I hope she is not keeping anything from me...


"Is it Really Just Acting?": A Jortini FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now